Been told i'm on the 'verge' of an eating disorder :(

Let's face it, we're all here coz we have issues with food, ie obviously ate too much! End of. So we started CD through our own choice to do something about it. There's no underlying illness etc.
Whereas people with eating disorders rarely ask for help. They mask problems with food & eventually need clinics, Drs etc & don't walk into these places off their own back. They need therapy etc.
It's a diet. Simples. Its tough but works. If someone did CD with an ED I would imagine the results wud be catastrophic! That's why food only available through a CDC surely.
Ignore the numpty who judges u without a clue! Well done btw

Totally agree. x
xSinead said:
Thank you so much, i really needed to hear that.
You're right, my mind has blocked food out, and its normal.. its been 14 weeks since i've eaten ANYTHING like i used to eat, i can't remember the last time i had a chip or a peice of chocolate, and whats more is that i don't even want any of those things because the thought makes me feel sick. If that means i'm on the verge of an eating disorder than fine, whatever. I'll be 11 stone for Christmas, and all the people who have been supporting me will still be there with me for the remainder of my journey, thats all i really need.

Hi Sinead have you been 100% for 13 weeks??? If so that is amazing
True inspiration X
Don't listen, sounds like a case of sour grapes to me. You're doing amazingly well, I hope I can do half as well as you and I'll consider myself a success :)
Hi Sinead have you been 100% for 13 weeks??? If so that is amazing
True inspiration X

yup i've done SS for 14 weeks now, other than having grilled chicken on a friday, which i haven't done for 2 weeks.
I am doing amazing & i am so proud of myself. Life feels better already!
Hi Sinead,

I have to say your post really hit me because I often find myself obsessing and have done for years and I am so so fearful of developing an ED.

However since starting CD my attitude to food and my body has changed for the better. I now see it as 'fuel' and realise these shakes are giving me everything I need nutritionally and for the first time in a long time I don't worry about food or even really think about it, I agree with your description of disliking food because it just has so many awful connotations for me and reminders of how I used to binge and purge and hurt my body.

A lot of my friends are saying I am 'hurting' my body but how? I am getting many more nutrients than I ever did starving all day then having a massive meal in the evening (normally McDonald's or something equally hideous).

I have so much energy and feel good about myself for the first time in a long time. I agree what others say about whomever saying that being jealous as you have done well and have really been such an inspiration to me, I love reading your posts.

Keep up the good work hun xxx
Blondie82 said:
Oh n how about those steaks that you posted about on facebook .... You remember those meals that you "used to have" after your weigh Inn haha

You must be bored if you're doing this and saying unhelpful things. You can leave now, there's no point.
Oh my god, what a nasty individual.
Ha yeah I am ... N what a attention seeker you are ... Your such a liar sinead ... Move over emma sealey sinead's taking over hahaha
I don't know enough about how this forum works to do it myself, but is there anyway to report the Blondie82 posts as inappropriate and ask a mod to remove them?
A public forum such as this is no place for such nasty personal attacks.
I think you'll find Blondie you are the 'loser of the year' considering you came here just to bully someone. Sad individual and clearly thick too as you cannot read Sinead has said someone commented that CD is similar to an eating disorder, she did not say that. Crawl back into your hole you bitter witch. Jealous much?
Seriously it's a troll- every1 just completely ignore it & she will get bored. Don't even respond to her.
We all kno how well we've done, comments otherwise r irrelevant
Disgusting people can even bully others like that, even more frightening that she has clearly seen my facebook & i have no idea who it is.
Very scary- think of this as a safe place where we r all in same boat, share our ups & downs together... Shouldn't b subjected to this :-( keep ur chin up sinead xxxxxx
Theres always one, ignore them, what a sad way to live your life, belittling others