
The important thing is not to give up at the first hurdle. If you fall down for a while, then get up and have another go. It's said so often on here, you haven't failed until you give up trying and I love that line.

I had my first comment today and it has made all the difference. My Dad hasn't seen me for 3 months and I saw him this afternoon and the first thing he said was 'you've lost a lot of weight' I was over the moon because he didn't know that I was dieting. I tell you, it has been worth everything just for that one comment. If you can get to the point where it starts to show, that gives you the biggest boost and you get a renewed motivation. It also helps when you can fit in something that didn't fit before, and on this diet it doesn't take long for that to happen.

The hardest part is always the early days, when all you can see is the negative side to the diet, but it gets so much easier really quickly so hang on in there xxx