Anyone starting in October?

Hope we all are doing well and have had a fab weekend. I have been working and have my days off Mon & Tues. I must admit that I have days where I feel as if I really miss food but other days seem to fly by with no cravings.

@caffinated - how did your weigh in go Thursday?

Have a very good week all xx
Hi Vanda - i lost 8 and 3/4lb which is not too bad - i can only hope it is as good this week although i doubt it will be!
I posted in the Xmas thread - it was eid yesterday and whilst cooking i totally lost it sampling some food i was cooking. I am worried for my weigh in!

I intentionally fasted on friday and saturday to ensure i laid off the foods but sunday was dreadful with my exposure to food!

I know at groups we talk about what emotiosn cause us to turn to food etc, but how do you deal with situations where food is just staring you in the face??
Forgot to add - how are you doing? (its all me me me when i have a bad day lol)
Ha, I'm fine thanks. I've had some dodgy moments when surrounded by food and have really wanted to eat. But I reminded myself that is was my choice to follow this plan and asked myself would I be happy 2 hours later if I ate it. Not saying it was easy but having that pause to do some thinking definately worked for me.

Draw a line under the unplanned eating now and just be proud that you have got back on it straight away. Well done for that, I would also ask you LLC how to deal with similar situations. Have a good week x
Ive managed to stay good so far since sunday but i would be soooooooooo happy if i could get to a full 7 days of not nibbling/licking anything i come into contact with.

One thing i have done is intentionally stay away from diet coke which despite its lack of actual calories always sets me onto a slippery slope.

Its nice to know ive lost 5% of my body weight (or is it 5% of my target?) on the statistics thingy. I just hope i can be good in the run upto Xmas given the number of parties etc that you end up going along to :party0016:
It is daunting thinking about the Christmas parties and such like that will be coming up. It might help if you didnt think of things as being good if you dont eat cos that implies you are bad if you do. Just remember you have chosen to follow this plan for a reason and keep reminding yourself what your reasons are. Is the food more important that your reasons for wanting to lose weight? Only you can control what you choose to eat or not eat. I know its not always easy but if you really want it you can do this.

Well done for 100% since Sunday take it one day at a time and it will soon by one week of 100% x
i started in october with the incentive to lose weight once and for all! the journey has been ok so far.. i have my end of 3 week wi tomorrow! not sure what to expect :rolleyes:
Hi bg your losses have been great so far, so there is no reason to think they will drop much. Good luck for tomorrow, dont forget to post your loss x
hi vanda

i knew i wouldnt lose much as i had a naughty meal on sunday :( but i had monday, tuesday, wednesday to make up for it. that will teach me a lesson as i only lost 1.8lb :cry: was hoping i would cross the 1stone mark, but hey ho next week hopefully

beegee x
My week 3 weigh in is tonight!! I hope its a good one - i do weigh myself every day but its hard to tell how different the scales at the group are to my home scales and i suppose it differs on the time of day i get weighed too..
vanda said:
Hi bg your losses have been great so far, so there is no reason to think they will drop much. Good luck for tomorrow, dont forget to post your loss x

Hi vanda how you doing Hun????xxxxxxx

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