Bad day :(

Hi GT, I wouldn't say it's an abusive relationship. Believe me, I give as good as I get. Lol. :D If a disagreement turns into shouting he reckons its because he has to raise his voice because I won't let him get a word in and I won't be shouted at so I kick him out. Suppose it's a typical scenario in a lot of households.

I had another upset with some news from my mum yesterday to do with family stuff and I really missed DH because he's the one who always makes it all better. Mum made it better though and we went to the pub. She wasn't drinking because she's on WW and I drank 2 pints of water. I didn't feel the urge to drink alcohol at all! My bro and his wife were there and lots of regulars passed through - we had a great laugh. I think I could get use to going out tee total and not spending loads of money on drinks and cabs then having to deal with horrendous hangovers and guilt at how much money I spent, calories I consumed, etc.

By the time I got home I didn't really fancy my 810 evening meal and so when I went to bed I realised I had done a day of SS. I couldn't be bothered to get up so that was that.

Minz - I just woke up this morning having had a very vivid dream about consuming a KFC. It was lovely at first but then it turned hellish. I was eating like I was starving - shoved a massive bunch of fries into my mouth followed by a mouthful of fried chicken and it was unexpectedly soaked in vinegar which turned my stomach. I woke up feeling like I wanted to throw up!!! Yuk!

First weigh in today! Can't wait! :)
sorry u an oh are on rocky terms hunni and hopefully ye will sort it out!! im very like u and wont be shouted at but can do the shouting haha good luck with wi xxx
Wow Poppy you've shown such strength of character - you should be sooo proud of yourself. I'm sorry that you are going thru a rough time though - big hugs x Hope you are doing ok x
Thanks catznolan and munchmarie.

I'm much better today and had a lovely chat with DH on the phone last night before I went to sleep.

I'm a bit lethargic at mo which I don't think is completely to do with CD - I also haven't been sleeping too well and when I have felt moments of stress I've been getting really out of breath, etc. That should pass when I start getting more sleep which will hopefully be tonight!

Had my first WI today (day 6 of wk 1 on 810) and I have lost 8lbs!!!!! :D Woohoo!
Thanks skinikki! :D
Yay well done lamaris! Keep it up! When is your next WI? I'm so excited about being able to go shopping for some new clothes in a couple of weeks. :D
Wow - well done!!!! And I'm glad you 2 talked. :)
Thank you GTpeach :) things could only get better after the weekend I've had. ;) When's your next WI?
Next official WI is Thursday morning. But I lost 1 lb. today so have hit 2 stone loss! =)

Oh and look - you can access profiles and PMs now!! =)
after the ups and downs uve had to have a 8lb loss AND not fall off the wagon u should be damn hell proud of urself!!
and ure half way there!! well done xx
Yay GTpeach! Well done on the 2st mark hun! And thanks yes I finally got the ability to PM, etc. :D

Fingers crossed for Friday lamaris. :)

Thanks catznolan. I know - the only regret I have is not finding out about CD sooner because this last stone has been stressing me out for years.

My mum has gone back on WW and it's taken her a month to lose what I've lost in a week so guess what? She came to my WI today and bought a week's worth of shakes to start 810. :)

I now have a partner in crime! ;)
Go you! It's awesome she wants to do it with you! My mom started gung-ho, saying she was going to use her slim fast shakes while I did these and see who lost more (which bummed me b/c it was intrusive and would have made me unhappy with an 8 lb loss if she made 10) and then..... she hasn't dieted or anything! I still see her eating food, and also desserts like ice cream and cheesecakes and lemon pies and stuff! :-o So I'm literally all alone in the dieting at my house.
having some one doing it with u is sometimes a good idea, but also has the downside to.
me and my sis started ww together and she fell off the wagon quicker than i did but cause i seen her back eating what she wanted i soon did it to!!
whereas now im alone doing ll i love it cause i only have me to worry bout!!
just remember if she gives it up doesnt mean u have to too!!
Families hey? Especially mums. Wouldn't be without em tho!

I totally get that - thanks for the warning guys. I think I'll only be doing this for another week or two though and I'm a lot more at ease with it coming up to my 2nd week so hoping it will be a breeze. Mum's like me - only a bit to lose but a bit more than me (she's currently BMI 27) and I reckon she'll be ok with CD.

I've always supported her when she's been doing WW (on and off for yrs) and she supported me loads when I did it in 2000 and lost 2st (also put it all back on =/).

I have a good understanding of how the points system works and when she comes round I make her meals and tell her how many points it equates to. She always loses a couple of stone to get to goal but after she stops going she puts it all back on again and usually a little more. this time she's talking about doing that lifelong member thing after goal where you still go to get weighed but it's free which is meant to help people to maintain. I think she'll get fed up with it though.

I've decided I'm going to weigh myself once a week after goal on CD so I might try and get her into doing that with me so we can support eachother. My plan is that if I ever find I gain more than 4lbs after goal I'm going to hit CD 1200 for a little while.
Poppy, you just keep on hanging in there. I too have been faced with situations that in the past would have had me eating my comfort foods. Now it is easier overall to not give in, but there are some days when the earge to eat food is almost too much to bear. Getting through those times helps keep us strong.
BTW I am in wk 5 on optifast and have lost 19.7 lbs. I weigh in again tomorrow evening. I come to this forum because of the support. I haven't found a forum for optifast that stays as daily active as this one.:)
Go poppy!