B_44s food diary

Biggest dinner ever! Quorn burger in a roll, cheese, sw chips, baked beans and carrot and brocolli... Can't say I've ever had beans and brocolli together before lol

That looks gorgeous - never have quorn, dont like the mince so never tried anything else either, lol. What exactly does it taste like?
Thanks both, it was yummy :)

I think the burgers are lovely but I'm not sure whether that's because I don't like or eat normal beef. It sounds weird but the burgers do taste meaty as they're texture is a lot like that of a normal burger. They do sweet onion ones which are lovely too, a very nice herby flavour. If you are wanting to try more quorn I reckon you should try the fake chicken nuggets, or the southern fried chicken burgers as they are very tasty and fairly low syn :) x
Another green day today, love them!

Lunch: wholemeal roll (healthy b) with laughing cow (1 syn) and lettuce, apple, 2 yoghurts

Dinner: lentil bologneise (had seconds as well) with spaghetti, yum it's my favourite sw meal I think plus healthy a cheese

Extras: 200ml chocolate oatly (healthy a), galaxy cookie crumble (12 syns) and my other healthy b but not sure what yet

Syns: 13


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I loved green days too, you're never hungry. I'm trying to pluck up courage to try quorn, I might give the nuggets a go.
You should definitely try the things like the nuggets and southern burgers as the coatings are yummy and you almost can't tell they're not real chicken as the texture is very similar :) x

Another green day

Lunch: wholemeal roll (healthy b) with lettuce and lagging cow (1 syn), Special K chewy delight bar

Dinner: spaghetti brocolli and sainsburys tinned vegetable chilli with healthy a cheese

Extras: 200ml chocolate oatly (healthy a), some smash scones (tweak)...about 100 of them! I made them slightly differently and they're lovely. Galaxy (12 and a half syns)

I know a lot of people aren't keen on tinned things but sainsburys vegetable chilli is free and not bad for those days when you just can't be bothered. The ingredients are pretty much the same as what you'd use making it at home, there was only one ingredient I didn't recognise x


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That looks really nice. I'm all for tins, jars and an easy life. I don't go as far as ready meals cos I like to choose my own meat, but other than that I'm all for convenience!
I'll put nuggets on my shopping list, I still have Linda M sausages in the freezer that I'm plucking up courage to try :)
Exactly, I think a lot of the meals take a lot of time to make on sw so it's nice that there some syn free things that you can use for those days when you just can't be bothered. Ohh I hope you like the sausages x

Green day today

Brunch: 2 poached eggs on wholemeal roll (healthy b)

Dinner: freezer mushy pea curry and rice

Extras: chocolate (15), latte (healthy a)... Not sure what ill use my other healthy extras on yet!

Syns: 15
Hiya! I'm very well thanks, glad it's the weekend yay :) it's not been a stressful week or anything but it just feels like its lasted forever lol. How are you? What are you up to this weekend? Hope the weather will be nice! X
I'm so lazy, only just got out of bed and not even showered or dressed yet... Love it! Good old lazy Saturdays. Not up to much today, off to my parents for dinner later as they are going on holiday tomorrow. I am hoping the meal will be sw friendly and they're not in holiday mode already lol

I went over my syns yesterday by 15 so I had 30 instead if 15. I was thinking about moving on and drawing a line but I've decide to just have 5 syns today and tomorrow. Ill save my healthy b for the evening because I know ill be missing my chocolate

Extra easy today

Lunch: 2 fried eggs, spinach and 1 Linda McCartney rosemary sausage

Dinner: roast chicken, veg and potatoes, no naughty extras I hope!

Extras: yoghurt, Special K chewy bar (healthy b) and some form of healthy a but idk what yet... I'm guessing my saturday usual tho, skinny vanilla latte for 3 syns lol

Syns: 3
Ohh and here's last nights messy looking dinner, mushy pea curry and and curry flavoured super rice (batchelors) x


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Hiya hun! Yay to lazy Saturdays :D Weekends are fab! I'm at home visiting my parents this weekend, so I'm currently sitting outside on the patio reading my kindle. Bliss! I'd better shift myself soon though as I need to get on with some school work, boo hoo! :( Hope you have a lovely time at your parents xx
And yay to lazy Sundays too :) I hope you've had a nice weekend and that you've got the school work out of the way so you can have some time to relax. I've always thought about being a teacher (for people with learning disabilities) but I just know I wouldn't be disciplined enough with all the marking lol. Can you believe it's Monday already tomorrow, goes so fast! X
Red day today

Lunch: 2 poached eggs on wholemeal roll (healthy b), 200ml chocolate oatly (healthy a)

Dinner: roast chicken with lots of veg and a Linda McCartney rosemary sausage as pretend stuffing

Extras: ryvita minis and 30g cheese (healthy a and b), mini Lindt teddy (4 syns)

Syns: 4 - as I yet again went over syns last night. My dad had made syrup sponge pudding so I had a small bit, it was sooo nice and def not low syn!
I stayed the same again last night which I was slightly dissapointed but then I thought, I didn't really have any idea how many syns were in the syrup sponge so that could have contributed, and also I probably didn't have enough superfree this week.

Here's to a loss next week! :)
Hopefully it won't be as bad as you think! Even if its a gain, not the end of the world and you know you'll have it off soon. :)

I haven't been able to get in minimins for most of the day as my app wasnt working and it was really weird not bring on here lol.

Green day to kick start my week

Breakfast: 2 poached eggs on 2 mini m&s wholemeal sub rolls (healthy b)

Lunch: tomato mugshot, yoghurt, apple snack bag

Dinner: asda chickpea dhal with sw chips and brocolli with cheese (healthy a)

Extras: galaxy (12 and a half), mini muffin (2.5) and 30g choc all bran as other healthy b

Syns: 15
Dinner. That serving of dhal is meant to serve 2 - how?! It was only enough for me lol


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