avoiding junk food

pos bird

Full Member
Work is really crap at the moment and motivation is in the gutter. Due for big changes end of June which maybe for the better. Troubke is dealing fed up when I am here I want to eat crap. Feel it hard to resist at times but got holiday in about 6 weeks and don't want to blow. Got to get more will power.
Make sure to keep lots of fruit and muller lights handy for when you feel like pigging out! Sugar free polos are also a nice sweet treat and are only 4 syns for the whole tube! And if you want something chocolatey, stirring an options sachet into a muller light only adds two syns and it's delicious! Don't give up, you're doing great! :)
Thank you. It's hard sometimes when fed up and want that pick me up. Well going to be strong and not going to let work ruin my progress.
Hi I know exactly how you feel, am really stressed and low because of issues at work and have struggled over the last few weeks. I do feel stronger this week though even though cituation hasnt changed. I decided that one... If I have a healthy diet, I will have a healthy(ish) mind and will be able to deal with it better. Two, I am not going to let work and certain people that are making my life hell ruin this for me. i've worked bloody hard so far and I deserve to be happy about my weight. So I thought stuff em, I'll show you all.

Good luck, be strong xxxxxxxx