Big Boys Need Love Too!

Abz - Your OH has something special - YOU x
Jenn - YAY YOU 3lb is AMAZING - looks like you've cracked the new diet x
Elle - SO WHAT if you were bad!! I'm reckonning you had a good time. Count it in, compensate for it and move on. If you have managed to acquire some of those dam squatters, EVICT THEM! Then start on the sitting pounds. DECLARE WAR NOW!!!
ha. i'm hoping that my long term rental lbs know that war is well and truly declared. i'm really looking forward to my roast chicken tomorrow night so i can hold off until then. craving like crazy though!!

abz xx
Can I just say that at 56 I still have 4 years to work before retirement kicks in. My job is full-time with teenager with behaviour problems and once there it is very full-on. Anything can kick off at any time (and usually does). Everyone is different and I don't have any medical problems that prevent me from working so the comparison doesn't really stand. Maybe she feels a little vulnerable after the heart attacks and needs some professional help to get her back into work. Us oldies can suffer from low self esteem too x
Gem i dont know what i'd do without you :) (or the rest of you, obviously :D) you're right, ofcourse you're right. i'm still going to do this!!! Although gem must say your comment to abz was particularly cheesy, quite high up on the cheese scale i'd say:) :p haha. although i've got to agree, thomas has clearly got something good cos abz is lovely.

blimey i've had the strangest conversation with a guy who i went to sixth form with, on facebook. i'll try and copy and paste... xxx

just wish to say that you are one of the nicest, most beautiful ladies I have ever had the privilege to meet

erm, thanks andrew!... random...

was just looking at ur very artistic profile pictures n realised I've never said at qm
that's because at qm i was a complete minger lol. but thanks anyway. not so sure they're too artistic but boring photos are...well...boring?

u were no minger :O
never a minger, now not a minger, just got more gorgeous with time :)

hmmm. matter of opinion. anyway how are you doing? have you started your dream job yet?

not yet elena, not til January, got a dissertation to complete first anyhow!
i'm fine though, feeling a lil embarrassed about telling u tho

ohhhh i thought you'd finished. well good luck with your diss, it feels excellent when you finally finish.
haha no worries andrew it's always nice to receive compliments, whether you
agree with them or not :)
p.s. elena is me lol. people didn't start calling me elle till uni.
Hey - Go Girl - Is he someone you'd like to get to know again or one you'll give a miss? (miss or kiss I guess you could say)
Erm well firstly, he has a girlfriend so... i guess i was a bit shocked at his little announcement there lol. Secondly i havent seen/spoken to the man in 4 years apart from a couple of facebook messages. And thirdly, he seems quite nice but definitely not my type and he's very shy which can come across as him being quite weird.. i can think of a couple of examples from sixth form, eg when he used to stare at us (we were at an all girls school, men were only allowed into 6th form and he was the only one in our year after some troubles in the year above) through the panes of glass in the door, often for ten minutes at a time during break. hmmm. but anyway, it's certainly made me feel a bit better. :)
Ladies...well thanks about the loss. I was surprised to be honest. This diet is working a treat.I never feel deprived, and do what I need to. SO it is going well.

Elle, He seems nice, but I could tell by the way he spoke that he is shy. I would say though, you should learn to take a compliment. *LOL* He thinks you're gorgeous!! Just say thank you to the boy!! hahaha'll be fine with your chicken, just drink loads and you'll do well sweetie. As far as the MIL, well she couldn't get a council flat ro anything because she left her husband, which meant she made herself homeless and she wasn't in the county long enough to be given houseing. The list of 6 years long. The flat she had, the gov, paid for it, but it was up 5 flights of stairs and after the heart attack she couldn't handle that many stairs anymore. She was living with her boyfriend but still kept the flat on just in case, but he wwas a loser and she needed to move back out. But couldn't go back to her place, so OH suggested we buy another house ( which is around the corner from us- i can see it from my back garden) as an investment for us, and we told the council what the situation was. On that score things are ok I suppose, the gov ( on her benifits) pay a little less than half the mortgage of the house. but it is only £327 a month....normally we could get 550-600 p/c/m for that house. and we pay £350 a month + for her to live there as the morgage is £770. And she is still mean to me.

She hates me really...but to my face is ok with me. Tell's me " I love you, i idolise you!" it makes me ill. When she tries to give me a hug I just shut down!! I stand there cuz all i can think is....DON'T TOUCH ME!!!
Originally she came to live with us in manchester because her boyfriend dumped her and she was living with him and she had no wear to go. I got a job as soon as my papers were processed ( within 5 days ) When OH quit his job to try new things and I supported us all. I would leave just before 7am and get home about 7:30pm and would be left to clean up and do dishes. SHe would make dinner for OH and herself but I would be left to make myself my own stuff. She would do laundry for OH and herself and I would spend my weekends doing my own. And she didn't start working until 1.5 years after she moved in, but never gave us any of the money. Even at one point ( all 3 of us smoked) but there wasn't enough money for us all to do it, so I had to quite because she said she had been smoking longer and therefore was more addicted than I was. She is evil!! The only reason I stuck it out was because I knew i had a good one...I just need to let him figure out what was right and wrong on his own. I couldn't do or say anything about her, as I didn't want him to think that I was being mean or had a problem with her. Now....well it is another story.
So all is not too bad, at least to gov is paying for some of our house, but really I would rather they just let us keep our taxes. The year before last we paid so much in taxes it would have paid for her income support for the next 20 years. *LOL*

Gem....I don't think it is the esteem is that she is a lazy person. If she can get out of it she will.
jenn the only good thing that came out of all that was that you quit smoking for a while ;) I did say thanks! refer to my first comment..."...thanks..." lol. It's so great that you stuck it out, you and your OH were meant to be, that's pretty clear. i think you should just go with the flow for now where the MIL is concerned. Sometimes we have to do things for our parents, even if we've never got on with them... it's just a massive shame that she can't pick herself up and start paying for more of the house. It's frustrating but you're lucky that you seem to have a very strong relationship :)

elle, thanks I do. To be honest I am pretty good about it most of the time. Just once it a while she gets under my skin, but thankfully my OH half understands. The best thing she ever gave me is my OH he is the most wonderful man in the world and I could never in a million years want to be without him. Plus he gave me my LU, and for that, I will always be grateful, my LU is so precious to us, I could never describe it.

Ok enough ranting...hahaha....I am just happy I am loosing weight, being happy, and sorting things out!!

How's everyone else today?
Jenn has been taking the happy pills!

Elle: The guy sounds like he has the hawts for you! Go get some booty callin! mwhaha

Abz: What do men like most? 4 things: Food, Sport(or computer games) , Booze and Sex. Put those 4 together and you have a great 30th Birthday present. Nice meal (Stuff he likes) with some booze (not to much mind you!) Then give him hot dirty sex he wont forget, i am sure he will remember it longer than a Wristwatch or pair of socks. lol

Gem: I can't remember anything you need advice about so hmm.. <random big hug??>

Jennster: Your MIL sounds like a right old hag who has abandonment issues with her son, that coupled with lazyitus and a serious chip on her shoulder. My advice: A good ***** slap and tell her to grow the hell up and get on with her own life for a change. You have taken care of her for far to long. She isn't even at the retirement age! My nan is in her 70s, has had 3 strokes, can barely use the left side of her body, has serious diabeties and has had to lose her husband and daughter in the space for 5 years, and is now preparing for her new grandchild, and she doesn't even let us make her a cup of tea when she visits here! So if my nan can function all right on her own, i am sure that sour old hag can do it!

Did i miss anything?

BTW i am feeling good today, just got my exam resit date so can finally prepare for it! lol

lots of luuuuvvv!
i wanna go hoooooooooome aaaaaaaargh. 15 minutes left. how long do you think i can reasonably stretch out a toilet trip lol?

guys i think they should remove the pink patch ads from this site. i heard in the news that people have been havin problems with it and apparently it's a load of rubbish. x
i knew there was someone i was missing muchly! tyn you give excellent advice you sexy sexy man. however, andrew really isnt booty call material. trust.

i played an excellent game of singstar last night and have practically lost my voice, boohoo.

well happy that you know your exam dates love ;) xxx
You women and your standards! lol. When a man gets an itch, and man finds anyway he can to stratch that itch, right material or not! lol.
this one's a bit pervy and just admitted to me that he had problems with the ladies because of an obsession with "manhoods". I'd say he's gay but he has a gf. perhaps he just has a really small one. lol. btw he's told me all this today after not seeing or speaking to me for 4 years. but if you'd like me to pass on your number tyn you just let me know ;) :p xxxxxx
LOL i just snorted water out of my nose at the manhood part lol. Poor guy, prolly thinks hes gonna get some, aww looks like his wife Mrs Right isn't getting divorced after all! lol
haha bet that hurt. i think i swallowed the whole swimming pool this morning via my nose. chlorine just makes it so much better. woo!

as for his manhood, i'd rather not know to be fair. but i'd quite like it if a guy i reeeeeeeeeeeeally fancied complimented me like that. not that i'm not grateful to andrew ofcourse though lol.

Don't we all honey! lol. We will make a deal, when we get slim and sexy(er) we will go out one night on the pull! mwhaha