Big Boys Need Love Too!

The thought is gaining wings - I don't know if it's possible but I'm gonna find out what's available. It would be pretty cool to do something like that for her. Mind you it would probably all be arranged and she'd say at the last minute, "I don't think I'll go after all dear, I'll have a cup of tea instead" (hehe)
Well I think at 89 she is allowed to opt for a cup of tea! I hope when (if!) I get to that age I will be allowed the luxury of changing my mind at the last minute!
Good morning, this topic is wandering all over the place.
good morning everyone. was going to play warhammer but have decided to catch up on the biggest loser instead :)

at least this year i'm not watching it while eating pizza :D

abz xx
Morning abz, are you on day off?
LOL, no love you can't.
good morning everyone. how is everyone doing? i feel totally poopy. weight isn't coming off, i have no energy, i'm not sleeping. i am not sure cambridge is doing me any good any more :(
{{{{HUGS}}}} ah abz, I feel so sorry for you love, it is hard when you are doing everything right and it isn't working love.
Maybe it's time for a change again Abz - have a think (or up your program) x
Oh Abz hun, I really think that CD just doesn't suit you. Not every diet suits everyone and the more you chop and change the less effective ANY diet will be. I really think you would be best to find a plan that suits you, fits in with your lifestyle and one that you can maintain life long. You need to give a plan at least a month or 2 to see it working properly so why not spend a little time over the weekend looking at lifestyle plans that would be better for you? CD has never seemed to make you happy and for the losses you get with it you might as well eat!
it treats me badly!!

oh goddy goddy god.

i daren't leave the upper floor of my house. sickness and diarrhoea don't cover it!!
Oh hun, why not move away from cambridge completely and give a different plan a real good go?
because i do need to slowly introduce carbs. whichever plan i do... a few people around here seem to have the same thing so it looks like i've lucked out and caught a bug.

am feeling a wee bit better this morning. have just had some mash for breakfast... i know i know, but it was the only thing that didn't turn my stomach, ha. and we'll see how that goes :)

abz xx
Morning all

I'm pleased your feeling a bit better abz, that sickness doesn't sound nice at all love.