Avoid fruits & nuts, you are what you eat...

You should read back through some of your old posts or go and try some clothes on that now but but didn't. It is hard there's no doubt but just keep thinking about the results that you are getting. I have one bar in the morning but need to drink lots of water for it to expand and give my stomach a sense of feeling full. Maybe try that next time you are a bar? I make my soup and pasta with a lot more water than I'm supposed to and that does really fill me up so I know what you mean.

Stick with it buttons. It's jug a phase and it will pass. Try I. The clothes wear something if today that you couldn't a re weeks ago and watch the compliments come rolling in.

Chin up!! Wayz x
Cheers Wayz :) I may go clothes shopping at lunch time and see if that cheers me up! And I love your new profile pic BTW, sooo cute! xxxxx
Just reread my post. My typos are getting worse but I hope you got the gist of what I was saying!! The photo is of me aged about 3. My daughter is almost three now and you would think it was the same person!

Happy shopping!!
Avoid fruits & nuts, you are what you eat...

Just reread my post. My typos are getting worse but I hope you got the gist of what I was saying!! The photo is of me aged about 3. My daughter is almost three now and you would think it was the same person!

Happy shopping!!

Lol. That's ok. I use auto spell but it gets me in into all sorts of trouble sometimes! I got the gist ;-)

I went shopping with a friend this afternoon and admittedly the dresses I bought were stretchy, but I bought a 14 and a 12, and even squeezed in a 10 with the idea that its for my holiday next month :-D A pair of hold em in pants and I'm good to go out in public again!!! ;-)

Whoop whoop! Good for you!! Hold em in pants, can't beat them. In the winter I use hold em in tights that tuck into your bra! Fabulous!
Whoop whoop! Good for you!! Hold em in pants, can't beat them. In the winter I use hold em in tights that tuck into your bra! Fabulous!

That made me laugh!
Hi Kerry. You've lost 2 stone!That's amazing. You certainly wouldn't have lost that much on weight watchers. We all have bad days and lapses. It won't last. You'll be fine.
Avoid fruits & nuts, you are what you eat...

Back on track, a little falter at the cinema, had two bites of a hotdog and 8 pieces of toffee popcorn (yes, I counted them!) but to me that's a real personal victory! But then had a MAJOR boost on the way home :) Hubby had mentioned my bras are a little baggy, so off we trotted shopping. I was a 40C, and now measure 36" so opted for a couple of pretty 36C's. Had to ask for a bigger cup. Still didn't fit so tentatively asked for a DD and they bloody well fit! 36DD! I can't believe it, lets just say hubby's never been so happy to go shopping with me!!!!
Avoid fruits & nuts, you are what you eat...

There's a downside to suddenly fitting in all the clothes in the wardrobe.... she says ironing a mountain of clothes in 30° heat!
Re: Avoid fruits & nuts, you are what you eat...

Hey buttons how u feeling now?
Is.crap.when u feel low and.dont know why, I had few days like that a week or so ago and it done me in.

Doesnt help I gained 4lbs after last weekends olly gig etc so am hoping on wi on tue that will be gone again!

Ive been caravan this weekend and have been good on food front, just had odd bits of chicken or sausage bit have not been having my 3 exante. Have managed 2 but its been so hot ive just not wanted it.

Have enjoyed few drinks though so am hoping that hasnt let me down!

At the end of the day u CAN do this and u have proved that already by getting this far.

However having said that if it comes to a point that its constantly getting u down and becoming a continous problem then it might be worth maybe considering doing shakes and some food for tea. Theres plenty of meal ideas online.

Anyway hope yr feeling bit better xxx
Avoid fruits & nuts, you are what you eat...

Thank you Slim, you're very kind and I really appreciate the support :)

I was feeling better, even managed to cope with my youngest going to France with the school for the weekend, and today I woke desperately wanting 6pm to roll on so she'd be back home safe and sound.

Then I got a phone call at 9am this morning to say my eldest daughter could go into hospital this Wednesday for her operation :-( Even then I ploughed on through the day, until it seemed like a good idea to celebrate all being together so a Chinese got ordered and I ate til I was stuffed!

But, I really enjoyed it, and even more so it was wonderful to have a very special meal with my hubby and our darling daughters. So I'll be back on plan tomorrow, just with a lovely memory off tonight :)
Hi Kerry - hope your daughter's operation goes well, that your youngest enjoyed her visit to France (I love France!) AND that you thoroughly enjoyed your family meal! I would have.
Re: Avoid fruits & nuts, you are what you eat...

Well buttons as we all know u just get back on plan the next day and as u said u are left with a happy family memory also.
I have wi tomorrow but still went out for a meal with hubby this eve and I enjoyed every last mouthful lol xx
Avoid fruits & nuts, you are what you eat...

Don't think I'll be eating anything today. As much as I enjoyed the Chinese food, my tummy didn't, and I feel so sick this morning :-( got horrible acid reflux in my throat too. I feel absolutely pants. Got to go to work but I'll just try and stay at my desk and drink lots of water. No workout this morning either so I've really done myself no favours. I must take this as a lesson, I just cannot eat like I used to. I could've had a nice meal and still not overdone it, but no, I went into full piggy mode as usual :-( and now I'm paying the price.
Bet it tasted nice though, even if it wasn't worth it in hindsight! Funny as I nearly suggested Chinese to oh Sunday night when we got back from Butlins, but I just knew I'd regret it (would much rather it was a curry, but no-one else likes them)!

Trying to not pick as much this week, but finding it hard. Miss eating without caring sometimes, even though I definitely don't miss the bigger clothes?! A load of Next sale clothes turned up yesterday so thats spurred me on a little for this week.

Good luck with getting back into it today Buttons x
Oh Kerry! I guess that's something we're all going to have to go through. I'm definitely taking indigestion tablets on holiday with me! Hope you're feeling better now.
Avoid fruits & nuts, you are what you eat...

Thanks Lynne. I was feeling better and even managed a shake mid afternoon. Then felt much better by tea time, but for some reason completely fell off the wagon and ate 2 squares of chocolate, 8 marshmallows, a slither of cake and a rather large portion of peach crumble :-( Don't know what's wrong with my head and am really worried I'm seriously losing track. Esp with staying at the hospital for the next 48 hours then having special events the next two Saturdays in a row. Don't know what to do? :-(
Avoid fruits & nuts, you are what you eat...

Right. I'm going to get back on track of it kills me. I'm still fat, still feel fat, still want to not be fat. So I'm taking my shakes to the hospital (Hosp food is crap anyway!) Have cancelled this Saturdays do (no biggie) and I will stick to plan 100% until the 27th when I will have to go out for dinner but will try to keep it low carb and stay roughly on plan. I've still got a couple of weeks til our holiday so I can lose up to another half stone if I put my mind to it. Am so cross with myself. I could've/should've lost three stone by then, will be lucky to get to two and a half. Which means twice as much effort to get back on it after our holiday to lose the next stone or so.
HEy you, don't be too hard on yourself! Draw a line under it and start afresh tomorrow. That doesn't sound like 3500 cals which would only be 1lb, and reckon its not even half a pound so just breath and move on!

Might be worth thinking about ws if you think a little food factored in might help? Hard to know what to do hey?

Sending hugs x