anyone up for a 4 week challenge??

Blackrose -21lbs
Floridagirl -15lbs
cruiksl -12lbs
sara4 -14lbs
curleytop -16lbs
lou -16
19y/omummytummy -14lbs
mummyem -14lbs
blondiecat -16lbs
debsx -20lbs
beccamckecca -14lbs
dd26 -16lbs
Scamp -14 lbs
Matronix- 14lbs
Just to let you all know I lost 3 pounds this week, bit gutted as thought I had lost more, but at least it's 3 pounds off my 16 target, so 13 to go! Good luck everyone.Tried a peanut flapjack today, yuk! x
Ive had weigh in today, so i'll start as of tonight please.
can you put me down for 12lbs please.
I'm up for it. Need somehting else to keep me going once the easter challenge is over. An overlap of the two challenges is not a bad thing.

I'll challenge myself to lose 14lbs :)


Well done Curleytop!!!!

Blackrose -21lbs
Floridagirl -15lbs
cruiksl -12lbs
sara4 -14lbs
curleytop -16lbs (-3lbs) 13lbs to go
lou -16
19y/omummytummy -14lbs
mummyem -14lbs
blondiecat -16lbs
debsx -20lbs
beccamckecca -14lbs
dd26 -16lbs
Scamp -14lbs
Matronix -14lbs
Wellyshelley -12lbs
Hoolie -14lbs
Thanks Becca, just got to keep plodding on! x
My first weigh in for 4 week challenge and happy to have lost 4lbs!
Well done Sara, you are doing fab! x
Woohoo well done sara!!!!!

Blackrose -21lbs
Floridagirl -15lbs
cruiksl -12lbs
sara4 -14lbs (-4lbs) 10lbs to go
curleytop -16lbs (-3lbs) 13lbs to go
lou -16
19y/omummytummy -14lbs
mummyem -14lbs
blondiecat -16lbs
debsx -20lbs
beccamckecca -14lbs
dd26 -16lbs
Scamp -14lbs
Matronix -14lbs
Wellyshelley -12lbs
Hoolie -14lbs
xxKirstyxx 16lbs
Had my first weigh in today and lost 7.5 lbs :)
So that leaves me 8.5 to go for the challenge - fingers crossed!
:Do my god i cant believe i didnt find this thread already! can i join in?? i really need dat extra push to keep goin! i'd love to lose 16lbs by the goal date!! :rolleyes:

Blackrose -21lbs
Floridagirl -15lbs
cruiksl -12lbs
sara4 -14lbs (-4lbs) 10lbs to go
curleytop -16lbs (-3lbs) 13lbs to go
lou -16
19y/omummytummy -14lbs
mummyem -14lbs
blondiecat -16lbs
debsx -20lbs
beccamckecca -14lbs
dd26 -16lbs
Scamp -14lbs
Matronix -14lbs
Wellyshelley -12lbs
Hoolie -14lbs
xxKirstyxx 16lbs
ad1987 -16lbs
:pyay!! well so do it chukki!! do u want to add the extra 4 days dat we missed since this thread started to the end of the challenge? like our goal date wud be april 29th? its a wednesday! let me know!!

Hey blackrose, well done thats a fantastic loss, are you going for 16lbs now then

Blackrose -21lbs (-7.5lbs) 13.5lbs to go
Floridagirl -15lbs
cruiksl -12lbs
sara4 -14lbs (-4lbs) 10lbs to go
curleytop -16lbs (-3lbs) 13lbs to go
lou -16
19y/omummytummy -14lbs
mummyem -14lbs
blondiecat -16lbs
debsx -20lbs
beccamckecca -14lbs
dd26 -16lbs
Scamp -14lbs
Matronix -14lbs
Wellyshelley -12lbs
Hoolie -14lbs
xxKirstyxx 16lbs
ad1987 -16lbs
Chukki -16lbs
1st 6lbs off 8 to get my target.:)So i'm pleased.
Oooooooooooo can I put myself down too, I would love the challenge and just might help me stay on track.
I'll match your 21lb just because I havn't had first weigh in yet so am hoping that a biggy to put towards it.

1. Goals to survive first week
2. to lose a stone
3. to get through first month
Many more mini goals to come.

start weight 13st 8.5lb
goal weight 10st

I've lost 3lbs this week, so you can knock that off my 16 goal