Big Boys Need Love Too!

Tyn, sweeite...Luv ya to bits. Plain talkin' just like I like it!! See you can satisfy a WOMAN!! *LOL* Wish I could tell her all those things...but I can't. The worst I got was telling her to p*ss off the other day. Which I felt bad about because my LU was there and I NEVER let him see anything like that. Funny thing too was when there was an issue about her b-day cake ( which is left at mine and I kept forgetting to take it over to her) when I finally gave it to her, I said " here now you can shove it down your thoat!" as I smiled. But then yesterday, my LU told my OH to shove cake down his throat and I ended up spitting my food out!! *LOL*It was almost as good as LU asking her when she was going to die!! hahaha and if she swallowed!!

Abz....tyn has a great cheap option for a present. I am doing the same for my OH on the 12th. I am going to get him a nice take away, a little whiskey and coke, he is getting a new game for his x-box, and I plan to show him some acrobatics he hasn't seen in a while!! *LOL* SO looks like a plan from me....only down fall...MIL has to come over during the day, which means I won't be able to have a drink or two because I need to keep my whits about me, just in case. That is how is works in my house!!

And I am happy, had a great salad, with some very low cal dressing I made myself ( extra light hellmans-which by the way I normally hate the taste of- with a little tikka powder,garlic powder, and a tiny pinchc of splenda) and the salad was layered. Lettece, peas, egg,celery,sweet peppers,spring onions, sultanas,Low fat bacon, and a sprinkle of parmasen cheese. And it all worked out at 4.5 syns for the whole thing. Yeah!!! I am soooooo not hungry now!! but just in case i do have a skinny cow in the freezer.
Just thought I'd drop in to say hi
I think we do need a daily summary on this thread... you don't come online all day and you have to read two or three pages of posts to catch up!!!!
Glad everyone seems ok anyhoo!


PS just thought I'd mention peanut butter... its not come up in conversation today. this is not normal. so... PEANUT BUTTER.
Silence you are a star! How could we all forget to mention Peanut Butter for a whole day? I have run out of the PB m&ms and I really want some more!
silence.....hahahaha....PB is great....but I haven't eaten any in a long time. I don't miss it, but when I get a chance I will have a few PB m&m's every now and again.

Taz...thanks for the comments on the 15 y.o. girl thing.

Gem...Elle, Abz....Tyn....WHERE ARE YOU???????????????????????
Can i please join in this crazy fest????? You guys are complete nutters!!! IN THE MOST BRILLIANT WAY. I think a party is called for lol........of water and peanut butter obviously. XXX
It seems to be a little quiet right now but this place is buzzing during the day time. I'm off to bed, see you all later x
HAHAHA.....Nice one taz....Yeah well i talk too much...hahaha. I know though everyone just disappeared on me!! Like, Super vanish!! Gem normally shows up about now, but I guess she is busy!! But tazzi, nice to meet cha, we are all freaks in here, we have macs flying and whispa Mcflurry eating wacko's in here....not to mention, those with the Red shoes, and those who can't manage to ploppy ploppy often. So welcome....!!
I'm here Jenn and if anyone thinks Elle still has the red shoes, click your heels at my albums and you'll see who REALLY has them! x
My mate always waits until I have a mouthfull of guiness before she makes me laugh and guiness down the old nasal tubes..... you don't wanna know! :D x

Elle - Why are you even talkin to this guy, you are just NOT desparate enough to need compliments from a perv!!! :confused: x

Hi Silence - Nice to see you here again. Fancy encouraging this lot with PB - as if they need it! :D x

Hi Tazzi - Welcome to Tyns place - it's good here, that's why we all hijack it :D x

Taz - Darn it I missed you again. I hope you had a good day in work. Did you go to Karate and KB in the end? :) x

Tyn - Glad you're feeling good about things - but I think you are a very naughty boy :whoopass: x

Abz - Where are you? - oh I guess you're starting on the birthday present early :eek: Sorry to disturb x
Morning all! I know I am the first one today cus it's only 4.30am ha ha! Gem, I went to karate but not to KB, I need to take it steady atm
started the birthday present early? it's six weeks away!! i don't have the energy... ha.

i was at step aerobics last night. another joyous hour of torture!! i actually found it harder than last week although i didn't feel all dizzy this time because i remembered to have my shake before i went. but man i find it hard. i'm by no means the biggest in the class but they are obviously fitter than me!! plus we did an awful lot more jumping up and down and things last night and my back was not happy. i am going to have to give in and have the low step. i think it's the only way. i don't want to stop going but i'm not going to make my back bad again!!

i weighed in this morning. i'm having a dilemma. i had lost 3.75lbs and got all happy. then, stupid me, decided to check, and had only lost 2. so which one do i record? i think i've only lost 2 really but i really want to have lost 3 as that was my target!! ha.

well my treat for the week is going to be some roast chicken tonight. the thought of it has been keeping me going for days!! ha. so i can't wait. i finally managed to sleep last night but i feel worse today. why do bodies do that? punish you because you aren't sleeping and then as soon as you get some sleep you feel worse. gah!!

welcome to this place tazzi. it's a bit manic but we love it :)

and elle. if you like the guy then flirt. if you don't like the guy, say thanks and move on :) especially if said guy is a bit sleazy and has a gf... hee. still. shows that you're a stunner. i always said you were. you dodged that compliment too :p hee.

tyn!! great to have you back. you're a bit scarce these days :) still. i guess that's the way management works :p am glad you got your resit dates. how long do you have to go? was it just the one exam in the end or was it two? i forget...

and i was most happy at the lack of peanut butter talk. yeuch!! hee.

abz xx
:character00238: Good morning everyone :character00238:

No Taz I can't beat 4.30am - This morning I can't even beat Abz, even after the aerobics and early birthday present (which part of the present was that? or shouldn't I ask)

Had a busy day yesterday. My daughter - the older one - came over with the two little ones. I met them first at the pub near the nursing home where my mother is and then at my mother-in-law's house.

Spent lots of time jogging the baby up and down with Incey Wincey Spider and Row your Boat and playing horsey on my knee. Then I played with the almost 3 year old - he's very talkative now. :) It'll be quite a while before I see them. I'll probably have to wait until we can get away for a weekend after the holidays.

I think I might have developed some arm muscles yesterday, pushing the wheelchair from the nursing home to the pub and back and all that baby jogging!

I've got another busy day today but I'll pop in from time to time if I get a chance.

:character00238: Have a lovely day everyone :character00238: x
Hi All,

Well, i thought i would say hello, My Name is Martyn (as you can tell) And i am currently a 23 year old student, studying at the University of Central Lancashire, i study the ever so joyful degree Deaf Studies, and hate the fact that i am 23 stone.

I have tried countless times (half heartedly) to lose weight, but i can never do it for some reason, something will happen, and i will go and big out on something and the world will be over again!

But not this time, i have finally had enough, and things are going to change.

I have decided that following a diet is not for me, so instead, i have tested myself this last week, on if i can actually just 'eat less and better' and shockingly, i have done fine. 3 meals a day, hardly eating past 8((when possible)) and i have all but cut out coke!

My biiiig problem is that i hate the gym, i am one of those 'i will go when i lose weight' people, silly i know, but i feel so nervous even getting ready to go, that i usually chicken out, unless my flat mates drag me, kicking and screaming.

Anyway, thats just me, hope its ok for a lad to join these forums, if its not then just lemme know!

Looking forward to losing the weight with you all!


welcome, u r very welcome

gender is not an issue, here we all welcome.
we r here to help and recieve help.
don't say you can't, cos you can lose weight on any weight loss program,
make some sacrifices, pump your willpower up, came with us on minimins site whenever you can.

check your calories intake
3500 kcals = 2.2 lbs
for an average man his energy intake is 2000 to 2500 kcal a day, so if his energy output is 2000 to 2500 a day is like this.
0 lbs added, 0 lbs taking.

when dieting, make sure your energy output is greater than your energy intake.
simple form, eat less, move more

once again welcome
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lol still1 tyn posted up that message going on two months ago now hehe. I leave for a night, come back and there's TWO NEW FACES on here. Mornin everyone :D Like your reference to me there Jenn when welcoming erm... was it tazzi? i shall have to check the name again. But still, Jenn this is for you: :p


last night i ate a bit too much for din dins but when my mate got the minstrels out i refused and went for a skinny cow instead lol. god theyre so tasty!!! phwwoooooooar............

no i'm not interested in that guy lol, he's just an old acquaintance from school, and since he seemed a bit embarrassed i thought it would be quite mean of me to just escape conversation. haha. abz i'm a bit of a pro at dodging compliments...but all i can say is you haven't seen me in the morning hahaha. it's a bit scary mary.

already tired, meeting at three... cant WAIT to get home tonight.

and finally...JENN!! YOUR SON DID NOT ASK YOUR MIL IF SHE SWALLOWED?!?! oh my word hahaha that must've been hilarious. Kids say the funniest things.

Nice to see you here still1 - Welcome

Hi Elle - How you doin? Glad you don't think you need Merv the Perv to tell you what a stunner you are - Im sure 'you can do MUCH better but take the compliment anyway and put it in your compliment bag (virtual bag of course) - pull it out when the self esteem drops (which of course it isn't going to do). x

Abz - perhaps we should ask you which birthday presents OH HASN'T sampled yet and then we can draw our own conclusions
Sorry still didnt mean to sound like i was disregarding your advice, it's very good advice lol.

Gem i would also be quite interested to know what previous bday presents Abz's OH has sampled lol. I'm fine Gem, looking forward to finishing work. hahaha. work is so boring in the days before you go on holiday. boohoo. i wish i was off from now, i want to be chilling at home. xxx
lol still1 tyn posted up that message going on two months ago now hehe. I leave for a night, come back and there's TWO NEW FACES on here. Mornin everyone :D Like your reference to me there Jenn when welcoming erm... was it tazzi? i shall have to check the name again. But still, Jenn this is for you: :p


last night i ate a bit too much for din dins but when my mate got the minstrels out i refused and went for a skinny cow instead lol. god theyre so tasty!!! phwwoooooooar............

no i'm not interested in that guy lol, he's just an old acquaintance from school, and since he seemed a bit embarrassed i thought it would be quite mean of me to just escape conversation. haha. abz i'm a bit of a pro at dodging compliments...but all i can say is you haven't seen me in the morning hahaha. it's a bit scary mary.

already tired, meeting at three... cant WAIT to get home tonight.

and finally...JENN!! YOUR SON DID NOT ASK YOUR MIL IF SHE SWALLOWED?!?! oh my word hahaha that must've been hilarious. Kids say the funniest things.


Yeah he did !! *LOL* I spat my food out when he did that I laughed so hard I cried!! So what,Peanut butter, are you doing, Peanut Butter, at work today?

LU is at nana's's date night....and I think I am going to just chill today. Well i say that....I am either going to iron all the ebay stuff and take pictures and sort it all out for posting. Or I can just go upstairs in my spare room and flop on the bed and read my book.....hmmmmmmm......

I am still trying to decided if I am going to go to school right now. I got the info for the access course, which is fine, but when I took it last time I, did it full time, but it was only 3 days a week from 9-1, but now it is 4 days a week from 9:30-3pm.. And I just think that is a lot of time to be away from the LU. I am going to see if I can maybe take the course part time. That way I still get plenty of time with LU and it is still 2 years before he goes to school, so by the time he starts school, I will then be able to take my courses full time too. i will have to see. If I can't take it part time I think I will have no choice but to leave it until LU starts school, as I don't want to take so much time from him. Not to mention he would be spending more time with the MIL and she turns him into a whining little moster. And it always takes me a day or so to get him back to the normal, obidient, sweet, mild tempered child he always is.
