Baby steps

Belle you're doing brilliantly and agree baby steps and early nights are the way forward! If you sound motivated enough you'll believe it :)
Aww. Thank you for the support .... It really helps. Im on DAY SIX !!!!! Gees. I really didnt think id get this far and yet here i am.

Its hard today. Saturday so kids driving me crazy hubby at work on sat so i am "on" all day. Ran out of nice water so on way into tescos to pick some nice waters up. Volvic is v nice but pricey. I shall treat myself will get me through to four oclock.

Monday is my weigh in day. First thing. I havr lost something. I can feel my clothes a little looser.

You are doing brilliant Belle, remember keep slurping the water. I drink 6-8 pints a day, and feel it deffo helps with the losses.
You can do it....


“You're a big man, and your out of shape.
But for me it's a full time job.”

Start Weight 27 St 6Lbs
Lighter Life
Wk 1 -15.5lbs, wk 2 -5.7lbs, wk 3 -0.6lbs, wk 4 -10lbs, wk 5 -4lbs,
wk 6 -5lbs, wk 7 -3.5lbs, wk 8 -2.5lbs, wk 9 -6lbs, wk 10 -5.7lbs.
Total LL loss 53lbs.
Wk 11 -8lbs, wk 12 +1.5lbs (Xmas), wk 13 -6lbs, wk 14 -4.5lbs,
wk15 + 5lbs (Naproxen)
wk16 -9.5lbs, wk17 -2.5lbs, wk 18 Dublin, wk 19 STS, wk 20 -3.5lbs,

Lose 1 stone Done
Lose 2 stone Done
Lose 3 stone Done
Lose 4 Stone Done
Lose 5 stone Done,undone and Done again.
Next target is to get into the 21’s.Done (just)
Lose 6 stone
Get into the 20's (From Lighter Life to Exante)
Well done for getting through yesterday Belle :)
I found it hard with everyone home too and you're dead right about the water! Am off to get some more strawberry water today! Tesco's for me though!! Hope today is easier for you x
Thank you all soo much. I did my weigh in. Now i stayed up most of the night watching the oscars live (got to bed at 4.30- i LOVE movies) so i think im a little swollen today / retaining water. My scales showed an 8 lb loss. I know thats great but i had thought id lost 10 so am a little off today. I know weekly weigh ins don't matter when you are on a long long journey like i am so i think i need to learn patience. Patience. Grit. Hope. Those seem to be the ingredients need to do this.

Funny. I dont feel celebratory.

Bellerine said:
Thank you all soo much. I did my weigh in. Now i stayed up most of the night watching the oscars live (got to bed at 4.30- i LOVE movies) so i think im a little swollen today / retaining water. My scales showed an 8 lb loss. I know thats great but i had thought id lost 10 so am a little off today. I know weekly weigh ins don't matter when you are on a long long journey like i am so i think i need to learn patience. Patience. Grit. Hope. Those seem to be the ingredients need to do this.

Funny. I dont feel celebratory.


8lbs is amazing!! Don't be down, like you say you were up most of the night drinking water so I bet the next couple of days (when you've weed for Britain) you'll see another good loss :)
Was looking at the Oscar dresses earlier... Gwyneth paltrows was my fave... x
Hi there. Day 2. Delighted to have made it this far!!!!! Thanks for support. Hope we can be buddies on this journey, having started on same day and all!

Hi, How are you doing? Well done on the loss and sticking with it.:)
I haven't been on here for a while as I have been ill. I have a spinal cord injury and sometimes get infections etc because of my disability. If I am ill I cannot manage just packs but on those days I have exante porridge and some pure protein and have managed to stay in ketosis.
I am finding it very, very difficult. I am used to comfort eating since my accident and have been using food as a major crutch, it has been one of the few pleasures in my life for a while. My life is a total mess at the moment I am living back with my parents they are great but I am very much used to being independant and finding it difficult being back at home and needing help. My life has totally changed and the plans I had just went in the space of a day. I am in pain, have mobility and function problems, I have lost my job, my home and split with the man I love. Its been a tough year.
However I am determined to turn it around and I am hoping getting a significant amount of weight off will help my mobility so really have to make myself do it.
Nic x
Hi Niknok, While I have never had an accident like yours (and I just cant imagine) I have had fairly traumatic life changes and I believe, I really really believe that there is some higher power out there with a plan. I don't know if its a God like a religous God or what but there is some power who decides our fate. Some people float through life, clever, fit, respected, loved, rich and then there is me. Every time I get a foothold I feel like I am slammed down by that higher power. I've given up fretting about it and just accept that there are things I cannot control and cannot fix and my time and energy is better spent on coping because it always happens that just when I am at my worst, when I am giving up and think that I cannot cope any longer - thats when that higher power throws me a lifeline and gives me something to grab onto - It is truly amazing. So you are in a dark place right now. I feel for you cos that is horrible when there is no tunnel let alone light at the end of one. But there is something good around the corner. All you have to do is your best every day. And good things will come. Be good to yourself and stick with the diet plan because the little successes each week will lift you up. Be good to yourself. Show your strength to yourself and others. And try singing. I am finding that a good sing (while alone and no one can hear) is a great coping trick to get through another hour til feeding time!

Have you a diary I can follow?

Well done Belle, you have managed the first few days beautifully and it only gets easier from here. Recognising that there is a problem, is the first achievement and there will be many more from here. Keep up the good work, and keep on posting even when you are having a bad day as we are here to support you.
Thanks Nixib. Your support has moved me. Course, Im a bit teary and emotional today - pretty much anything will make me cry. Are tears trapped in the fat??? It seems to me that ever contestant on "the Biggest Loser" winds up in tears at some point!! So the tears must come out with the flab coming off. Or else my body has suddenly realised that it now has enough water to make tears (after years of dehydration!) and a good cry is what it needs to clean out the old tubes! I might rent out "Beaches" again!!!

Day 10. I think. I weighed myself this morning (I know I know i shouldnt have but what are you gonna do!) and the scales have moved a half pound since yesterday. Now thats about right. If you expect toose 14lbs a month (30 days or thereabouts) you can expect to lose about a half pound a day. A quarter pounder every 12 hours. Now that puts the diet into a visual dimension for me. I am visualising all the quarter pounders i have eaten over the years (they've been many) and i am imagining them being peeled off my rear one by one.... That will keep me to plan

Having great day. Lots of ppl come on here for support when they feel off and thats great and wise. I am however in the opposite mood. The diet is easy. Really doable. Much easier than lipotrim. When i was on LT i felt shocked and shaky all the time. It was like a silent scream rising up inside me all the time. On Exante i feel totally fulfilled and satisfied. I dont feel shaky. Now i am having some tesco bars - one a day- and maybe they are filled with stuff i shouldnt have. I dunno. I feel freakin great today. My arms are swinging easier by my sides where a little bit of my stomach used to be. I feel ....HAPPY. I CAN do this. Its not half as hard as i has dreaded. I am not deprived. What i have lost is the transient pleasure of eating. What i have gained, after only 10 days, is a feeling of hope that i can change this and the belief that i can. It seemed like an insurmountable problem. Now its not. A weight has literally lifted off my shoulders and i have a lighter step.

I have lots of energy. I LOOK better already. My innards feel better and some of the joint pain has disappeared. Im waking up naturally BEFORE the alarm clock.... Its great.

I'd like to get into a routine now. Where i dont count days or pounds but just get on with life and forget about the diet and let it happen.

For those who havent started i can honestly say that it is easier than it sounds. And its working.

Day 10. A litre of water to go before bed. Trying to get three litres in every day and struggle a bit with it. Feeling good still.

Fabulous belle, your post today made me smile and washed some of that positive mental attitude over me!
I've had the biggest crying episode in years since I have been on this diet... I think I normally self-sooth with food, but I'm up for tears now. I'm sure the wailing burnt a few extra calories! Xx
Oh Nixib. Ive cried several times this week but in a good release-the-emotion sort of way and i think thats why i feel happy now.

Abed now. Five year old and two year old migrated in beside earlier. Havent enough room to get comfortable and they keep kicking and moving. Oh well. Late night TV beckons.

Um. Still not skinny.

Everyone has a vice..some drink, some do drugs, some smoke 70 a day. I am an eater. I used to think i was great cos i kicked the cigarettes 6 years ago. A little slice of cake or three won't harm me. Of course science now reveals that the cake is probably worse than the cigarette.... I probably have clogged arteries and my body is destroyed.... Could i ever shrink back to a normal size without saggy muscles and skin???

Really they should give classes in school on vices. Like "Vices 101: How to chose a vice that suits YOU" which would include a section on "Kicking the habit - the consequences". Smokers throw away their lighter and tada they are off cigarettes. A week later a stranger wouldnt know if they had been smokers or not same with alcoholics. Eaters on the other hand wear their shame around their waists long long long after they give up eating. No fair God. No fair.


Day 12 : TOTM. Still here. Absolutely LOVE the tesco raspberry bar. But they the store ran out..... Might cry.....