Anyone Maintaining Who Wants Help And Mutual Support To Stay Put?

well done Quins :) I feel like I'm in for a gain this week, but as I have to gain or maintain to stay in target could live with it!! Hope its not more than a pound though as have awful week coming up...staying with friends and dining out so it will be 3 non SW meals a day from Wed to Sat....uh-oh! haha
Hmmm 1.5 on. Not sure how I feel, pretty narked I think as followed plan 100% as knew was going to have to take a hit this week!!!! Will just have to cross fingers and try to make good choices. Hate not being in control of my meals!
Happy to say just half off so I'm half under target feel happier I'm happy for it to be just under as I have a bigger saftey net just don't want to lose much if any more now
I guess you can call that "maintenance" ...

Lost 3 so I'm out of range by half a pound . Need to eat well this week
I am still at the bottom of target WI after 4 weeks and had to dress in heavy clothes, eat a big breakfast and pint of water before going. Otherwise I would have paid and I am not going to pay to be at correct BMI. Cons no time to talk. Good news is I am maintaining the loss and not losing anymore. But its 6 pounds under target if dressed light.
I am eating four hexb two a's and not ovely synning bits as I just homecook most food still. Hubby weighs tonight after 4 weeks too, he is near bottom too. So for us SW really does work if you eat correctly.
I've been at target, in fact 1.2lbs below, since the end of Feb. I've just arrived in the UK from Australia to see my family for a wee holiday and much to my horror this morning, when I asked my brother where he kept his bathroom scales, he said he didn't have any! So I rushed out and bought a set, is that really sad? lololol
Yip I went through exactly the same thing, some weeks still do. I also sometimes freak out at a gain. Its hard to lose the 'most lose' mentality. But I am slowly learning its ok to let go, now and then, but not all the time :)
I think we are all the same. But I've learnt to just accept a little gain and get it off next week. Went 1lb over target range last week after a gain on my holidays so I'm just back on plan 100% this week to get it off again.


It's just all about not letting the gains - or losses for that matter - mount up and then getting stressed when you suddenly find they have crept up to 7 lbs outside target!
After 2 lbs gain last week, 3.5 lbs off for me this week!
Well done but here.

Your ticker shows mega loss but your Minis stats show something else. Are they way out of date?
After a week of eating out and not being in control (was staying on peoples sofas etc!) and first drinking sesh since before christmas, I lost 1.5!!! Body officially backwards. But I suspect its more likely that my body takes a week to 'catch up' so I'll probably see the effect this week on the scales.
Been between target and 2lb under since achieving. V pleased. Had a v tough week prior to this week, had a conference abroad, lots of socialising and beer. Was worried that I would go over target etc. No sw food provided at lunch, rolls and buns and I was starving. Did the best I could at the hotel breakfast, eggs and ham and managed to get a salad bar and pork chop lunch on last day. Sneaky peak showed 2lb over target when I got home at 12'12. 2 days back on plan and I weighed in at target again 12'10. This week back under at 12'8. No need to worry if you go back on plan!
Exactly Quins! We all know the plan works or we wouldn't be here in the first place :)
I'm on a 23 day holiday back in the UK, I've been back for 6 days and not been 'off plan' once, oh and had 4 gym sessions so far and not gone over 5 syns a day lol Worrying thing is it's my birthday weekend/St Pats, so tonight it's a chinese with the family, tomorrow St Pats night out, Sunday a big meal with the family and Monday it's my birthday, EEEEK! Tonight I'm going to have a portion of edmame beans, boiled rice, gluten free stir fried veggies and a portion of curry sauce which I'll not use too much of. Fingers crossed that doesn't do too much damage, not used any of my syns today so...

Just back from the gym so I'm currently scoffing my first pasta and sauce in two whole years and OMG IT'S LUSH! LOL
Haha glad youre enjoying your holiday!!! I wouldn't worry too much about everything thats coming up, especially as you've stayed on plan the rest of the time! It'll be fine, and if you do gain a few pounds so what eh its for a good cause so to speak, and a week back on plan will soon shift it! Hope you have/had a good birthday!! :)