Back again - also tetra question


Hi everyone,

I'm back again after having to come off CD for surgery I managed to put pretty much all the weigh back on as I just felt really down and couldn't stop comfort eating :(

Anyway, I've got a holiday with my hubby in the Maldives coming up in November and if that doesn't motivate me I don't know what will! It was actually trying my bikinis on that made me just think enough is enough. Also I have my 25th birthday coming up in January and I don't want to be fat on anymore birthdays!!!

Am hoping to stick to SS+ for the next 7 weeks and then hopefully resume on 810 after my holiday. I'm only on day 2 at the moment and so far feeling fine just cold and hungry!

Anyway sorry for going on... I was just wondering about the tetras as I find the shakes upset my stomach and cause me a lot of painful bloating and trapped wind.

Would I be better of having the tetras or is there no difference? Also how many tetras am I allowed in one day?

I understand about trapped wind, that's why i only do soup, porridge or tetras. I know some people who live on just the tetras so i don't think there's really anything wrong with that
3 aday is ok just need to up your fluid intake, its only the bars they say you should limit ti 1 per day, good luck :)
I take 3 tetras a day no problems for me, best of luck shifting the weight for your holidays