Anyone starting in October?

@ V-Girl - ha theres no November starters group yet so you'll have to make do with is.

My nob of a GP refused to sign my form today saying it was against the practice policy as they have concerns about vlcds. So I've got to pay £40 to get superdrug to do it instead. It has better be worth all the hassle when I eventually start. Anyway form filling on Wednesday still in time for Thursday group. Think I'll cut out the fizzy drinks in preparation. Hope everyone is ok xx
LOL It will be fine Vanda. I feel like I've already started as I reduce my sugar intake, preparation. No chocolate for the last two days - miracle.

Regarding your Dr - I'm not sure why they have such an issue with it? Yet most will be happy to put you up for an op? What's that all about.

They wanted me to go on a diet that they put together and have check-ups with the nurse. But that seemed pointless, as it's not dealing with my emotional eating issues. I have got to get my form signed so I will call the surgery tomorrow and see what their policy is about it. Oh joy! :p

Glad you're getting yours done! :)
Hi October Starters....

anyone else struggling?!?! I am on day 3 and I'm snappy and irritable and starving and craving chicken of all things!! I was crying last night through frustration but I think I left too big a gap between food packs.

I keep being told these feelings will go and it will get easier, I really hope they do. I am meeting with the counsellor tomorrow for a weigh in and chat, she thinks that I'll have some results already but I don't think I will.

Anyone else feeling my pain?!!

Looly x
Hi everyone, Sorry looly you are not feeling your best hope things get better soon for you.
Well its day 2 for me and so far so good , going on holiday tomorrow so that will be a test but confidant i can do it. Wont have my first weigh in till a week on wednesday so will be very excited by then. Got a great LLC really like her and the meeting was very intresting looking forward to more of them when i get back, very different to anything i have done before. Hope everyone has a great week and will be intrested to see how everyone has done on my return. Lorraine
Hi Lorraine,

Good luck with the holiday, will be interested to hear how you got on as I have a holiday in December and not sure what to do.

I am feeling a bit better this afternoon, drinking more water which seems to help.

Hi Looly, water seems to be the key from what i am hearing need to get enough down. I am going on holiday again in december too but hope to be a couple of stone lighter by then !! have a good week Lorraine
vanda said:
@ V-Girl - ha theres no November starters group yet so you'll have to make do with is.

My nob of a GP refused to sign my form today saying it was against the practice policy as they have concerns about vlcds. So I've got to pay £40 to get superdrug to do it instead. It has better be worth all the hassle when I eventually start. Anyway form filling on Wednesday still in time for Thursday group. Think I'll cut out the fizzy drinks in preparation. Hope everyone is ok xx

It's worth it! Welcome all new starters and nearly new starters. I had the same issue with my GP and had to pa £55 at a private GP , it is fab though.
I go to asda monthly for ongoing health checks, it's free there.

Good luck all, water, water, water! And post on here as well as read it helps,
They wanted me to go on a diet that they put together and have check-ups with the nurse. But that seemed pointless, as it's not dealing with my emotional eating issues. I have got to get my form signed so I will call the surgery tomorrow and see what their policy is about it. Oh joy! :p

Thats just my point about 'diets' I know what to eat I need help in sorting out my head. Any joy with the surgery ?

I keep being told these feelings will go and it will get easier, I really hope they do. I am meeting with the counsellor tomorrow for a weigh in and chat, she thinks that I'll have some results already but I don't think I will.

Anyone else feeling my pain?!!

Looly x

Oh sorry you are having a rough time, I think things should improve once you are in ketosis. I'm sure you will have a weight loss tomorrow and that will give you the boost you need x

Well its day 2 for me and so far so good , going on holiday tomorrow so that will be a test but confidant i can do it. Wont have my first weigh in till a week on wednesday so will be very excited by then. Got a great LLC really like her and the meeting was very intresting looking forward to more of them when i get back, very different to anything i have done before. Hope everyone has a great week and will be intrested to see how everyone has done on my return. Lorraine

Thats great motivation starting just before your hols. I hope you have a lovely time xx

It's worth it! Welcome all new starters and nearly new starters. I had the same issue with my GP and had to pa £55 at a private GP , it is fab though.
I go to asda monthly for ongoing health checks, it's free there.

Good luck all, water, water, water! And post on here as well as read it helps,
£55? so I should be happy with my £40 charge then. There will be no problem with the monthly checks cos as I am a nurse I can do that myself. So thats something anyway
Your monthly check form needs stamping with the practice stamp and signing off, good luck when you Starr

I've been told by the LLC as long as I put my PIN number on there I can do it myself so there will be no problems
Hey all,

Hope you are having good weekends.

I thought I'd let you all know that I went to a drop in weigh in on Saturday, and after 3 days I had lost half a stone, I couldn't actually believe it and said to the woman that I don't think the scales are working!!

I am really pleased, this is extremely hard and a daily struggle but if I carry on losing like that it won't be for long!!

I hope everyone else is doing well

x x
Thank you, I am so pleased, I've lost even more since then but weekly weigh in is tomorrow.

I can notice the difference and its day 5, hunger isn't as bad now either which is helping.

Good luck to everyone :)

Looly x
Looly said:
Thank you, I am so pleased, I've lost even more since then but weekly weigh in is tomorrow.

I can notice the difference and its day 5, hunger isn't as bad now either which is helping.

Good luck to everyone :)

Looly x

Well done Hun.. I'm nearly at the end of day 1 yippee. Good luck xxx
Week 1 weigh in and I lost 11lbs, can't quite believe it! I can't wait for more to come off, I am impatient!!

How is everyone else doing??

x x
Well done Looly x
Hi and welcome everyone!

Good luck on you LL journey.

Soon to be slimmer,healthier ladies.

Sexy xx
Looly said:
Week 1 weigh in and I lost 11lbs, can't quite believe it! I can't wait for more to come off, I am impatient!!

How is everyone else doing??

x x

Wow that's ace!!! I can't wait for mine on sat ( mid week) weigh in.. I'm on day 3 now ,, like you I'm inpatient I guess it's cos were sacrificing food that were like that .. I'm really hoping for 5-7 lbs total first week!! Who knows doubt it will be anything like yours! Well done. How are you finding it?

Angie xx