Beginning of the healthy me

Hey skinnycow, I know, after a workout. Feel so shattered, but then it eases off through the day, and back to feeling energetic. But it does feel good knowing that you are doing something good. X
Hey aj,

You are doing really well, workout and all :) I plan to start tomm with workouts. And all the best to you for weigh in tomm!! Xxx
Hi all, ok so this is day 14 for me. And in total I have last 1st 0.6lbs. I am chuffed to bits. I wanted to loose 3.6 this week and I lost 4. I have decided that every stone that I loose deserves a reward, and I these rewards shall be something to make me feel better and look better. So for my first stone reward, I am going to book myself in with the beautician to have those new HD eyebrows.

I am so excited about this journey. I am determined to be a healthy mummy. X
Hey aj, tats a good way pfkeeping uson track. I haven't thought of a reward for my 1 stone but then I thought i am gonna reward only after 2 stones, is tat being too harsh on myself??? Hmmm...

Anyway HD eyebrows? Haven't heard of it? Could you tell me what it is?
Enjoy your time with the beautician! You deserve it girl!!:hug99:

Roll on Week 3 :) :)
Yes I think you re being too harsh. Lol. Naz, a stone is such a huge achievement. I have just had a look at my slimming world book, and worked out that it took me 9 weeks to loose a stone, and we have done it in two weeks. So I definitely think you should reward yourself every stone :).
HD brows is a combination of threading, tinting, waxing, basically it's all the techniques in one. Google some images. I am really impressed with the finish, eyebrows look great. Loo. Am going to book it tater on. Xx
Good afternoon Ajrere and well done on the 4lbs week 2 loss and also for hitting a stone in 2 weeks! Excellent :woohoo: :hug99: xx
Hi skinnicow, I'm having a lazy day too. Yesterday I went to the gym and did an hour and 10 mins cardio and then some weights. Was absolutely fine in the gym. The went to pick up my daughter and driving home I felt really, really strange. I go home and went all dizzy, was sick and then felt like I was going to pass out, had the shakes an everything. Anyway, I thought I had better eave something to eat after being sick, so I had an extra pack. I was in bed by 8.30. I was quite scary as OH was at work.

So after that, I know I need to go easier with the exercise, even when I feel like I can do more, I need to go steady. Having a pj day today, and will go to gym for gentle workout tomorrow.

How are yo getting on? Xx
Hey, doing good ta!

Wow, that was a scary thing to happen. I think I'll make sure I watch what I'm doing at the gym. I think it's do easy to get carried away once your in the zone. Glad you are taking it easy and are feeling better.
I know, far to easy to over exercise! Lol, never thought I'd as that. What sort of things do you do when exercising? X
I usually stick to the treadmill and cross trainer. Then do some weights for my arms and some sit ups. I've signed up for a 10k in sept do really need to get moving on training for that!!

There is a power plate at the gym but never used that before, have u tried it? It's one of those vibration machines.
I used to use power plate regularly, it really does work!unfortunately my current gym doesn't have one :( it helps loads with toning. Well done for signing up! That's an awesome goal. X
Might give it a go then. I think you need to get an induction on it first at my gym but the chick that does it is off just now. I'll give it a bash and let you know how I get on!
Hi Aj, hw r u? How's it going ? Haven't heard from you for a few days... Keep us updated girl :)
Hey Naz, exante is going well. But I have been really poorly. Got a nasty bug :(
Hopefully will be all better soon. How's you? X
Hey Aj, Hope you feel better soooon:hug99:you are doing really well if you r continuing on exante when u r poorly, that shws ur resolve :) keep going aj, we r gonnamake it xxx
Hey aj, hw r u feeling nw? Hope u r feeling much xx
Hey guys you have done so well on your achievements, I cannot believe it! I really need to 15 lbs in 6 weeks, sounds easy compared to the losses youve had but I really seem to struggle with losing weight and I mean really really struggle. But anyway I am determined to real this goal or else I wont be fitting in my wedding dress lol.
I have started yet as only ordered products last night so not with me yet. Ive already tried Cambridge and CS and have lost almost 3 stone, so its just the last little push now!

Ajrere, love your post about the HD eyebrows, have looked into it and might get them done for my wedding!! Whoop!

Good luck guys!x