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I'm sure I read somewhere that bacon with all the fat cut off, just the medallions, is a source of protein.

Is this correct and could it be eaten on slim and save?
I bloody wish lol
Oops, I didn't check - had 2 packets last week, clearly didn't have an effect on my losses!
I thought you could have fat trimmed unsmoked bacon? I had it on Atkins so presumed you could on SnS too.
Not sure u can have both tho... Assuming its 2eggs or 100g bacon. Unless u split it all..... Not 100% sure tho just guessing
Thought I'd share a bit of what I've been doing so far, it seems to be working ok for me so far... I'm working through the Beck Diet Solution to address my eating choices and behaviour around that as I've overeaten most of my life. That said, I'm not yet equipped with enough stills to not overeat. I can recognise the desires and know the difference between hunger and cravings, but aren't quite there in having 100% successful techniques to avoid it. So, that is a long winded way of saying it's kind of ok to not quite stick to this absolutely by the letter (without wishing to sound like I'm rubbishing it or anything like that, or that's it's ok not to stick with a diet).

My philosophy is that a massively dramatic change from how I've eaten my whole life is going to have some good days and some days when it's a bit more challenging. If I have what my head considers to be "cheats" but choose those cheats wisely to stay in ketosis, then I will more likely remain on the plan longer term. This then gives me the space to work through my overeating issues whilst still losing weight. It took me a long time to get to this point, for long term success in changing my approach to eating, I'm not going to be able to do that without taking some time to grasp it fully.

So, I have cheats - when I said above I'd had 2 packets of bacon this last week, I had them over 2 evenings when I had a lot of emotionally based cravings - 6 rashers of bacon on each occasion. This was in addition to my packs for the day. I'm not suggesting that it's fine to do that all the time, but I do think I'm saying that if you need to loosen the strings a little from time to time for longer term success, then that's ok. I appreciate that for some people being on a diet is an all or nothing thing - I've been there myself many a time. But for those of you that may struggle a little and need to work with your head, then a little on plan cheating that helps you stay on track I think is ok :)
I imagine matching the calories to the allowed amount (off top of my head not sure how much that is..) but the medalions are roughly 50cals each I think?
Id have it as a treat as its still more fatty than chicken even without fatty rind
It's a 'use it as a treat' thing. Bacon isn't good for you generally anyway (additives, salt, fat blah blah blah) and the point of SnS, beyond losing the weight is to change eating habits for long term weight maintenance and overall health. But the occasional piece of bacon, if it helps you stay on the diet is fine. I enjoy a small (sub 100g) chicken breast, stuffed with a tiny amount of low fat cottage cheese wrapped in a bacon medallion an excellent substitute for parma wrapped, feta stuffed chicken breast when we have guests round.

I also have the odd protein based cheat now and then, my fave is roast chicken fridge raiders. It's better than reaching for the chocolate!
I have to be honest too.....I have had extra protein every day (I'm on day 4) and will until my hunger abates/until i dont need to. Although it will limit my first weeks loss, I'm not cold and I've had no headaches worth noticing so I'm pushing through the notoriously difficult first week without any problems. I'm hoping I'm making it easier this way. That said, this is my first vcld, so what do I know aye!
I agree with what you said Noodles. I think we have to accept that we are all going to cheat a little .....after all what is life about but to enjoy something every now and again. If we look at it over a week, S&S is allowing us about 6-700 calories a day. That's an awful lot less than what we were all eating prior to starting the diet. Another 600 - 1000 calories over the week (a couple of packs of bacon) is still allowing us to lose weight far quicker than if we were on SW or WW. My attitude is that as long as I don't do it every day, and maybe allow a small cheat once a week, then I'm doing really well. My friend lost three stone on LL....but if she was invited out to dinner, she still went. She only went once a week maximum, usually far less, but she still went out and had a good time. She declined carbs, alcohol and dessert, but lost three stone in four months. That to me is amazing! Her attitude was that she had a life, and she wasn't going to stop it for a diet. It taught her self control and two years later she has kept the weight off.
I'm trying very hard to steer away from the view of food being a treat, I've done that my whole life and that's why I'm here! But, I have to accept that this is no quick fix, despite the quick nature of the weight loss, this is my opportunity to sort my head out while my body gets a break from the relentless intake of food that my head has insisted it be subject to for years and years. Food is fuel, pure and simple, and my body is perfectly capable of running on empty as I've spent many years stockpiling fuel in spare gerry cans dotted all over my body, there won't be any fuel crisis here for a long time to come! But my head has gone to the fuel station forever with the notion that it must be filled to absolutely full and beyond, taking another gerry can along just in case...

So back to the bacon - it's not a great choice, it's not particularly nutritiously balanced, it's generally packed full of salt and has a bit of tasty fat round the edge. All of that really works for my head when my head screams out to sooth itself from the emotional turmoil that has been this last week for me. It's massive progress from the previous enormous carb fest I would have had to answer that call in the past. Just need to get through today now, my Dad is having major open heart surgery today and it's been really tough in the build up, I've always been a big emotional eater so this is an extreme challenge. I've still got a pack of bacon left in the fridge though, so it'll be ok ;)
hope to op goes ok for your dad Noodles x well done for sticking to plan as it's so difficult when your head is somewhere else.
I think what noodles says is great and that she has thought this through using CBT and finding a place which is right for her and her relationship with food. However, I'm concerned the people reading this thread will take this as permission to cheat on the diet without going through and working out if this is right for them. For me personally the power of a VLCD was to take food out of the equation. I effectively gave up food for the first 6 months (4 packs no veg no milk) and then moved on to 3 packs and a protein meal. The period where I 'gave up food' was really powerful for me and I learnt all kinds of things about my relationship with food. Just accepting at the start that you are going to treat yourself - where is this coming from? Is this your current unhealthy relationship with food being supported through the diet? If there's an emotional response to it then it isn't coming from your pure rational place. All I'm suggesting is at you take some time analysing things before you make decisions in this area.

Before you think I'm a goody 2 shoes who always followed exactly what the diet said you should know that when I moved to 3 packs plus a meal I upped my calories to 800 a day and ate whatever I chose as long as I stayed within my calorie limit, had no more than 65g of carbs a day and ate at least 50g of protein a day. I chose my own rules because I understood the diet and why the rules where there and because I made it work for me.
I'm with you 100% there Weasey, I also really hope nobody takes my posts as permission to cheat, I tried to word them carefully so that didn't come across - it is entirely my experience of what works for me. I guess the point I was trying to get across, and not very well, was that I have found the plan (notice I don't call it a diet?) easier to stay with (not stick with!) by being a little less regimented in my approach.

I also think that for both of us, we've had the benefit of the LL approach and have been pointed in the right direction to get the tools to address the reasons why we eat what we do how we do. I think I could stand on a soapbox and urge everyone who feels they need to lose weight to use these tools too as they are enormously effective :)

And thanks for the best wishes WT - appreciated :)