Been married a whole month already!!!!

Hope tomorrow goes really well, will be thinking about you. Cant wait until you post the details of the day.......and the photos of course.
NOONOO! how the times flies, eh?? i hope the day goes wonderfully for you. ur big day and u r going to be absolutely gorgeous.

All the best for tomorrow NooNoo! You're going to have such a fantastic day!! Can't wait to see the pics :D
NooNoo have a wonderful day tomorrow. Savour every moment because you will be surprised how quickly the day flies by.

I wish you and Vic a wonderful life together for ever.

Very best wishes for your special day tomorrow NooNoo!! Wishing you a long and happy life together. :D
Best wishes for your big day xxx

Hi NooNoo :D

Can't believe your big day is tomorrow!!! I can't imagine how excited you must be feeling right now...

My wedding is 4 weeks today & sometimes I think I'm gonna explode with excitement waaay before it gets here!!!

I hope everything turns out perfect for you & you enjoy every single second of your day.
.....Can't wait to see your photo's.

(i'm sooo excited for you... I think I feel sick!!)

Lots of love

Nic x
' Noo Noo's getting married in the morning, ding dong the bells are gonna chime,' ha haa can't remember the rest!!

Have a lovely day, and as the others say, savour every minute coz it will just fly by... sooo excited for you both..


ps if you come on here before tomorrow - what time's your wedding so we can all be thinking of you :p
All the best for your big day tomorrow, I'm sure it will be wonderful.

Julia xx
Noo Noo wishing you and Vic all the very best for your BIG DAY tomorrow Enjoy it hun xxxxxxxxxxxx
Im sure you will have a fantastic day tomorrow!! Good luck with everything! Sarahxx.
Thanks all of you!!

well its almost here..........have had our nails done, I have little diamonds on each of mine;) , have been out for lunch and done all the girlie stuff, have been to the pub and had a drink and said good night to Vic!!!!!!!!!

So here we are mum and sis and the boys and my niece.......sitting here in pjs, the kids are in bed and the day is almost here!!


I am so excited, deffo not nervous at all....just so looking forward to seeing everybody and having a wonderful day and marrying the love of my life!!

Thanks for all of your good luck messages, I will post piccies asap.

I will report back to you all some time on sunday pm and monday.

Have a wonderful weekend,

hugs and kisses to all of you!!!

WeMITTs...............have a wonderful weekend!!

love Lou XXX
OOOOH - the day is here!!!!

Have a fantastic time, hun!!!!!!!!!

(I'm excited for you and a teensy bit envious at the same time - in the nicest possiblel way!!! lol)


Hope your having a wonderful day and that the weather is as nice there as it is here:D

Love Mini xxx