Back yet again


I've started AGAIN today after a brief fling with ww. I think ww will be good once I get my weight down a bit but for now I need a faster weight loss. I'm on day 1 and all is going well...but I'm feeling really down. I don't know if it's this yoyo dieting getting me down or what....I don't have any major reason to be feeling depressed and Hubby is finding it hard to understand... Hopefully once I'm into the diet again I will start to feel better.
Dietwise, I'm aiming for 2stone in the next 6 weeks for my friends wedding. I'm getting fed up looking beyond that so I have removed my ticker. I might make a new one only for the 2stone immediate goal. It might help me to focus on the short term.

Anyway just wanted to say Hi I'm back!!
Glad to see you back. Sometimes if your on a mission the fast solution really helps to get you started. Set a new ticker with a smaller goal.

Try to use this site to rant and vent and keep your mind occupied and then hubby might not notice the moods/feelings we all get because we are not happy our bodies.

Lots of water etc and I find doing some floor exercises really helps if I dont want to go outside and exercise.
