Anyone living in Surrey?

Hi again,

Sorry, I wasn`t online last night as Twilight came out and I HAD to watch it ;) :D

Can I ask what is wrong with the person you`ll be looking after? I have thought about doing something like that. My eldest daughter has special needs and various medical problems, So I wouldn`t mind working in that field.

How did the nursery visit go? I love the one my daughter attends :) She currently does Tuesday & Thursdays 9-3 but I am thinking of adding a Fri am as she really enjoys it. Dunno tho, As I quite like having her to myself ;)

Do you know Jakes in Bagshot? We could meet there with the LOs and they can play while we chat ;)

How are you doing on Lipotrim? I am not familiar with the diet, Sorry. Do you just not eat certain stuff? Or is it shakes etc? Good Luck with it!! :D

I have my blood tests tomorrow :( Dreading them!! :cry:

I have really rubbish veins which they have trouble finding :( Then when they do, They can never get any blood out :cry:

Hope you have had a good day today? My friend came over with her mindee and her daughter who is also friends with my eldest daughter and we watched Twiglight (3rd time for me :8855:) and had a nice lunch :D

Her friend is staying over and we`ll prob watch Juno or something :D whilst I savour my steak for tea before starving myself for tomorrow lol

Catch up soon,

LiSe Xxx

Hi Jim ;)

How are you today?

My BIL was in 3 para years ago (20+) and they lived in Aldershot. I think where they lived has been knocked down now tho.

I think it`s amazing how we can talk to people on here who are miles away yet have been local. Maybe even in the past we may have walked past one another and never known it!

Anyway, Rambling as usual :rolleyes: Hope you are having a good week x How is your diet going? Are you still on it? (obviously you don`t look like you need to be!).

LiSe Xxx

mum in surrey

Hi there,
I'm mum to 17 month old twins, and am local to the Merton/Morden area if that's any good for you?

I'd really love to meet some diet buddies!! Every one of my existing friends is slim and never had a weight problem:sigh:

Lise, I was 2 Para from '71 to '74 and absolutely loved it, but it wasn't a career option really so I transferred over to the RAOC, "Rag and Oil" as we were called and worked in an IT trade.
Afternoon Jim :)

What do you do now? My DH is a programmer :)

I hope you have a lovely Easter, Do you have any plans?

LiSe x
Lise, I have been everything in IT. Programmer, Unix Guru, Consultant, Systems Integrator, Programming Team leader, Systems Analyst, Business Analyst, IT Director, Communications Manager, and finally at the end of my Career IT Manager. I love my job. :D I can't quite believe I'm still working in IT at 60, one of the most ageist professions going, believe me.
Blimey! Am tired just reading all that ;)

I know it can be very ageist (sp?) in that profession :sigh:

Glad to hear you`re still enjoying it :D

I wonder where Jo has been hiding? Maybe I scared her living so close :giggle:
Hi there,
I'm mum to 17 month old twins, and am local to the Merton/Morden area if that's any good for you?

I'd really love to meet some diet buddies!! Every one of my existing friends is slim and never had a weight problem:sigh:

I am soooo sorry! I totally missed your post. I wasn`t being intentionally ignorant :(

I *think* Morden is about 45 mins from me? Geography isn`t my strong point i`m afraid :rolleyes:

Do you know Bagshot? There is a really good softplay there if you fancy it sometime?

Hope you have a great Easter xX
Maybe she has gone away for Easter Lise.
Good thinking Batman ;)

I forget that normal people leave t`internet sometimes :D
Hi Lise,

Still here! sorry taken so long to relpy! how are you? yeah jakes sounds good! let me know when u r free. how u getting on? are u getting the pills from docs?xxxxxxxxxxx

Hi precious,
i'm in woking too and lise is in camBerley x
Hi Jo-anne and Lise,

Well done to you both on your weght losses, go girls!!

Just a quick post... I live in Surrey too, probably near you Lise.

I leave ten minute walk from town.

Enjoy Easter Sunday. Sorry so short just on my way out xx
Hey everyone, I used to live in Pirbright and know the area well as my mate lives in frimley..........hoping to move back there later this year as miss the area quite a bit.

Hope you're all having a lovely easter
Welcome Precious, Dolly & Dappy :D

How kewl that we all live near to each other!!!

Do any of you have LOs? Maybe we could all meet up (with Jo) and the softplay and let the little ppl play while we have a gossip - Hows that for perfect parenting? ;) :p

Did you mean you live 10 mins from Camberley town Dolly? If so, We live VERY close! :D

I`m good thanks Jo, Stressing about my Drs appt on Tues :( Panicking it will be really bad news :cry: Once I have seen her I will know where I stand re the pills :)

Hope everyone has had a great easter? I have eaten far too much chocolate!!! :rolleyes:;):p

LiSe XXx

Yes I live ten mins walk from town centre, not far from fire station, so probably live very close.

Meet up sounds good, not dont have any little ones, but would love to meet you all if that can be arranged? Dont no many people in the area as work away alot and when home not much fun going out on your own!!!
Mind you have scaled down social life while doing this diet, so ready to wow the world when done. hehe

Lucky you, Lise, chocolate!!

Well have a good week everybody and hope everyone had a nice Easter.
Go away tomorrow till wednesday xx

Yes I live ten mins walk from town centre, not far from fire station, so probably live very close.

:eek: You live just round the corner from me!

Just a quickie as my toddler had me up ALL night last night so I haven`t slept yet and dead on my feet =/ Do you work full time? Could you cope sitting in a soft play? lol If not, Maybe we could all meet for a brew in town sometime? I can do Tues & Thurs as I am child free those days ;)

MUST go to bed as I am sooooooooooooo tired!!!!!

Speak soon,

LiSe Xxxx

Yes, can cope with children in softplay, as have a few friends with little ones.

Yes, work full time. Sorry cant do Tuesday as in Athens and Thursday in Sweden till weekend.

Hope you get better night sleep.

Do get week days off some times depends on work roster.
Sleep well Lise
I can`t do this week either ;)

Where do you work? (if that isn`t too nosy?) I wonder if we have walked past each other lol

I AM going to bed - When I CBA to move :rolleyes: lol xX