Big Boys Need Love Too!

And Bad Elle and Bad Taz have been trying to frame me for the crime!!!
:character00238: Good morning everyone :character00238:

A bit dull here at the moment but plenty of time to brighten up - Come on Mr Sun :character00238:

I now have nearly everything arranged for the funeral on Tuesday. I just have to visit the Vicar with some notes on Mum's life and to discuss the service and take the music into the Funeral Director. Mum and Dad had a special song - Foster and Allen singing "After All These Years" - very appropriate as they had 55 years together before Dad died 3 years ago and it will be played at the end of the service.

The Church is not really my thing but it had a place in Mum and Dad's life and I respect their beliefs. Mum's ashes will rest with Dad's beneath an 300 year old oak tree in the churchyard (now that's closer to my beliefs) so they will be at one with the earth and all it's vibrant magic :)

Enough of my sad talk - I don't want to make everyone unhappy first thing in the morning. Anyhow - the sun has just started to poke through the murk so it's not all gloom and doom. Oh and I hopped on the scales this morning and there was a pound less of me - good news for the weigh in on Friday perhaps.

What is everyone up to today? I hope you all have a wonderful day and Mr Sun smiles down on you x :character00238:
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There's so much to do before a funeral isn't there. I am spending time this week helping with the preparations for my nans and I still have to write a eulegy to read at her funeral. It's not easy to get 83 years into 3 minutes!
Well done you Taz for doing that - I could not stand up at the funeral and do that. You have my complete respect x
No it's not making me unhappy Gem infact it all sounds really nice, what you're doing for your mum. Ashes under an oak tree... :) And respect to Taz, I couldn't do that either!

No sun today peeps, just a bit of drizzle. But i'm ok with that because I'm getting in the mood for autumn, then christmas. infact this time of year always leaves me with an excitable feeling in my tummy, a bit like butterflies.. :)

As for the weight, apparently i've put on half a pound! Argh, after all my effort in Cyprus. But it's ok, i'll keep going. Gotta get back into swimming - dropped in and picked up the new timetable last night after work - and then we'll see what happens. Got a busy few days at work because we need to get everything ready to give a presentation to a hotel next week at the national wedding show at earls court. i'm desperately trying to get sunday off to come back though, because i have a wedding to go to and i really enjoy them haha. we'll see.

when is abz back?

My Dad was a country boy that lived in the town but my mum didn't want his ashes taken back home. The vicar suggested the old oak in the churchyard. It is actually 300 years old from an acorn from the 800 year old oak that was next to it. The Vicar even placed an acorn under the ashes and suggested that it may even grow into another oak tree in time. I am also hoping to arrange for an oak tree in the forest to be planted in my Dad's name x
oh guys by the way... im going tgi's again... argh. it seems to be our haunt now, me and my two friends lol. x
Ah... you'll be ok - you survived Cyprus. A meal out here and there doesn't hurt x
Yeh well, i've eaten lunch somewhat in preparation. Had a chicken caesar salad from boots at 136 cals and some pineapple at 58 cals. theyve got one salad - crayfish (that i really like) but im always put off by the miniscule number of cals - 74! I always think ill be starving within 5 minutes of eating it. anyway, point is the one day i want to curb my calorie consumption, they dont have any left! lol. Stupid sod and his bloomin law.
Subway has a little booklet that you can pick up instore that has all the calories of everything they do. It's really useful to know
Yea - although I don't really count calories, I like to know what is in anything I use as a treat. I also like to know what is in anything I don't make myself from scratch. I would be all for outlets having to mark up energy values. x
I think Starbucks are the worse culprits for calorie and sugar laden foods so it's good that they are doing that
Morning all. Sorry I have been a bit off the radar. I've been having a little man trouble which has made me recede into my shell a bit. I've been saving my positive energy for work. Plus I feel a bit pathetic when Taz and Gem are being so positive despite dealing with much harder stuff. I wanted to say well done to you both for being so practical, and Taz, good luck with the eulogy. I did my nan's. Sounds like you're a pro but my only tip (learning from my experience) is remember to speak slowly and remember to breath.

Wish me luck for it is the dentist this morning! I don't like the dentist but I go because I know that if I didn't it would be so much worse.