Back and ready to succeed


Full Member
Hi all,
I'm back for a new years detox and shed the pounds i've regained since i started eating again. I have sought counselling and understand myself a bit better. So, I'm going to get the junk out of me and start again.
I would normally eat myself into oblivion but and wait until it's so far gone I'm sick but this time i've regained 11 pounds while eating again(i didn't refeed well) and nipping my last 21pounds before it feels like too much to achieve.
I also threw away all the clothes that were too big on me, I highly recommend it as i have to buy more clothes if i don't nip it now. I can't afford to buy more clothes, and more importantly, I wont.
Looking forward to 2012 people.
I'm sure you will quickly loose the lbs you 'found' over the last few weeks. Good luck!