Total Solution August starters?

I keep having 1-3 lbs losses with a few larger losses thrown in not sure why as I do the same thing every week but guess it will come off eventually!

Well done on your 3lbs loss ;)
Welcome back Tink! And well done on coming back- heard lots of stories of people being disheartened with having to stop and not coming back for ages- And well done people on various weight losses! I've been trying to stay off here quite so much to stop myself obsessing but I'm missing the social side of things so I'm back for a bit again =) Has anyone found they've got a stomach ache- I've been doing it 7 weeks now and my tummy has been weird this week- kinda like an upset stomach but theres nothing to throw up! Xx
So ladies (and dude) who have been on this for near 2 months, honestly tell me

How's the hunger?

12st 3lbs awaiting restart on 1st oct
Tinkerbellarella said:
So ladies (and dude) who have been on this for near 2 months, honestly tell me

How's the hunger?

12st 3lbs awaiting restart on 1st oct

What hunger lol I had 2 bars a day twice last week and kicked myself out of ketosis think I'm back there now though and the hunger was bad then but fine now xx

Sent from my iPhone love n hugs Kel xx
Oh yeah weigh in today -5 woop xx

Sent from my iPhone love n hugs Kel xx
i felt sick all weekend - I woke up feeling fine went to put the kettle on and had to run to the bathroom to throw up - but nothing there to throw up lol so I felt rotten all weekend and I am just into week 8 - I feel ok now though so it must just be random oddness :) and I don't feel hungry much but I am soooooooo bored!!!
Great losses CM and Ellie - well done!

Sorry you've been feeling poorly Katt :(

Hunger? It's under control most of the time, but that doesn't account for cravings which haven't disappeared entirely and must be guarded against!!!

This week I lost 3lbs, which I'm pleased with as I had two big meals out this week (steak and salad followed the next night by Italian cold meats, anchovies, cheese, garlic mayonnaise, coleslaw and caesar salad without croutons).
That and eating an abnormal amount of nuts, cheese, meat and pork scratchings throughout the week as snacks!

All in all I'm quite pleased :D
Lol wish I could eat that and lose weight think my body likes hanging onto all these pounds! Great weight losses guys and girls :)

I am feeling okay now just bored of having the same thing lol so I agree it is more craving than actual hunger. I am in danger of giving up when I start to feel I look okay so just bought loads of shakes and soups so I will feel I have to carry on lol
well done everyone on your losses, i lost 3lb this week so im cuffed its still working and ive just done the same thing katt as i was thinking i might just try and eat healthy from now on, then i thought as if im going to do that! so ordered some more speak soon, take care everyone xxxxxxx
Keep up the good work peeps! I order on tuesday, can't wait as i swear my arse has gotten larger! In town at the moment in starbucks, i'm going into last meal

Then off to next for jeans for mr T.

12st 3lbs awaiting restart on 1st oct
That sicky feeling sounds like constipation to me...drink more especially warm liquid it really helps....We..hubby and I are doing really well...He weighs every week and has come down from 17.2 to 14.13 so pleased for him and me (more room in bed)...he has been shocked at how much better he feels...his breathing is better, he can walk faster and has took up cycling after many fact he is out as we speak.....I have at last got on the scales...just to see well not bad not bad at all I have lost 19 lbs...considering that I am not active as such this is lovely...more to go...must keep at it...I am hoping that I will be able to be more active and that my hips will improve a little as time goes on....Tempted to buy something new to wear for Xmas but no not yet!!!!
Another thing I want to ask ....Do you have a stubborn fat area?
I started putting weight on a long time ago just a little every year and I first noticed that on the inside of my knees looked swollen and I have never been able to shift it ...I have worn long skirts for so long to cover this....apart from this area I have quite good legs for my age slim ankles and no veins..I would love to shift this area of fat...I dont think Lyposuction (is that how you spell it?)would be the thing on knees! Come on any suggestions?
Wow well done to you and your hubby fab losses xxx

Sent from my iPhone love n hugs Kel xx
Something else as a thought...I am really surprised how little I need to eat to stay the same weight...I don't think many people realise how little we need to eat as long as we are getting the necessary goodness...
I am not in a wheelchair as such only on a long walking trip will hubby push me around...a museum trip or a long shop at the local supermarket but I walk with 2 sticks and I must admit I do not get a lot of exercise....I am not a drinker of alchohol only occasional glass of wine...I do not like the wseet brown stuff and silly little snacky things can disappear from the earth I would not notice I need to reduce my meals in volume and carbs really...Just out of curiosity googled what to eat to stay slim in a wheelchair well...
I was to have a large bowl of that cereal that looks like wallpaper paste then one piece T ...lunch was a healthy S/W or 2...Dinner was to include that italian stuff that you have to re-hydrate in boiling water and protein and healthy green stuff ...If I ate that much carb in a day I am sure that I would increase in weight..I do not need that amount of slow burning energy when I do so little...This diet has really made me think about input and output ....I am so pleased I have done it and hope to carry on for a few months yet...I have another few stone to shift....You all amaze me with your stories I love reading them...keep it up and avoid this damned athritis by not carrying extra weight around it is no joke...wish I had done this 20 years ago...
Wow you are all quiet for a change ;) lol well WI 8 and I have lost 4lbs so 30lbs in 8 weeks!! Have to be happy with that lol

I am a bit worried though as I have a few things coming up and food is going to be an issue :( hate the fact I have to come off plan for anything :( I will just have to take it easy and see how I go - I did refuse a trip to Blackpool for fish and chips though so that is good right?!? :)

Hope you are having a great week!
Eeek 3 days till i return! Only got soups till my shakes pack comes but i don't mind, my mind is in last meal mode, so i'm prob in for a gain hefty wise! I'm looking forward to it, i want a 100% october, and to feel a bit better in my own skin as i do feel rather fat and yucky atm

Sent from my iPhone using MiniMins *5st of me gone since 03/01/2011*
Wow you are all quiet for a change ;) lol well WI 8 and I have lost 4lbs so 30lbs in 8 weeks!! Have to be happy with that lol

I am a bit worried though as I have a few things coming up and food is going to be an issue :( hate the fact I have to come off plan for anything :( I will just have to take it easy and see how I go - I did refuse a trip to Blackpool for fish and chips though so that is good right?!? :)

Hope you are having a great week!

Hehe yes we all are! Great weight loss, 30lbs in 8 weeks is amazing!

I am skipping my weigh in this week because my scales broke :( Wouldn't move up from 0.0lbs no matter what I did. Even my Dad tried to help me get them working but they seem to have given up :confused: So I have ordered some more digital ones which are ULTRA slim and look sexy. I hope they don't say I am heavier than last weeks weigh in, hehe. I will probably move my weigh in day to Monday now too as it used to be Tuesday which was a pretty random day.

As for you having food events coming up I have to go for a meal at my Sister's this weekend. In a really nice restaurant called Shell Bay, it is a fish restaurant so I am hoping I can choose something nice and healthy. Well done for avoiding a Fish and Chips run! Strong willpower you have!

Has been a really hard couple of weeks as I have been craving food a lot. I had some chicken and asparagus on Sunday as I just needed to chew something! I really enjoyed it :D

Hope you are all ok!
Ordering in the morning! I can't wait, i really can't. Quite fed up right now and just need one thing to go right, so i'm ordering so at least i have the food option sorted.

Really feel **** today. My 10 yr old daughter has been caught smoking. I feel like a failure.

Sent from my iPhone using MiniMins *5st of me gone since 03/01/2011*
Tinkerbellarella said:
Ordering in the morning! I can't wait, i really can't. Quite fed up right now and just need one thing to go right, so i'm ordering so at least i have the food option sorted.

Really feel **** today. My 10 yr old daughter has been caught smoking. I feel like a failure.

Sent from my iPhone using MiniMins *5st of me gone since 03/01/2011*

You are not a failure Hun kids experiment all the time my sis was caught when she was ten that's what kids do push boundaries an prob trying to impress a mate or something chin up xxxx