Barb's going at it a little differently!

Well said Barb! :)

A cruise? How exciting, AND you will be at least 3 stone lighter by then, mark my words, I have every faith in you and your positive attitude.

Have a great day, do you weigh in tomorrow? Good luck!

God i am in a filthy mood today. Don't know why, just feel utterly fed up with everything. Having the builders in has made dust everywhere which my oh so helpful DH decided to point out to me - just as I was going to do it anyway. Never notices when I have done it, but does when I haven't, great! Then he does a bit of painting and expects a round of applause. Men!

I think I am jittery about tomorrow. What of I haven't lost anything? What if all this projected stuff is not doable? OMG, I just feel overwhelmed with it all.
Oh Barb,
Even if you havent lost, look at the bigger picture. You might need tweaking. You are allowed to feel in a bad mood. And for what its worth, why cannot your OH pick up a duster. GRRRRR - on your behalf. I so so sympathise with you. My house is a total dust bucket.
Hugs. xxx
Thank you Clarri, they do drive you mad at times, don't they. Mine is usually better than he is at the moment, maybe he feels a bit unsettled by my plans. I haven't told him about the possible Type 2 diabetes, I just don't want to worry him if it is not necessary. Trouble is I think that is why I am extra edgy and he doesn't know why.

Feel a bit better this afternoon, did lots of cal burning cleaning and then food shopping this afternoon.

Please keep fingers crossed for me for tomorrow. I know you are right Clarri and that I am going in the right direction, it's just right now I need to see results, no matter how unreasonable of me that is.
Well, very pleased to say that is 2lbs off for this week. Was hoping for 3 but after last week's 8 I am well pleased. 10lbs gone in two weeks is pretty good going I think!

So a much happier Barb today!
Well, it is 10lbs really, but I love the forward thinking! Thanks for the encouragement, much appreciated.
Thanks Clarri, I hope you do too!
Fantastic Barb :) Well done , 10lbs in 2 weeks is such a brilliant result..take a bow!!!

I'm with you on the jittery feeling before weigh in, i think its because a gain or sts plays havoc with my mind, though i shouldn't allow it to! I think there is a bit of me scared that i'll never achieve what i want to be as it is so far off!!!! everyone feels like that at some time, don't worry..we are going to do this, we won't let each other down!!!! ;)

MEN?????? there are from another planet some days!, don't worry about it ....and in a calm moment, just smile and think of all the good things about him that doesn't annoy you :) for me :D

Have a great day, keep happy and keep ARE doing this!!!!! :)
Ah Rose, wise words as always! Thank you for your encouragement, I do feel we are in this together and that really helps. Dieting can be a lonely business and when you have tried as many times as I have, you can't expect people around you to take as much interest as you would like. My DH hasn't asked how weigh in went, i doubt it has occurred to him, but I am not worried, the results will soon be all too obvious!

I agree about men, they can't help it, bless them. I am lucky, mine is so good really, most of the time and truth be told I am a very lucky woman really.

Thanks Rose, I AM DOING THIS! Bring on next weeks weigh in.
That's the spirit Barb :)

This site is a godsend for me as I have no-one who understands, and I have tried so many times for years to lose it, family are probably we go again!!!...but this time, I will do it, we all will :D

God love all men, don't know what I'd do without mine, like you and many others, I am a lucky woman ;)

(still won't tell him what I weigh though :eek:)
too embarrased :eek:

Have a nice evening :)
Couldn't agree more Rose, at least on here you know everyone understands and takes an interest, whereas family invariably glaze over when the word diet comes into the conversation!

No, I won't tell my DH what I weigh either! I will when I have lost 5stone and 5lbs though!

A good day yesterday, we went out for a quiet dinner just us two and that was lovely. We went for a Thai (our fave) and that makes it quiet easy for me really as i like their steamed sea bass and steamed rice. had wine with it but I think that is ok as we must still be able to enjoy ourselves.

Today is going to be a good day, sun is shining and I am ready to get the next 2 lbs off for this week!
Yes, that 2lb (and maybe more?) is already preparing to fly off your weight as we speak ;)

Meal sounded lovely, great choices and yummy too :)

So relieved that I am not the only one who keeps her weight secret from hubby, (the only secret I have from him!!!!) It's silly really as he can obviously see i have piled on a lot of weight since we met and married, and there is no way he thinks I am a size 12/14 :rolleyes: but like you, I have told him, I will confess all...when I reach where I want to be :) or he'll work it out for himself when I tell him how much i have lost when I get to my final happy weight.

Have a good Wednesday Barb :)
You'll have no problem losing that 2lb Barb... you're doing brilliantly.

It shows such a change in mindset when you can go out for dinner and still eat healthily. I totally agree about the wine, you can't give up all of life's pleasures... enjoy your treats ;)

Best of luck with the next few days :p
Thanks OTW, I feel very confident about it really. I got myself in a state about it last week but i am not going to this week. I am doing the right things so results will come. Some weeks may show better than others but if I can average 2lbs a week that will be fantastic.

Good day yesterday, eat lots of lovely healthy stuff, made some gorgeous king prawn tikka kebabs for dinner and then went for a lovely seafront walk after dinner.

My only gripe at the moment is my joints, I'm starting to feel quite worried. Yesterday the pain in one wrist was really acute, the pain in both legs if i stand for any length of time is awful and it all seems to have developed relatively suddenly. My gp has said is is a mix of osteo and inflamatory arthritis but hasn't really done much other than giving me painkillers. I think I will ask for a private referral when I see her next (13th June), I actually struggled to stand at the sink to brush my teeth this morning, which seems a bit mad.

Anyway, aiming for a good day today, out with friends for dinner tonight, so that could be a bit challenging.
Sorry to hear you are suffering today Barb. Definately return to Gp and ask for more relief than painkillers. Poor soul, it sounds so painful. Hope you feel more comfortable soon.

Enjoy your dinner tonight, just choose as sensibly as you can, and as you are not feeling 100% go on..have a wee treat after your meal, a little ice cream or something AND a glass of wine :D

Have a nice thursday :)
Awww Barb I'm so sorry to hear you're suffering. Hopefully you're feeling a bit brighter now. Perhaps visit your doctor rather than suffering for the weekend, maybe they can prescribe something?

Alternatively, how about treating yourself to a massage... it may ease the pain on your joints, or even just the jacuzzi in your local gym or leisure centre.

Take some Barb selfish and find something to spoil yourself... hopefully it will make you feel a little better and the pain may be easier to cope with.

It's the little things that are important... Enjoy a long hot soak with some nice smelly candles :)

Careful with wine and pain killers though xx
Thanks Rose and OTW, good advice. I like the massage idea, I've never had one, but it probably would be lovely.

We had a lovely evening out, despite my feeling so rubbish. Trouble was it was chinese and there were six of us so we ended up doing a set menu. I ate way too much, most of which was fried and I am afraid I had too much wine too. However, I needed a real treat so I am not going to stress over it, I'm just going to get straight on with my plan today and hope for the best.

Pain wise, it is still pretty bad, can't get an appointment with my gp though, so will just try and rest and not go too mad on housework etc.