Bekie's CD Diary ... Day 5 and Hungry =(

Well done my dear, day 2 nearly over and done with. Weekends are indeed the hardest time for me too, always blooming hungry and never as busy as during the week. You've done 2 days now though, just get through the next few days and you can welcome the wonder of ketosis! You might feel a bit poorly in the next 24 hours, i felt dreadful on the night of day 2, could hardly stand up! But it will go ... just ride it out with paracetamol and lots of sleep.
Exciting news about your car, getting in and out of the car is so much easier once you've lost some weight, one of those weird things you don't realise until it happens! Have a good Saturday evening, rather sadly i'm stuck in marking books before school starts on Monday! Stops me eating though!
Ju x
Hi Shaza :D Yes i do go to Ann, she is lovely in fact she directed me here :D and i am so glad she did :D You are right though a year and thats all it the grand scheme of things its absolutely nothing a mere blip but its going to make such a huge difference to our lives and so i am definitely up for that :D You have had such a fab loss you must be feeling pretty good right now :D Where in Derby do you live? I live in Derwent heights so near Oakwood :). Thank you for your encouragement it is much appreciated :D

Ju - Hello :D How is your day going? I cant wait til i can get in and out of the car easier and not have to move the drivers seat back to get out :eek: It is the little things that mean the most on the cambridge board there is a thread what do you want to do when your thin.... and for me get in and out the bath without a hoover dam effect is one of mine. Simple things please simple minds :p :D I'm actually feeling really good tonight far better than last night and i hope it continues but an early night still sounds good :D

I still have 2 food packs to have and i'm about to have choccie tetra ice cream, am having it while DH has his dinner (which i am cooking :mad: lol)

Shazza i was going to try some jelly but i cant have it yet because i'm not allowed water flavouring til next week, so now am having to grin and bear the psyllium husks :eek: but will make truffles tomorrow :D
Hiya Beckie

Sorry I forgot about it being your first week, have you mixed the husks in with a chocolate mint shake ~ not too bad

I live in Sinfin near to Asda my sister lives in Oakwood so I know it quiet well. My daughter in law has just started like you and she to is finding it very hard especially when she is preparing my grandchildrens food. Its very hard. My hubby is very good as he is doing most of the shopping and cooking for hisself as he feels guilty when I do it. I probably only cook for him once a week ~ have you found that you have got more time now that you are not eating ~ I did

Its easier when you are at work I think. I work in Burton and just take my tetras to work so no problem in the week.

We have all been to Lathkill dale today (hubby, daughter 28, Son 30, Millie granddaughter 3 and gorgeous baby fin 6 months and three dogs ~ snoopy grey sharpie, Brandy ~ crazy brown lab and my georgie little white cross breed. Had a really lovely day ~ managed to get through the picnic ok but the icecream bit was very hard. So I just hold fin and fed him that

Keep posting as Ann says its really really helpful. I couldnot have got this far without the lovely Ann and this website. Its wicked when you go away with them and meet everyone. Have you checked out all the before and after photos ~ that will be me and you next year (oh no you might have a fat belly but for a different reason ~ fingers crossed)

Keep in touch

Wish my hubby would cook his own food.. So far he's had Hotdogs :drool: Chicken Curry :drool: Chips :drool: and then today bloody big mac, fries, coke and a double cheesburger :drool: :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:

I am so bloody hungry and smelling that lovely Mcdonalds and to top it off i'm half a pack down because i messed up the bloody truffles :mad::mad::mad:

Not a good day at all

Going to have an early night tonight because i am beyond annoyed
Oh how annoying, still ... you'll be lovely and slim at the end of all this and he won't if he keeps on eating Big Macs! Plus, did you know a Big Mac can contain the meat of up to 1000 different cows! Yuck! That put me off burgers for life!

Ju x
I dont really care what the sodding Macdonalds is made of I could just eat one right now. You are a better person then me Bekie as my daughter (age 28 so not a child) wanted a Macdonalds in the car whilst travelling to see relatives and I banned her

Terrible Mother!!

Got to be selfish at the moment ~ its all about me whilst I am on this diet ~ so if you love me you will stick to my rules !!! (sound like hitler but if I dont do that I know I will cheat )

When my hubby has scrummy food like takeaways or curry etc I go upstairs and hit minimins ~ so hard to watch someone eat tasty food. I am still dreaming about humous and warm wholemeal pitta bread yum yum !!!
Too right Shazza .... i've had my McDonalds moments believe me .... just don't think of the nasty facts when i'm stuffing it in my mouth in a crazy binge. I don't think i'll ever be the person that says "no chicken nuggets for me, i'll just have some carrot sticks!". Unfortunately, that got me to 19 stone though! Well done on your fantastic weigh loss by the way ... you must be being very strong! Keep it up!

Hope you've had a good day Beckie, i found day 3 was the most rubbish and it all gets better from now on. Have you checked if you're in ketosis yet?

Ju x
Day 4 :D and definitely an improvement on yesterday plus DH is at work all day so the only temptation i have is his meal tonight :D

Ju xx Not sure if i'm in ketosis yet didnt want to waste the ketostix my CDC gave me (2 of them) but i am guessing i am as the taste in my mouth is vile i am glugging water as much of it as possible to get rid of it and then this afternoon i'm going to get sme goldspot spray! Gross to the BigMac though 1000 different cows :eek: Thats vile.... Still wouldn't say no though when i am in abinge mood lmao :D How are things going your end?

Shazza xx I really dont blame you for banning it, if it was up to me i'd ban it all too but DH makes me feel guilty for leaving the room while he eats or ignoring him when he has yummy food :( Its almost as if he saying you have to suffer this diet why should i? Meh :mad: I definitely think you have to be selfish on this diet (at least the first few weeks) Its hard enough without allowing temptation all the time :)

Day 4 definitely feels a bit better though i didnt wake up hungry :D and i do feel more upbeat :D looking forward to weigh in now and i know i'm going to do well :D
I've just had a very very nice thought and it needs to be documented :D





Your thought was infectious

Hi Beck
Its funny that the 'click' to secrets of change can be assisted by surrounding yourself with people who want the same things as you.... Your thought made me have a thought.... I'm going to be slim too :D :D :D :D :D :D
Indeed you will clucks and you'll look absolutely fab :D :D and even better you'll feel fab too :D :D :D

I wish i could have that statement flash up every five minutes... then i wouldn't be tempted when making DH turkey burgers and chips!!!

I have no idea why the evenings are so bad for me... actually i do its because i barely ate in the day and did most of my grazing in the evenings... in fact i sat and ate mindlessly in front of the tv ALL NIGHT and now its hitting me hard... I didn't have my 1st foodpack til 4.30pm to try and combat it but as soon as DH walked in the door i was hungry again so had my 2nd foodpack at around 6.30 and i'll have my last one at around 9.30pm when DH has his snack...

My mind keeps telling me that if i can just eat again i'll only ever eat healthy foods, i KNOW i wont so i refuse to give in but still my mind keeps harping on...

Tomorrow is day 5 though and Weigh in is Friday so its not long and i know i've lost already as i was real naughty and got on the scales this morning :eek: 250lbs :eek: and when i started i was 261lbs so thats 11lbs and i still have a couple of days left to go :D
Told you didn't I ... how fab is this diet! I know it is hell when you're watching other people eat ... I got through a day with doughnuts, biscuits, danish pastries and chocolate in the staff room. But it is so worth it in the end. I know i'm not quite there yet, but just losing this weight has made such a difference in my life... and it will change your life too!
Well done Bekie ~ in a little while you will be in the zone and no one or nothing will put you off your goal to be


You will be so amazed at your first weeks weight loss and if you keep it up and be strong you will continue to make strides towards being a new skinny you !!

Good on you for adjusting your diet to feeling hungry at the evening ~ what ever works for you is great

I wish I was a fly on the wall when you weighed ~ I would love to see your face you will be amazed

Take it one day at a time and you will great and dont forget to pat yourself on the back each and every day that you complete SS

luv luv
My mind keeps telling me that if i can just eat again i'll only ever eat healthy foods, i KNOW i wont so i refuse to give in but still my mind keeps harping on...

Do you know how many times I have told myself the very same thing Bekie?!!:eek: Too many thats what!

The thing is, I have believed myself on the surface and stopped dieting etc and sure enough as each day went by, my food intake was less and less healthy!

Sooooooooo.......... In the words of the Wemitt's... 'I mean it this time!!!
Definitely Rachel. I tell myself this sooo many times in a day but i'm determined not to listen to it because i know i wouldn't eat healthily after because i've done it before!!

Definitely MEAN IT THIS TIME!!!!!!

Day 5 is here and feeling ok just a bit miserable because of the rain :sigh: and i have to go out this morning to get DH some stuff and so far i have avoided going out alone as i worry i'll be tempted by food especially as i have to walk past Greggs to get to my bus :eek: and its smells so nice :( then i have a huge hill to walk up which i always dread diet or not lol :D

Its definitely weird DH going back to work now after looking after him for the best part of a year its pretty lonely here. I dropped out of Uni to do it but i dont really want to go back i wasnt enjoying it at all really :( Need to find a job but i guess until we've moved there is no point as i'd be leaving after a months.... then again i could always temp... hmmm
Temping wouldn’t be so bad tho would it? I mean at least you could leave when you wanted to, like you said.
I’m still trying to find a job I like, 35yrs old and if the Career guy at school said to me today ‘What job/career would you like to do?’ I still wouldn’t know!!
I’ve been in work since I left school, the only time off was when I had my 2 girls and when I was at Uni (something I loved). Ah well, I’ll just keep on trying!

Back to the SS’ing tho, this is Day2 for me now and although I know I can do this, I find it so hard when DH and sprogs are eating; specifically DH tho, he piles his plate high and if I ask him to eat through the house he looks so hard done to!! If I go to the bedroom to avoid food, it’s the same, ah well!!

How are you finding Day 5 so far?
I'm really hungry actually i dont think its a physical hunger though more of a mental hunger, going to glugg back more water and go out get my stuff, have a bath and tidy the house to take my mind of eating!!!!

My Dh is the same if i leave the room when he is eating (he had Mcdonalds sunday) he gets all stroppy and upset and makes me feel so bloody guilty :eek: Definitely going to have to have words i think, i cant sit around and watch him eat especially when its something i'd give my left arm for!
:tear_drop: :tear_drop: :tear_drop: Water!!:tear_drop: I must have drank nearly 5 ltrs yesterday, gads!! I drink a lot of water anyway and didn’t find it that bad, but I must have got up to the loo about 5 times last night!!
I was reading your earlier post and you said that you were a bit of a grazer, especially in the evenings, well join the club! I need to find something else to do in the evening now!! What tho, I’m not sure!

Wonder why our DH’s are acting like that? :sigh: Mine says he wants me to be happy and he’ll support me in this, which is great, but I think I’ll have to point out that behaving like that isn’t helping really, I can do without the guilt!!:eek:
Good morning Beckie

Keep up the amazing work ~ its never about being physically hungry its all in our mind ~ thats why we are the size we are

I am a bit further down the line than you but it doesnt change I really really miss eating and do everything I can to avoid food. Have a chat with hubby and explain you need to remove yourself from temptation whilst he is eating Macdonalds and the like, then get him to open the door spray airfreshner then you come back down.

Food is such a social thing as well but I am trying my best to behave normally and go out with hubby sister and friends etc but its very very hard when everyone around you in the pub is eating.

We really mean it this time and anything we can do to help is a must

Very well done so far and wait till you jump on the scales you will be so so pleased. Keep it up girl !!!
Thank you Shazza you would make a fab CDC :) YOur really so supportive and its really helping so thank you xxx

I have more stuff to add but feeling a bit moochy at the minute only 30 minutes and i can have my 1st shake :) so will probably feel better after that