Barb's Up and Down Diary

Stubborn, stubborn bodies! My scales aren't moving as fast as I'd like either - despite being on sole source. I blame the weather! ;)

Stick with it girls ... you'll reap the rewards soon.
Me too - stayed the same 11,7 yesterday. At one point it was actually 11,8/11,9 but then I realised the scales were on the tile line not a flat tile. Still having a few problems, I think salad actually has the opposite effect on me to the one it's supposed to!:eek:
RD, I think you are right about the weather being at fault. I have a theory (here she goes again) that a lot of weight problems are caused by central heating. Everyone goes on about how weights have gone up due to fast food, but central heating has also become universal during the last 25 years. The body uses a lot of calories regulating its temperature, either heating up or cooling down. So we aren't using these calories when we rely on the CH thermostat, and if you have AC then your internal heat control isn't used either. At the minute we ought to be feeling too hot, using our calories to keep cool. But it isn't and we're not.

Sorry Barb, I shouldn't be using your diary to rant.
You pop in any time you like Claire - always good to hear your theories. I think CH is an issue, certainly on the health front, this asthma and other breathing probs.
I've lost track Barb ... are you on a DD or UD?
We were on the same so it should be an UD today. We were both on DDs yesterday. Just missed you by a couple of minutes, my hair pics are linked to the WeMITT thread.
Yes, its an UD, so why do I feel so lacklustre? I don't know, is it the weather? Is it cause I am a bad tempered old bat? Is it because I am already thinking, DD tomorrow?
I think actually it is the sheer lack of results. I was listening to my chatterbox earlier and he was saying ' well you may have lost 8lbs in 6 and a bit weeks but 6 of that was lost in the first 2 weeks!' Flip, that brought me up short. Ok, I try not to agree with him as a rule as he is a very bad influence, but on this occasion, he is right. So, I don't know where that leaves me. I want to do this week and see a proper result, that would inspire me to continue. Trouble is I could not feel less like it.

Umm, sounds like another kick up the pants required, which is a shame as the last one really hurt!
Feeling rough & crap weather are CAUSING the lack of results. If it were lovely & sunny you wouldn't fancy eating & if then it would only be salad & skinny cow ice cream. I'm also a bit lack-lustre today but my stomach is better today :eek: and hopefully if I don't go any further overboard I may see a loss tomorrow. I WON'T see a gain.

I am the lowest weight I have been in nearly 9 months & that IS cause for celebration!

Yes Anja, you are right,that is cause for celebration! Well done - FAB!
I had a nice Ud after all, went to our favourite Thai restaurant for dinner and today hope on the scales and have dropped .75lb! Go figure! Had a good chat with Dh last night about the whole Judding thing and I have decided that I can make it work but I need to tweak things abit. So, went on the Juddd calculator and found that if I go for the 35% weight thingy I could be having 818cals on a DD. I think that is what i need to do, this feeling desperately hungry is getting me down. I am also going to cal count on a few UD's, just to see what kind of damage I am doing, or not. I need to see the science of it working and I think I need to be more organised to achieve that.
So theres the plan, DD today and aiming at 818 cals!
'Tweaking' sounds a good idea Barb. Judding is the sort of plan where you 'adjust to fit' I reckon! If you're not happy with the results, you can shuffle things around until you are.

Don't know about you but I'm thoroughly fed up with this weather. It's definitely one factor that's bringing me down. I love being able to walk along the bay with Pepper but who wants to do that in a torrential downpour? Also, my favourite walk will be utterly boggy with all this rain :mad:

Maybe when the weather peps up (and it MUST surely??) we will all be revitalised and the scales will start moving more briskly :)
Hope so RD, feel in need of some sun and heat too!

It is limiting from an exercise point of view too, I'd like to take Ozzie for a nice walk but it is actually COLD out there. Forecast for the weekend looks better though, so here's hoping!
Well we managed a very cold wet walk on the seafront, absolutely lovely, if you like November in July!
Had a good day though, I really think tweaking the cals will help. I don;t know why I have to make things hard for myself, the advice is there on the website, from Dr J himself, so what do I do? Ignore it! Feel so much better now, not been too hungry at all and still have a over 280 left for this evening, excellent.

I have thought long and hard about this plan. I still feel this is the one for me, so onwards and downwards, if you know what I mean!
Good to hear you feeling positive Barb and the plan sounds good.

Now...the following is for future reference only!!

There seems to be an element of tweaking needed sometimes. By all means do the full amount of cals for your DD, but I know he recommends under 500 if you plateau...and counting on the UDs.

Having said that I think it's a good plan to have a rest sometimes. If the amount you are doing at the mo doesn't work..try doing a maintenance week (1,000 on DDs). See how it goes and hopefully you'll feel like starting lower again the following week.

Another idea is to change the times of your day (if under 500 is too depressing). Instead of going from morn to night, you could try going from 6:00pm - 6:00pm.

Finish your UD dinner by 6:00 and then start the DD. A small snack in the evening...then continue to 6:00pm totalling the DD cals.

After 6:00m you are on an UD again.

The good thing about this is that there isn't a DD. There is a Down 24 hours, but always a time in the day where you have more freedom.

Won't make the weight losses any more or less, but might be easier to actually get through a DD.

Of course, might not work for you at all. Might be worth considering when the going gets tough though?
Thats a cunning plan KD, worth a try I would think.
Had a good DD yesterday, ended on 722cals, could have gone to 818 but didn't need to, so didn't! Knowing I could helped though, I think that made a huge difference. On an UD today so trying to be organised and not go too mad. Out for dinner tonight, so we shall see.
Was feeling a bit fed up but feel better now. Have a plan! Going to count DD and UD for a while to get in the swing of what I am really consuming.;)
Tue-DD - 700-800
Wed UD - 2200
Thur- DD- 700-800
Fri and Sat UDs - 4500 across both days
Sun DD - 700-800

Total cals = 10600-10800
Cals needed to maintain = 16352
Defecit = 5552-5752
Should = a loss of about 1.6-1.8lbs
Wow! That's some pretty precise maths :)

Wishing you every success ... if anyone deserves some good results, you do :scale:
Thanks Debbie, you are aways so encouraging.
Thing is I still feel this is the plan for me, that it best reflects the real way I would normally eat, diet or not, so I have to find a way to MAKE it work for me.
I hope that by being a bit more precise I will see some more exciting results. I am still chuffed to be at least half a stone down on what i was in May but it needs to be a bit quicker if possible. I am also so aware that I could have not only not lost that weight, I could very easily have added to what need to be lost. I could feel that slippery slope right beneath my feet!
So I have adjusted my signature, to draw a line underneath the first 6 weeks of juddding and I am now looking forward to the results in the next 6 weeks. If it another half a stone in that time I will be chuffed to bits.
They don't call me 'Barb the tortoise' for nothing you know!