Becky's Herbalife Diary

Sounds like you are really getting into it beck xxx reading with great interest!! After this little one arrives I am sure I will need a fair few pounds shifting!!!! Xxxx

Thank you Sharon! I reckon you will end up lighter when you have the little one than you were when you found out you were pregnant!!!! c
I havent bought the bars yet, times are hard lol will do when i need another shake though. Still have over half a tub of cookies and cream and choc from before, may get vanilla next.. or another choc? hmm

I know, they are not cheep. I don't have them got every snack, I sometimes have a tin of tuna in the afternoon that I buy from Aldi for 55p x
I've just tried the hazelnut soya and it actually tastes like real hazelnuts! I had it with the chocolate shake and it soften the taste of the hazelnuts, it was yummy. Defo gets the thumbs up :D x
****biggest loser USA question***** the programme that Is on now, is it the new series? I've never watched the USA one before x
Ooooh cant wait to try them, completely forgot with my first shake!

I have recorded the episode that's one now and at 12 so not watching - just googled it though and it seems to be an old one.. 2013 looks like its series 14 and the one on now is series 10, boo! will probs still watch though!
Ooooh cant wait to try them, completely forgot with my first shake!

I have recorded the episode that's one now and at 12 so not watching - just googled it though and it seems to be an old one.. 2013 looks like its series 14 and the one on now is series 10, boo! will probs still watch though!

I've just series linked the one that's on now? Maybe I won't bother if its 2010 x
im looking through them all on sky info, so many series 10 and 11 seem to be showing. This years starts in America next week but cant see anywhere that tells you when its shown in UK :(

Ahhh right. When you look at the programme synopsis for the one that's on now it doesn't give you any details! x
I honestly cannot remember the last time I had a cold but I never remember feeling this bad. I haven't even got an appetite which as most of you know is sooooo not like me

I had a shake at 11.15am and I am just trying to have my other shake now and I still have half of it left???? I still need to have my two snacks that I've missed and then my evening meal. This is so not like me :-( x
Sweetheart plenty of rest, lost of fluids, paracetamol, and no worrying x x if you are ill you need to take it easy, I am pretty sure it won't affect the diet. Xxx
Thanks Sharon and lil legs... Seems silly when it's just a cold but seems to be knocking me for six. At least for once we don't have a lot to so this weekend.

I need to make a chili for dinner, John has asked if I want him to make it but I think it's probably easier and less mess if I do it myself ;-) x
Thanks Sharon and lil legs... Seems silly when it's just a cold but seems to be knocking me for six. At least for once we don't have a lot to so this weekend.

I need to make a chili for dinner, John has asked if I want him to make it but I think it's probably easier and less mess if I do it myself ;-) x

Hope ur feeling better love x
hope your feeling better, i had a cold over new year and i felt dodgy too. the only thing that helped me was going out in the fresh air, i hate being cooped up and nothing makes me feel worse than sitting in bed feeling sorry for myself.
i did take advantage of the hot baths though. every night with a pamper bath ;)

home made chilli sounds delish! i often make my own but using veggie mince and lots of chillies, i love hot and spicy foods so i put in loads of chillies
I feel better than I did earlier, I felt almost quesie (don't know how to spell!)

I'm making the chilli so going to have it with some rocket salad

I hope you are on the mend lil legs x
Feel a million times better thank you, hopefully you're on the mend too! Still gonna take it easy though and get an early night :)

Enjoy your chilli! Just having my last shake now, gonna have an options hot choc too. Gonna stock up tomorrow on hot choc and fruit for my snacks - hopefully find some essence too!!