Beginning of my journey

Ahhhh! Thanks. I will keep going. Won't give up. Thanks. Such nice supportive people on this site. Amazing what a little encouragement can do.

Shirley x

I know its amazing!! It took us years to get where we started with this diet and a bit of support it takes months to undo.its hard but there is no way i would have lost the weight i have in the time i have on any other diet!!! Via the fat fighter resistance lol
Sitting having my last meal of the day. Chicken and mushroom soup with a bundle of white pepper. Seem to use it in all of the soups. I need to have something that makes this diet feel normal and in my head soup seems to do it for me. Got to use anything that will get me through this journey. I mist say I have struggled today but got through it. Drink drink drink! Might have wished it be of an alcofrolic nature - hehe! - but it was lovely iced fizzy water. Must stop typing and concentrate on my soup-da-soup.

Tata for now Peeps

Shirley x
Can't stop thinking about chicken , lettuce and balsamic vinegar. Get outa ma heed! Head is bumping so going to bed. Glad this day is over. Struggled big time! Still managed 100% though.

I have the power!

Nite nite Peeps

Shirley x
Can't stop thinking about chicken , lettuce and balsamic vinegar. Get outa ma heed! Head is bumping so going to bed. Glad this day is over. Struggled big time! Still managed 100% though.

I have the power!

Nite nite Peeps

Shirley x

Remember how good this feels on the next day u r struggling!! :) its a good feeling x
So, had wi today. Lost 2 3/4lbs this week. Can't really grumble as went right aff the cd rails last Thursday and Saturday. Im definitely going try my hardest to stay 100% until next Thursday as I've actually managed a full week of 100% and after reading so many diaries that's the only way to get the maximum weight loss. There are a amazing amount of hardcore cd'ers out there and want to join that gang.

Got the mix a mousse - jury still out on that one. Need to become an expert mix a mousser before coming to y conclusion. Any tips would b very welcome.

Has anyone every said to you "vlcd's are a quick fix". Omygawd! Why don't they try it and see how easy a fix they are. This is like a diet bootcamp.

I will do this.

My favourite mantra (seen on this site) is like: nothing tastes as good as slim feels. I hear myself saying over and over when driving or walking around. Think Im tying to brainwash myself.

Instead of any food or alcofroliking Im sitting enjoying a cheeky wee coke zero. Oh How my life has changed. After a slimming class and loosing w8 Id go and treat myself to a yummy before cd. That's a step in correct direction. My goodnness I just blad! Going to concentrate on my yummy coke zero.

Have a fabby day Peeps.

Shirley x
Well done on the loss!! :)

It def isn't a quick fix at all - it looks bloody hard work and u are doing great at it! See what difference a 100% week makes and I bet that alone is encouragement enough to stay away from the things that tempt u xx
Ahhhh! Thanks. Any tips on the mix a mousse thing?

Shirley x

Ashamed to say I don't even know what the mix a mousse thing is!
Ha e u tried YouTube? People put all sorts on there and I bet u can find it! X
Didn't have a good day yesterday. Went aff the cd rails. Had a couple of alcofrolic drinks. On holiday this week so Im not boozing on a school night. Ended up having chicken, lettuce and balsamic vinegar. Awesome! Don't feel guilty as Im back on the cd rails again today. I've failed numerous diets over the years because if I slipped up I would just say "failed again so might as well just eat what I want" and then the decline down the slippery slope begins. This time I will accept my slip ups and get back on the cd rails.

If I don't lose huge amounts of weight like hardcore cdrs then so be it. This how I cope with diet bootcamp.

Shirley x
Have u got a smart phone? If u ha e why not use the MFP (my fitness pal) app to also track Cals?
You tea still sounds like its low cal to me so I would t see it as a ruined day!
Instead of very low cal u may just have had a low cal day? Better than a binge- cal day?! If u stick to low Cals u lose weight but like u said, maybe it's just not quite as fast!!

Well done u for getting straight bk on it!! Xx
Yes tea are foods allowed on the cd items for meals. So all good.

Plodding happily down the cd rd.

Yes have an android so I'll have a look now.


Shirley x
Yes tea are foods allowed on the cd items for meals. So all good.

Plodding happily down the cd rd.

Yes have an android so I'll have a look now.


Shirley x

If you do join it asks for weight and height details Etc then asks now much I'd like to loose a week...up to 2 lbs I think...then gives u yr target Cals for each day - it then plots them over the week etc. u might not use that part when following CD but if u slip up it's easy to see u r still going to lose weight! (Every day u finish the diary it says what u would weigh in 5 weeks of every day was like that) - I really like that when I'm down on Cals...when I am up on Cals it scares me back on the straight and narrow!! :) xx
Glitzy - Im always up early and got to keep busy so I won't eat. On holiday this week. Back to work Monday so won't be doing all that before 8am. Wish I could sleep later but can't. Its rubbish!

Shirley x
Cai - fitness pal downloaded and going to use even on ss days. Maybe that will keep me on track.

Shirley x

Fill in yesterday food as a practice. It's a good app. I've only started using it again recently x
Just used my mix a mousse and it was awesome. Used an electric hand double whisk instead of the hand blender wand thingy. It was like eating coffee angel delight. Mmmmm! Sooooooo yummy! Definitely a worth while purchase.
Sooooooo bad yesterday! Felt a bit seedy from having a couple of alcofrolic drinks Friday and just couldn't control wat went in my big fat mouth. So disappointed in myself but hohum wat can you do. Just got to get my backside into to gear and get my head in the right place. Don't want to and will not give up.

Today I've had a litre of fizzy water and a lemon bar. Yummy! I've made my mix a mousse for wen I get home from a day out shopping with my lovely Mother-in-law.

Have a fabby day Peeps

Shirley x

p.s. I reiterate - this site is awesome and really does help. Shame I can't get that in my thick skull before going aff the cd rails.