Big Boys Need Love Too!

ooh gem!! how exciting. right on time huh?

and jenn. it's great to hear from you :) felt my best mates baby kick for the first time today. she's been feeling him for quite some time but today was the first time he kicked me. was a fair wollop too!! her poor insides!!

i am off to bed i think guys. house is still a bit of a mess. i haven't finished tidying properly but i have until 4 tomorrow afternoon i think before the danish contingent arrive, so whatever the house looks like around 3, that's what they are getting, ha. just menial tidying stuff rather than cleaning stuff now though. couldn't really get into it properly today.

have just watched alien vs predator 2 and can honestly say it's awful. usually i quite like bad cheesy films but all this was was gore. barely a storyline. effects didn't carry it like they were obviously supposed to either. so yeah. disappointing. but at least now i need never watch it again. thank goodness we didn't go and see it at the cinema!!

i'll sign in briefly tomorrow. night everyone.

abz xx
Well, it's still just "twinges" baby wise so it is looking like it might be tomorrow which would be bang on time or even later. How ironic, after all the contractions and threatening to make a far too early appearance if she had to be induced!!!!

She is keeping in good spirits and, if fact had another new arrival yesterday - a year old mini shetland pony!!! What a glutton for punishment she is.

Right now I'm rather hoping nothing is going to start dropping out before tomorrow - a good nights sleep would be nice then we can all go baby mad tomorrow :) x
Any news yet Gem? Hmmm a shetland pony? Just what she needs when she has a new baby to look after, I'm sure!
Good morning, It's all babies around here then. My pair haven't even started yet and their both in their early 30's.
Abz, Yeah the kicks aren't always nice. Chris always seems to really go for it about 8:30pm off and one until I go to bed about 12:30am-1am. Obviously it is off and on...but it can be a bit distracting when you are trying to concentrate. I think he is pushing me a bit near my stomach because I have felt rather stomach-achy since late last night. We went to bed about 12:30am ish and I woke at 6am not being able to sleep. LU woke at 6:40am so I took him the spare room, and we laid there till 7:45am both tryin to go back to sleep, without much luck. So i said lets just get up. He loves it though. He has new reward chart which my OH made for him so it has his jobs on it ie. Make your bed, dress yourself, brush your teeth, eat your food yourself, tidy your toys and sleep in your bed all night. He gets a sticker for each thing, which really encourages him to do what he should. Plus I have a blank area for extra stickers I think he deserves for being polite and using his manners properly, or tidying his toys without being asked, or helping me do something. So his goal is 40 stickers a week and he gets a big treat. He can get at minimum 9 stickers a day and it is over 7 days so he can still mess up a bit and get something. I have managed to stop treating him for smaller amounts but the big ones will be things he wants to do like go out for dinner, or go to the zoo, or the indoor play area, or get a game, or a toy or something. Plus through out the day he earns time on his games (leapster learning games) or if he is really lucky I let him have 30 minutes on the x-box games or wii games he likes. And he loved it, so I am really chuffed with his progress. Not that he really needed much pushing as he was/is always good, but that little extra push getting a little extra food down him and he tidy's his own mess before he has his tea in the evening so that when he goes to bed, I am not stepping all over his car and that I don't have to do it. Although I help him put the big stuff away.

Well gem, a pony huh....we had horses when I was kid and a shetland pony. His name was RED. He was a good popny but only ever liked me to ride him, once he was tamed, He used to brush against the posts to make me get off him, but eventually after getting back on over and over he got used to me and then he wouldn't let anyone but me get on him. *LOL* He was great fun and I loved him. Nothing better than going out for a sunday ride in the fall, and just chilling out and taking in the country side. But horses are hard work. We had 5, and they were a pain, especially in the winter when all you want to do is stay inside an dbe warm and you having to much out the stables and sort them out!
Hi jenn, I remember Jamie was a kicker, sometimes I could feel him kicking my back when when we were in bed.
Good morning everyone :)

The news from Wales is - NO NEWS!!!!

The news from my bathroom is much more exciting (well for the moment anyway) ONE OF THOSE NASTY SMUG STICKY FOOTED SQUATTERS has packed his red spotted handkerchief, tied it round a stick and was last seen heading for a cardboard box with it over his shoulder AND HE'S NOT COMING BACK :D I am surprised and delighted with today's results as nothing has moved downwards in two weeks.

I have my physio appointment at 10am so I will have to dash. If I hear anything I might have to dash over to Wales so I'll text Taz and she can keep you posted :)

Have a lovely day everyone :)
If something doesn't happen soon they'll induce the baby Gem, won't they?
No Jim, they won't induce until at least a week past due date normally. Gems is due today so it's not an issue
They will induce if she is in too much pain or if they think the baby is suffering. She has that loose pelvis problem which makes things a little more complicated so it's anyone's guess what they'll do - Meanwhile, here we are twiddling our thumbs and toes.......... x
I'll go and google that Gem, it doesn't mean anything to me.
What? the pelvic problem or the "twiddling our thumbs and toes" Jim. My daughter always manages to dislocate her pelvis when she is pregnant which makes labour VERY painful. Twiddling our thumbs and toes just means waiting around and doing not a lot cos we're waiting for the shout x
Yes it was the pelvic thing, I just read up on that, not nice Gem. :(

They don't normally induce until 42 weeks which is 2 weeks past the due date. But I think gem's daughter has has problems for a long time.

Jim, Yeah the pelvis thing isn't nice. Mine isn't dislocated but the ligaments are very slack and therefore causes loads of pain.

Gem, well good luck to her. Last time I was induced but only after 3 days and my waters had already broken. I should have been induced after 18 hours, but as per the NHS there wasn't enough staff on so they kept making me wait.

The kicking thing...he is a great kicker, but I have the feeling he is a in funny position because it is making me feel sick. When he kicks me in the ribs or my spleen and things I can tell because the pain it short and quick but sometimes 2-3 times in a row and then all gone. So I know it is him. He is more active than my last one, and I thought he was active.

I know I am lucky, with my weight issue, i am really luck at how well my PG has gone so far. I am healthy the baby is too, I have very little in the way of problems other than the pelvis, and unless he kicks me I hardly notice he is there apart. i still do all the things I want and need, just a bit slower.
I bet you'll be glad when it's all over Jenn.
Good morning everyone :)

I had a really down day yesterday but have woken up feeling better today - sometimes it's just like that isn't it.

I am determined to do something with my day today. If the dry weather keeps up it might be a walk but I have to do SOMETHING other than go to Tesco!!!

Still no news about the birth of my new grandson - everything seems to have gone quiet at the moment but that could change at any time :eek:

Have a fantastic Sunday everyone :) x
Morning, I am having some quiet time before Mr Taz gets up. I think I should have breakfast now then I need to find my membership card for the gym or I will have to pay £35 to rejoin! I really don't want to do that!
They'll probably have you on computer Taz so don't worry too much x