Anyone Maintaining Who Wants Help And Mutual Support To Stay Put?

well done Ginlin! And Jo I'm determined to gain this pound and then actually maintain haha, I think I still need to get out the strict mindset which got me to target in the first place. Starting by making the OH take me out for dinner, with desert haha, every little helps!!
Charlotte, that could so easy be one of my posts. I'm beginning to realise that I may want to be 7 something and have a BMI under 21, but being short it just means I will have problems finding shops with my size and I'm no better off than before I lost the weight (in clothes department).
Good stuff ginlin. I was determined to get in target range and had to do it by eating naughty things, but now i just need to work out how to stay in range but not go wrong.
Enjoy the dinner.
I am 5ft 1 and 3/4 Tip and its a struggle as I am bordering on a size 6, and that is hard to find. I like being an 8 happy with a slim 10. But size 10 was over my BMI, mad isn't it?
Good stuff ginlin. I was determined to get in target range and had to do it by eating naughty things, but now i just need to work out how to stay in range but not go wrong.
Enjoy the dinner.
I am 5ft 1 and 3/4 Tip and its a struggle as I am bordering on a size 6, and that is hard to find. I like being an 8 happy with a slim 10. But size 10 was over my BMI, mad isn't it?

Thanks Jo x

I don't know how old you are, but I am nearly 49, and I have learnt as I have got older, that I really can't be a skinny minny, because as my Mum would say, there are no wrinkles on a balloon, plus, skin is much less forgiving when it gets a bit too big:eek:

So, I didn't look at my BMI when I chose target, I just made it what would have been the top range of my WW goal weight that I reached when I was 39.

It must be about right for me, because the only time I dropped below Target range was when my MIL was ill and died, and I had to go to WI with jeans on;)
Hi Lynne & Jo - the saggy skin does get better slowly.
I've been massaging my wrinkly bits with oil every night now for the last 6-9 months and it does look a bit better.
I'm 57 in August so not a cat in hell's chance of any elasticity left in the skin.

Like you Lynn, I can't ever be a skinny minny again - not that I have been since I got married in 1976!!!! :eek:
I stopped when I was back into 14 tops and 16 bums (good childbearing hips I'm told) 'cos at that I look fine.

The thing that is weird for me is that I've actually lost inches since I got to final target in November and bought a lovely pair of fitted trousers.
They are now too big even though I'm 3lbs over target. My body shape has continued to change even though I've lost no more weight.

Anyone else finding this?
Yes I think you lose all over and then it seems to readjust into different areas after a few weeks/months. I was heavier at the bottom when I reached target, it seems to have shifted up and my arms were skinnier than they are now. My face also looked a bit thin but has plumped out, but I am lighter than at target.
My stomach is the only bit that looks a bit saggy, however I am happy enough to look great in the clothes I want to buy and my hubby loves my tummy.
I agree about the changing shape over time, because I am fitting into slimmer clothes now at nearly nine months after reaching target, than I was then, and weigh exactly the same.

Also, I find that even going down to the bottom range of target, which is three pounds lighter than I am now, makes a huge difference in how lose my clothes are.

There also didn't appear to be much change in the size of my boobs, but suddenly, I have had to buy smaller bras!

And Bev, thanks, I think I need to up my game on moisurising my body;)
Lynne & Jo - I could have written both your posts!

People started telling me to stop losing weight when I was still a stone from target as my face looked too thin.
I don't know whether it's plumped out a bit or whether the rest of my body has caught up but everyone now says I look good.
Perhaps they've just got used to me being thinner.

And boobs - I only dropped 1 bra size for the whole of my weight loss but since I've been maintaining I've lost another one. Weird!!!

And yes - saggy tummy rules in this house. Like you I'm happy in clothes, as these hide it, but I was worried about being in a swimsuit.
I live in them in the summer here - it's too hot for anything else. But I just bought a new tankini and the bottoms are support ones and hold it all in. :D

Lynne - don't just moisturise with cream - get some massage oil from somewhere like the Body Shop and really rub it in.
It really has helped with the skin on my thighs and tum. They looked very "wrinkly" when I got to target.
Ok they're still a bit wrinkly but nowhere near as bad and I'm hoping that they will continue to improve.
I've got one of those bobbly massage things, so no excuses in not using it, and I also bought a large bottle of bio oil when t was half price, but haven't opened the box, as I said, I really do need to up my game a bit, but I do always use firming cream on my boobs and upper arms, just never go any further....lazy girl me!

Bev, would the bio oil be good?
Argan oil is fab sometimes known as Miraccoil or Moroccan Oil. Deep circular motions for the tummy works great and as an added bonus aids digestion too!
I reviewed Caudalie stomach firming scrub and massage oil, have to say it was brilliant before my weight loss and so expensive.
Good to know it keeps getting better if you keep massaging. Must make it a more regular event in the bathroom.
The bio oil would probably be brill! I used it on a horrid scar after an op and although it didn't get rid of it it did improve things.
It's supposed to be beneficial to stretch marks - and it may work on our wrinkly bits too.
Never though of using in. I might have a go in my neck which has some yukky skin too!
I suspect with me though that is just age creeping up on me!
Now my neck is something I do moisturise well, as I am paranoid about it after having a partial thyroidectomy a number of years ago, and did so, to hide the scar.

I will dig the bio oil out, instead of leaving it in the cupboard!
Might try on my neck, it went a bit scraggy but has settled and it beats having chubby jowls still!!

Deffo agree with that Jo - chubby jowls was nothing. I could no longer count the number of chins I had!
Quins said:
Don't worry about it cyberjelly, you've identified the reason and have a plan. Stick ringed sw plan and you will be back in range soon. You know it works. The hard bit was fessing up on the gain and identifying the reason. I think you will find we are all like guided missiles, always going off course unless our computers guide us back on track. You can do it. Most if us in here have a blip. You are in good company, cheer up.

Agree 100%!
So I said to my other half earlier, that I might sort out my wardrobe tomorrow and get all of the bigger clothes out and vacuum seal them. He doesn't quite get why it's too soon to chuck them as I've only been at target since Feb... What did everyone else do with theirs and how soon after reaching target?
I got rid, apart from a pair of shorts which made me look huge and to remind me, if I feel glum, I put them on and they fall to the ground. My hubby talked me into getting rid, said to make way for new clothes and say goodbye to old stuff. I have been at target since October, I'm not going back into bigger dress sizes!