Total Solution August starters?

Just FYI, the Tesco Ultra Slim chocolate meal replacement bars are ridiculously tasty... so ridiculous, in fact, that I won't be buying any more because they are TOO tempting!! So if anyone has better self control than me, and wants a tasty bar... :D
Phew! Almost home time and I haven't chewed off my arm......quite! Actually looking forward to soup when I get in - don't even care what flavour it is!! Lol!
I quite like the exante bars- though I'm on day 2 and havent had my 2nd one yet so I'm sure it'll get boring- I think I'd have the same problem, if it was too tasty I've be wanting two! Xx
I enjoyed the toffee Exante bar today (mind you I was starving). But I tried a BL bar the other day just out of curiosity and have to say it was much much nicer.

The thing is though it seems to be much cheaper to buy the bumper packs which have the Exante bars in already.
I have to agree Tx ;) the tesco ones r gorgeous!!! Much better than the exante ones. If ranked them in order of fav

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Sorry pressed send b4 i finished.. Wht i was sayin is if i ranked the in order ot faves mine wud b
1. BL brkfst bar
2. Tesco bars
3. Asda measure up bars
4. Exante bars
The exante ones r ok 4 a while 2 begin with but then they taste really dry :)

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The exante ones are edible for me, the choc&orange more so then the T,N&R but I'm definitely going to try the BL & asda bars, mix it up a bit!

Just got home from work & chowing down on my tomato & basil soup - I actually really like it! Another day dusted, on to day 3 for me!

Hope everyone's well :)
sorry but the choc crunch ones *drool* are like, hmmm better than sex if ur on this diet!lol would i kick sy out of bed for an extra one? hell yeah!

well that cute little mr Oakley Storm is stiiiiilllll awake. next to me, toothy grinning so i can be mad at him, Taliesin is finally asleep as are the grils. phew! i have scrubbed the floors tonight on my hands and knees, cleaned the sofa's and am debating a bit of wii fit now. hmmmm. bought some ketostix in the end, (after blagging boots that my mil who has diabetes, needed to test her pee for some reason and had left hers at home) and they are only changing colour marginally. what colour should i be seeing? anyone know? i know they are about as useful as a fart in a jacuzzi but hey, wastes 15 seconds of my day....
Tinkerbellarella said:
sorry but the choc crunch ones *drool* are like, hmmm better than sex if ur on this diet!lol would i kick sy out of bed for an extra one? hell yeah!

well that cute little mr Oakley Storm is stiiiiilllll awake. next to me, toothy grinning so i can be mad at him, Taliesin is finally asleep as are the grils. phew! i have scrubbed the floors tonight on my hands and knees, cleaned the sofa's and am debating a bit of wii fit now. hmmmm. bought some ketostix in the end, (after blagging boots that my mil who has diabetes, needed to test her pee for some reason and had left hers at home) and they are only changing colour marginally. what colour should i be seeing? anyone know? i know they are about as useful as a fart in a jacuzzi but hey, wastes 15 seconds of my day....

Hahaha tink you do make me laugh! What are these ketostix? Just pee sticks that let you know your in ketosis? And why won't boots sell then to non-diabetics!? Lol!

Your kiddies have lovely & unusual names! How olds Oakley Storm? My baby's just over 10 months and into EVERYTHING! x

P.S I bloody want one of these choc crunch bars now!!
I use the ketosticks too. I can become a little obsessive, wanting to test my wee to make sure I was in ketosis every time I pee (which is every 30 minutes at the moment!) I think the advice is that it should be a lighter pink, the darker pink indicates dehydration. Its a bit like a pregnancy test.. if its a faint line, doesn’t mean you are a little bit pregnant, you are or your aren’t!
LOL Lauryn I like the toffee hate the choc/orange bars!

Willow, well done for getting through a tough day without eating various body parts!

Wow Tink looks like that energy has kicked in ;) you have done more than me lol

I bought mum some asda bars but she isn't keen on them so I may have to try her on the tesco ones next - I might try an asda one for a change tomorrow although they don't look as filling as the exante ones?

Roll on day 6 :D

Big hello to Lauryn, welcome along! :)

Katt - Glad you are feeling better now.

Tink - Told you that you'd get to 12 st 6 today! (Agree with everyone else too, little Oakley Storm is too cute!)

TX - Have to agree with you on the bars. I forgot my exante one today for lunch and so popped into Asda. Came out with a BL one (the same one Tink really likes!) and it was super nice. I think I would struggle to not keep munching on these they are that delicious. I haven't had the Tesco ones yet but if they are anything like the BL ones I will probably have to avoid them! I do like the exante ones but I find one is definitely enough. With the BL one I wanted to go back and buy another! :0)

Willow - well done on being super motivated.

I think we have a lovely little group here and we are all so in the zone at the moment. Long may it continue x
I bought mum some asda bars but she isn't keen on them so I may have to try her on the tesco ones next - I might try an asda one for a change tomorrow although they don't look as filling as the exante ones?

Roll on day 6 :D

I bought some on Wednesday as I was out and didn't have any exante ones with me. I was very surprised at how chocolatey they looked.. the looked delicious, like a real chocolate bar, until I chewed and chewed and chewed, my jaw ached, I wasn't used to chewing so much! They lasted longer than a normal chocolate bar, and was surprisingly filling!
Just finished day 5 and just got my period! No wonder I felt hungry yesterday...normally I am a bottomless pit before hand!

Everyone is doing so well and are so strong..not sure I have every read such positive posts in a forum!
Hmmmm might have to nab my mums ketostiks lol she has some in the bathroom (I am staying with her this weekend) :)

A thinner me, you are right this is a lovely little group and it is great that we are all going through the same thing so we can understand each other - trying to explain it to a hubby who has never seen a day of fat in his life is pretty hopless even if he is trying to be supportive lol

Motherof2 lol at the chewing - think I would start to feel like a cow chewing away :D and well done for not giving in before the TOTM started I too could eat loads in the run up to it - dreading that week!

Yay! Nearly WI day for us all can't wait to see how we all do :D
whoop whoop for our little group! tx i told u those bl bars are the monkeys nuts didn't i? i plan to either, chop one in three tomorrow, it's so chewy and gooey (sorry hungry people) that it would last this way rather well, it's going in the fridge either way to make it last even longer, i know i shall look forward to my daily bl bar now. or i shall savour it, all day ignore it calling me then swallow it sideways around 8pm!lol sy nicked one of my scared bars earlier, so peeved! he took one bite, told me it was minging then fed it to adam (he's my eldest, nearly 13) who was like, WOW! told him if he even thinks about nicking one i will replace it with one of his fingers..... he gave me the :O face bless him. all wee people asleep now, so as soon as my mate goes hom it's melatonin and sleep for me. but really i neeeeeed 20 mins of exercise. i did have a bit more of a bar this evening. hmmmm poop that means i will have to go poke sy later then!

lauryn Oakley is 1 and mr T aka Taliesin James is 2. there is just under a year between them, so oakley's birthday is the 11th june and T's birthday is the 17th.
just got my period! No wonder I felt hungry yesterday...normally I am a bottomless pit before hand!

I am with you there, I so know that feeling!
told him if he even thinks about nicking one i will replace it with one of his fingers.

LOL, I may have to use that line with mine! :D
a thinner me said:
I am with you there, I so know that feeling!

I got mine yesterday - the day I started!! Fighting TOTM hunger pangs for chocolate is sooooo hard!