Avoid fruits & nuts, you are what you eat...


Silver Member
I don't know how to write a food diary. I guess I should write about what I eat and how I feel about it?! Yeah, if that worked I'd have been skinny thirty years ago!!!

So this is my place to have a moan and rant, ponder on life, love and the universe and generally whoop whoop when and as the mood takes me :)

Please don't feel pressured to read this, I cannot be responsible for the yawn wrenching boredom if you do ;-)
Avoid fruits & nuts, you are what you eat...

So today I found out my wonderful pops has a rare blood cancer. Also had confirmation that my daughters operation to restore her hearing in her left ear has failed. I immediately wanted to run to the cupboard and was quite alarmed that before I did, I could hear a little voice saying 'you just want to eat because you're upset' and so I didn't. My dads condition is treatable and my daughters hearing is manageable so I'm trying to look on the bright side, be positive, because things could be a lot worse. Life will go on and so will my diet. I may not be happy now but I will be one day and at least I won't kick myself for sabotaging my hard-fought for weight loss.
Oh, Buttons, what a dreadful day. Best wishes to your father and daughter, and well done to you for coping so well.
Avoid fruits & nuts, you are what you eat...

Throwing myself into work this week, keeping busy keeps my mind off things. Also has the bonus of keeping me at 100% TS. Every cloud, I suppose.
Avoid fruits & nuts, you are what you eat...

So I had a day out at Kew gardens, blissful, and not a cheat in sight. So imagine my surprise when I'd gained 1.6lb the next day!!! Had lost a little bit of that the next day but not all of it had gone. But today I'm away on my 19th wedding anniversary break with my gorgeous hubby :) We're staying at a spa hotel with all meals catered. Decided to have the two days off, I'm sure I've hit a plateau so a good feed might help boost when I get back to it Friday. Got to 6pm just doing it Atkins style, but here in our hotel room we've opened the champers and chocolates ;-) Enjoying every minute of it too. Life is short after all :)
Enjoy hun.
You are right life is too short to be miserable.
Make sure you come back on plan tomorrow.
You deserve to enjoy for a day.
Avoid fruits & nuts, you are what you eat...

It was a fabulous anniversary break with a lovely spa, comfy room, huge bed ;-) great views of lakes, golf greens and fountains :) ...and lots of yummy, fattening foods and alcohol! But it's ok, back to TS tomorrow and I will never know how much I gained in 36 hours cos the scales are well and truly hidden til the end of the month!!!
That sounds great buttons! Glad you had a good break. Your husband sounds like a fab guy!
Oh how lovely
Hi you. Only just noticed you've started a diary. Really sorry to hear about your Dad and your daughter. My sister is a research scientist and we were discussing how much cancer treatments have improved since we lost our father and how so many more types of cancer are now treatable. That doesn't stop it being devastating when someone close is dignosed though. Your spa break sounds to have been fantastic. I wou;d have had the champagne and chocolates too - in addition to any other goodies on offer. Will be following your diary - it will be my daily tonic!
Bless you Lynne, and thank you for your kind words of support. Dad is being 'carefully watched' by his doctor (that's the term they actually used!) because his cancer isn't advanced enough yet for him to treat! The good side though, is that it may never get advanced enough to treat and it may even reverse somewhat. They just don't know, hence the careful watching.

I wasn't sure what/how to keep a diary, but then I thought, 'well, I ramble on enough on here as it is (and FB as you've prob noticed!) so why not put it all in one place?!' I think it helps keep you sane to get out your thoughts and fears, successes and hopes, and to be able to read them back at a later date.

I managed to almost stick to TS at a Robbie Williams concert last night! Just one mini chicken fillet and one sausage from the picnic ;-) Was quite pleased with myself. And the concert was awesome, with lots of jumping around and dancing, so I'm really hoping it worked off a few calories! I'm still not back in ketosis from my hotel spa stay, so am fighting the hunger pangs again, but I really don't mind - I enjoyed my couple of days off, and as it was paid for I ate it all, but it was always in the back of my mind, 'I shouldn't return to eating like this', so I was actually eager to get back to Exante. I find a real comfort in this diet, I can't quite put my finger on it, and I am a little concerned I'm using it as a crutch to avoid food in the real world, but I'll deal with that another day!

I just made a successful mousse, it's taken me quite a few attempts (I'm a rubbish cook!) but it was lovely in this summer heat :) Wondering if I can get away with a sneaky Pimms later seeing as I'm not in ketosis yet?! It's 50/50 which side will win, my will power or my craving!

Hope you are having a lovely summers weekend too, make the most of it while it lasts! xxxxx
I was at the concert last night...what did you think?
Avoid fruits & nuts, you are what you eat...

I was at the concert last night...what did you think?

No way Shrimp! Wish I'd seen you (out of 68,000 people!! Lol) It was ok, not my favourite music but my teenage girls loved it. There were enough songs I knew for me to sing along! Can't decide if Robbie is weird or a just a good entertainer?!?!
I enjoyed myself. Loved Ollie...but just think I don't need to see him again. Think I am more of a take that fan
Re: Avoid fruits & nuts, you are what you eat...

Ooh buttons sounds amazing. Ive always wanted to do a spa break but never got around to it. :( xx
Re: Avoid fruits & nuts, you are what you eat...

Im off to seenolly today and have seen robbie before, was amazing!! Xx
Avoid fruits & nuts, you are what you eat...

The best EVER concert was Mumford and Sons, just 700 people in a small venue last summer. I could almost touch Marcus! They were incredible. Wasn't about gimmicks or stunts, just great music, great atmosphere, the place was thumping ;-)
Am really struggling with keeping 100% on TS these past few days :-( Didn't help we had two more training schools at work and I have to make the food for them (all men, and hardly the sophisticated type!) so it was picnic foods, sausages, scotch eggs, cheese/ham baps, chocolate, crisps, you get the idea. I didn't exactly pig out, and I am still in ketosis, but had a nibble here and there which culminated in eating a mini chocolate bar! My old trick of snacking on a slice of ham if I got desperate has extended to two or three slices and nicking a few chunks of meat off hubby's plate :-( Then cleaning out my daughters room last night I ate the last half dozen jelly tots I found! And I don't nibble and savour these things, I scoff them like there's no tomorrow. It's exactly how I used to eat and not how I want to be :-( I feel out of control.

Plus it may be coincidence, but it's a whole lot more difficult since I started having the bars - I had no cravings or hunger before I started eating them, I thought it was just all in my head, but now I'm quite sure they there's something about them - don't know what it is - but every time I eat one, I actually feel hungry an hour or so later which makes being 100% so much more difficult. Doesn't happen with the liquid foods, just the bars.

I think my newly discovered cravings are due to having two days off. But the thing is, I didn't really 'love' all that food at the hotel, it was all very expensive (thankfully inclusive) presented very attractively and really good quality, but as I ate it I couldn't help but think, 'this isn't as great as I expected' yet I carried on regardless. I actually couldn't wait to get back to Exante, I was missing my crutch! But after the first couple of days feeling happy & comfortable back on the diet, the munchies kicked in, sure they are psychological, but the little ******* won't bugger off! I've also lost my desire to exercise, and I'm down, moody and grumpy :-( I even checked the diary to see if it was PMS but that isn't due for another two weeks yet. On a plus side, a week after my 2 days off, I've lost another 2lb. So whatever I put on whilst away has gone (didn't dare weigh in and see the damage) plus a couple more pounds off. So it is still working, even if I generally feel despondent about it.

I'm writing all this to try and purge myself of all this negativity. Hubby reckons it's time I reintroduced food, or moved to Weight Watchers, but I'm not where I want to be yet, and more importantly, I'm not ready to face the world of food yet. I've had my morning shake, I'm going to put the bars away somewhere and then go on my cross trainer whilst watching a good movie. See if I can snap myself out of this funk. I'm not ready to give up yet, but I've got to get my head back in the right place or all my hard work will be undone. Don't you wish you could bottle that motivation you get when you're in the zone? And save some for when you're struggling?!