anyone up for a 4 week challenge??

7lbs off my 12lbs goal this week, only 5 to go, maybe I should have aimed higher but may be due a low week or 2 now lol
Blackrose -21lbs (-7.5lbs) 13.5lbs to go
Floridagirl -15lbs
cruiksl -12lbs
sara4 -14lbs (-4lbs) 10lbs to go
curleytop -16lbs (-3lbs) 13lbs to go
lou -16
19y/omummytummy -14lbs
mummyem -14lbs
blondiecat -16lbs
debsx -20lbs
beccamckecca -14lbs
dd26 -16lbs
Scamp -14lbs (-7.5lbs) 6.5lbs to go
Matronix -14lbs
Wellyshelley -12lbs
Hoolie -14lbs
xxKirstyxx 16lbs
ad1987 -16lbs
Chukki -16lbs
Blackrose -21lbs (-7.5lbs) 13.5lbs to go
Floridagirl -15lbs
cruiksl -12lbs
sara4 -14lbs (-4lbs) 10lbs to go
curleytop -16lbs (-3lbs) 13lbs to go
lou -16
19y/omummytummy -14lbs
mummyem -14lbs
blondiecat -16lbs
debsx -20lbs
beccamckecca -14lbs
dd26 -16lbs(-7.5lbs)
Scamp -14lbs (-7.5lbs) 6.5lbs to go
Matronix -14lbs
Wellyshelley -12lbs
Hoolie -14lbs
xxKirstyxx 16lbs
ad1987 -16lbs(-10lbs)6 to go
Chukki -16lbs
Blackrose -21lbs (NO WI until next week)
Floridagirl -15lbs
cruiksl -12lbs
sara4 -14lbs (-4lbs) 10lbs to go
curleytop -16lbs (-3lbs) 13lbs to go
lou -16
19y/omummytummy -14lbs
mummyem -14lbs
blondiecat -16lbs
debsx -20lbs
beccamckecca -14lbs
dd26 -16lbs(-7.5lbs)
Scamp -14lbs (-7.5lbs) 6.5lbs to go
Matronix -14lbs
Wellyshelley -12lbs
Hoolie -14lbs
xxKirstyxx 16lbs
ad1987 -16lbs(-10lbs)6 to go
Chukki -16lbs

Everyone up to date??
Hey you missed hoo...
Can you put me down for a match of 21lb please.

Thanks Jo x x x x
original request permalink 40
Blackrose -21lbs (-7.5lbs) 13.5lbs to go
Floridagirl -15lbs
cruiksl -12lbs
sara4 -14lbs (-4lbs) 10lbs to go
curleytop -16lbs (-3lbs) 13lbs to go
lou -16
19y/omummytummy -14lbs
mummyem -14lbs
blondiecat -16lbs
debsx -20lbs
beccamckecca -14lbs
dd26 -16lbs(-7.5lbs)
Scamp -14lbs (-7.5lbs) 6.5lbs to go
Matronix -14lbs
Wellyshelley -12lbs
Hoolie -14lbs
xxKirstyxx 16lbs
ad1987 -16lbs(-10lbs)6 to go
Chukki -16lbs
jojoknott-21 LBS

there ya go Jojo, ;)

And thanks AD!:D

Blackrose -21lbs
Floridagirl -15lbs
cruiksl -12lbs
sara4 -14lbs (-4lbs) 10lbs to go
curleytop -16lbs (-3lbs) 13lbs to go
lou -16
19y/omummytummy -14lbs
mummyem -14lbs
blondiecat -16lbs
debsx -20lbs
beccamckecca -14lbs
dd26 -16lbs(-7.5lbs)
Scamp -14lbs (-7.5lbs) 6.5lbs to go
Matronix -14lbs
Wellyshelley -12lbs
Hoolie -14lbs
xxKirstyxx 16lbs
ad1987 -16lbs(-10lbs)6 to go
Chukki -16lbs
jojoknott -21 lbs
Can I join in too? However Im on day 3, but would love 21lbs to be my target for this month!!
Thanks for the update Ad :)
Everyone is doing great - reckon we'll have a 100% success rate!!
no no..corkguy!join in! just copy n paste d list in a msg n add ur name n goal for the end of april!! most doin it to the last sat in april!! goood luck xx
Hi, i need to take my 7lbs off, how do I do this?
First week weigh in toaday and lost 7.5lb.......whoop whoop.
Can you take this of my total please hun x x x x

Jo x x x x

Blackrose -21lbs
Floridagirl -15lbs
cruiksl -12lbs
sara4 -14lbs (-4lbs) 10lbs to go
curleytop -16lbs (-3lbs) 13lbs to go
lou -16
19y/omummytummy -14lbs
mummyem -14lbs
blondiecat -16lbs
debsx -20lbs
beccamckecca -14lbs
dd26 -16lbs(-7.5lbs)
Scamp -14lbs (-7.5lbs) 6.5lbs to go
Matronix -14lbs
Wellyshelley -12lbs
Hoolie -14lbs
xxKirstyxx 16lbs
ad1987 -16lbs(-10lbs)6 to go
Chukki -16lbs
jojoknott -21 lbs
corkguy34 -21lbs (-10lbs) 11 lbs to go
Hi, just to update you I lost 2 pounds yesterday, that is only 5 pounds off my 16 pound challenge. I can't see me doing that by the end of April? I really feel like my weight loss has slowed down and I'm a bit gutted, but at least it's a loss. I haven't cheated at all but think maybe I didn't drink as much water last week just lots of black coffee. I will plod on this week and see what happens, fingers crossed. Good luck everyone. xx