As promised....PICS!

Also im going to pop back now and then to this post for insperation when i need it x
Well done sweetie the results and pics speak for themselves, you look fabulous!! Cx
What you doing to tone up? if you dont mind me asking that is!

Not at all :) I exercise a lot. Strength and free weights followed by cardio. My personal trainer says you get best slimming/toning results if you leave the cardio until after the strength.
I run/jog, go to spinning and kickboxing, go to a minimum of one personal training session a month (I get it free in my gym) or maximum 1 a week (when my personal trainer isn't about to give birth :p)

While my PT is on maternity she gave my "homework" for my abs and inner thighs as they are the places with the most fat left. I think I posted it someones thread a few days ago. ill get the link
Well done you look absolutely fantastic - you must be so proud of yourself on your achievement and i'm sure your family will be very proud of you too - amazing! Xx
Wow, well done and thanks for sharing - and I agree with what everyone has said!
Looking good Silver, hope your feeling fine!!! Enjoy conso and your parents visit - can't wait to hear what they thought! xxxx
They were shocked, in a good way, and thought I looked really well. Mam made me show her my tummy and then exclaimed over how toned I'd become (I still think I've far to go...but yay!) and she kept saying how healthy I looked and how crazy it was that I'd not only lost the weight but gotten fit :D:D

I'm so relieved and happy! :bunnydance:
I feel emotional for you xxx mm pulls us into each others lives for a portion of our days, we all know the struggles to lose this damm weight and keep it off and to get the approval and praise from loved ones is the icing on our Dukan cake. I've enjoyed reading you journey your struggles and now this day you have worked so hard to get to is hear and its everything you hoped for xxxx enjoy you family xxx
SEE i told you :D
See ......... all that worrying for nothing Silver - your Mam will always love you slim or not so slim :) have a fab time with your family x
You look amazing!

Congratulations and well done!:happy096: