Step 1 Sole Source Began yesterday... journey of a desperate woman :)

Hello kitty

What's your visualisation skills like ? If you did a learning styles audit would you be audio, visual or kinaesthetic ? Once you have found out then perhaps you could devise some reinforcers using your preferred style........? You write so it could be visual......?
Hello kitty

What's your visualisation skills like ? If you did a learning styles audit would you be audio, visual or kinaesthetic ? Once you have found out then perhaps you could devise some reinforcers using your preferred style........? You write so it could be visual......?

I'm a mix between visual and kinaesthetic I think. That's a good idea and I do feel better when I'm writing down things. I do write down all my cheats everyday and do keep track of what I eat and am trying to get a proper understanding as to why as well. So getting there.

How are you today?

Hello Forever, JudgeJ and everyone else,

Hope you are all staying strong :)

Just a reminder, are you drinking enough water? I realised I've been skipping and not being as rigorous with the water. So back on a mission to get at least 3.5 litres today. Who's going to join me on the challenge?

I've only got 4.5lbs to go to leave the 12 stone zone. Feeling motivated :)


I'm not too bad at's sometimes hard to get kinaesthetic stimulation so you could hold things that weigh certain amounts.....what you have lost or what you want to lose.......have lots of lists of why you want to lose weight , how life will improve and a pen portrait of what you will look like at goal....I think that starting to emotionally invest in a real , slimmer future might make it harder for you to accept cheating and then rationalising it are worth it....

I'm not too bad at's sometimes hard to get kinaesthetic stimulation so you could hold things that weigh certain amounts.....what you have lost or what you want to lose.......have lots of lists of why you want to lose weight , how life will improve and a pen portrait of what you will look like at goal....I think that starting to emotionally invest in a real , slimmer future might make it harder for you to accept cheating and then rationalising it are worth it....

Glad you're doing okay.

All your suggestions are wonderful and I shall definitely work on making sure I've got more stimulation to keep going. Thank you so much for your suggestions. Given how much I want to get into size 12 once and for all - when I get the chance, I'm going to purge a lot more of my size 16 things from my drawers and cupboard. Once I've got only 14s to wear, I'll need to go shopping :) And there's no way I want to buy size 14 anything any more - so it will be old clothes or else.

I had an appointment with my GP nurse yesterday and she was so pleased I'd lost weight. It was one of the best GP visits I've had.

The last time I was at the GP I mentioned I had heart burn......she suggested I lose weight......I said that my knee hurt and that my foot was stiff in the morning.......she said lose some is so very pragmatic as a response and so devastating at the same a positive Gp visit must feel
Hi everyone. I thought I'd try and join in somewhere on a thread as I feel I'm at a point where I need some support & encouragement!! I've been on SS for 6 weeks now (minus two nights off- straight back on the day after though)! I have lost 32 lbs so far, my next weigh in is tomorrow. I've really struggled lately and funnily I am at the weight I can normally get to with diet & exercise (but in a longer time span). I really want to push through but this step feels like it has no end to it. My partner is away this week and I'm off work until my night shifts start on Thursday. This seems to make things harder!!

Everyone here seems to have had great losses! Well done!! I know how hard this can be & often I have to take myself to bed just to get over another day on this plan!!

Nicola :)
Hi everyone. I thought I'd try and join in somewhere on a thread as I feel I'm at a point where I need some support & encouragement!! I've been on SS for 6 weeks now (minus two nights off- straight back on the day after though)! I have lost 32 lbs so far, my next weigh in is tomorrow. I've really struggled lately and funnily I am at the weight I can normally get to with diet & exercise (but in a longer time span). I really want to push through but this step feels like it has no end to it. My partner is away this week and I'm off work until my night shifts start on Thursday. This seems to make things harder!!

Everyone here seems to have had great losses! Well done!! I know how hard this can be & often I have to take myself to bed just to get over another day on this plan!!

Nicola :)
Hello Nicola,

You have done really well....! It is really hard but the results are so worth it.......This is my first time doing a VLCD so I am very impressed with the quick does show how much our lives are dominated by food though....everything revolves around it and then huge gaps when it is taken away..... I obsessively watch food programmes even though I don't enjoy cooking...and if you watch the right ones like Man v Food it actually puts you off....!
The last time I was at the GP I mentioned I had heart burn......she suggested I lose weight......I said that my knee hurt and that my foot was stiff in the morning.......she said lose some is so very pragmatic as a response and so devastating at the same a positive Gp visit must feel

Yes. Last year my doctor really told me off for being over-weight since we have a family history of diabetics, cholesterol, heart disease and high blood pressure. So all the big ones - and now that 40 is approaching, she was insistent that I was asking for trouble by being in her words obese.

Now I've lost weight I really feel like it has made a difference to my overall health. But thin people don't understand how hard it really is to lose weight. Having PCOS doesn't help of course. So really pleased with the 2 stones that I've lost.

I agree that thin people don't understand because it is a non issue for them......they don't overeat (unless they have an eating disorder) so they don't experience compulsive behaviour around food.....and how much energy it takes to fight it........being overweight feels like a very outward sign of inner conflict.......
I agree that thin people don't understand because it is a non issue for them......they don't overeat (unless they have an eating disorder) so they don't experience compulsive behaviour around food.....and how much energy it takes to fight it........being overweight feels like a very outward sign of inner conflict.......

Not just an outward sign of inner conflict but sometimes also a good demonstration of family history.

I know my weight is a result of bad food practices I learned as a child, like always cleaning my plate and never leaving food uneaten, the serving of larger than needed portions, or having second and third helpings until I've over-eaten, the need to have pudding after lunch and dinner, as well as something sweet tea-time. Snacking between meals and not having proper meals when busy.

My mother still equates love with food - so the more you eat the more she feels you've had love.

There is something there about examining our childhood beliefs and experiences and working out whether they are a good fit for adulthood......I often think about a friend I used to have that was thin and attractive and I often thought of her as being really selfish....she always had to control where we ate and what she was prepared to eat and drink.......I don't think I would experience her as selfish now as I think she just made sure that her needs were being met...we create conditions and an environment that props up our over eating and I think you have to do the same to become and maintain being thin.......including practices around food that don't help us be who we need to become........ there endeth the lesson for I had all the answers I would be thin......and not on a
i am i have my 1st weighin tonight i broke on sunday had some chicken and veg but only small portion im back on track now!!

I just find it so hard at lunch time i was nearly on the end of my friends panini at 1 stage!!

Im trying to stay focus i am finding it hard!! Never new how much i think about food its so strange!!
Hi jakki,cakeordeath and kitty,
It is great reading how you all feel to know I am not the only one. It's very hard but got to think it will be so worth it in the long run!

Jakki what about doing ss+ with the small meal. Everything I have read and heard says that doesn't impact the weight loss.

I am with you kitty on the water front I need to up my game with that.

Cakeordeath you seem to do so fantastic and be very strong and motivated-go you!!

Nicola just noticed you post. That's a great weight loss. Could this weight be the ideal for your height etc? It's so hard to stay motivated when hungry and weight loss has become slow, try drinking more water they say more you drink the more you loose.

Hello Judge and jakki

I think the secret to my success is laziness.......I could not do this diet if I wasn't in ketosis.......if you cheat you risk coming out of it and being hungry all the time.......this diet will take a fraction of the time it took for us to gain weight.....why jeopardise it ?
yeah i may look into it im going away on the 4th oct so i do want the quickest weight loss!

Hopefully after i find out how much iv lost it will keep me going!!

how have you been finding it?? x
It's not easy for the first week and then you sort of get used to it and live a bit won't work if you can't adapt to not eating what every one is.....bug you are guaranteed big losses very quickly so I am happy to go with it for a time.....