Big Boys Need Love Too!

Sounds like a nice girls afternoon - was it totally mad or are they really ordinary? - I ask cos when there's no blokes involved women can be quite different. Some of my maddest days have been all women days x
Sounds wicked - bet you had a good laugh x
:character00238: Good morning everyone :character00238:

Checking in a wee bit late this morning. Last night I went out for a little bit of music with some old friends and had a couple of glasses of wine. I came home, had hot choc and went to bed before 12 - and slept - and slept. Hardly slept at all the night before so it was good and I feel much more like a human bean this morning - I'm ready for anything (well almost anything).

I'm not doing a lot today. My mate has her little grandaughter for the day and I'm meeting a 13 year old who is changing trains at Bristol to make sure she gets on the right train ok. She's a lovely girl and I'm looking forward to seeing her. My mate and the little one will probably travel into Bristol with me as she knows my mate too. Then I guess it's just the shopping.

Bristol is going to be manic this weekend as they have the big Harbourside Music Festival. I'm not involved in that one so I don't really want to be anywhere near.

:character00238: Mr Sun is shining here as I hope it is with you so have a fantastic day everyone :character00238:
Oooh Gem if I knew you were in Bristol for the weekend we could have arranged a mini meet! I didn't know there was a music festival on at the harbour but I try to avoid the centre anyway what with all the building work going on it's manic! Mr Taz asked if we were going to go to the new shopping centre when it opens next week and I just laughed at him - No WAY am I going anywhere near there while it is still a novelty!
hi guys. taz. an afternoon surrounded by lesbians ey? sounds wonderful, ha. one of my best mates is gay and she's wonderful. i wouldn't say removing men from the equation has made her any different though gem. she's just her...

i have to get up at ridiculous o'clock tomorrow morning to fly back home *sigh* i am looking forward to it actually. and looking forward to getting back into an eating routine. i feel massive. and i have totm again, although it's about three weeks after the last one so a massive improvement on things, ha. and a possibility on why i feel so massive :D i have gained 3kg in the last week so at least that's slowed down a bit. i have no clue over all. i'll find out when i get back :) but i'm not too worried. tomorrow evening we are off to visit a thai restaurant that looks rather swanky in the city centre for the first time and then monday morning i get back on the wagon.

anyone else have any plans for tomorrow?

elle. how did your first day of kitkatness go?

abz xx
I have no plans for tomorrow apart from a nice long lie in. Oh and I have to tidy up the flat before the whirlwind that is my brother comes to stay!
Hi there, I'm back after a crazy day running round Bristol with a 13 year old. She hasn't seen her big brother for over a year and the reunion was SO touching - talk about cry, I nearly joined her!

Abz - what I was talking about was women in general being less restrained when men are out of the equation, regardless of being gay or straight. My mate and I went to Ireland together a few weeks ago and we had a very different set of laughs than we do when my OH is there - all that giggly girly stuff unleashed and every problem becomes something to laugh at like "OMG it's raining again - hahaha" - "How are we going to get all this shopping up 48 stairs hahaha. Oh I know, lets use the rucksacks and make 6 trips hahaha". Then there was the fact that the beach was 3 miles away and we had no transport hahaha - Everything was worth a laugh and we didn't really stop laughing all week. x

Taz - The motorway going out of Bristol was at a standstill cos the Avonmouth Bridge has roadworks on it so we had to go round Severnside to get her to where we were meeting her mum.

I know what you mean about your wirlwind brother. My son is a bit like that - comes in and the house is full! x
Luckily I don't have to touch the motorway to get home from work as I live the other side. I have the chaos that regeneration causes and I really don't see the need for it in the first place. Why is everyone so hell bent on 'modernising' everything when there is nothing wrong with older places with a little history? Grrrrrrrr
Yeah abz it was incredible. yum yum yum. as i thought, my lunch of 74 cals didn't keep me going very long. as i recall i was hungry around 2hrs later haha. so i made a cup of tea, got my kitkat out, and pleasured my tastebuds for a while. hahaha.

taz...4 lesbians, you and your grandad?! interesting. when i have more time ill read back and check what happened lol.

girls im going bed, gotta be up earlyish tomorrow. xxx
Night night Elle - and anyone else who is around at this stupid hour x
:character00238: Good morning everyone :character00238:

I'm loving Mr Sun at the moment. He just keeps on smiling down on me :character00238: I hope he's smiling for everyone else too.

Well guys, I went out shopping with my daughter after delivering the 13 year old to her mum. We went to a retail centre, then to ASDA. I went into New Look and while my daughter looked round the whole store I went round and round the tiny space that was INSPIRE and found.... nothing - just a random collection of sacks.

When my daughter had made her purchases we took ourselves off to Outfit where I headed straight for the Evans section. After a soul destroying walk round the section, my daughter came over and dragged me to the Dorothy Perkins section and assured me that it WAS worth looking. :wow: THERE WERE CLOTHES IN SIZE 20. I bought 2 tops for £12 and they fitted perfectly.

Still on a high, I drove across to ASDA where I bought another 2 tops at £6 each, grey jog bottoms and a hoodie top £6 each and a stylish T to go with it for £3!!! It's like a whole new world has opened for me. It feels like I've come in from the cold and joined the human race. I am NEVER going to go back to the old sizes again - and that's for sure. How much am I looking forward to being size 18?

Enjoy this beautiful SUNday everyone - it's a gift at this time of year - and not before time this year either :character00238:
Elle, it wasn't MY grandad it was my friends grandad. My friend has a wife and so does her mum hence the 4 lesbians! They are all mad and it was good fun.

Morning all, a bright day outside again. Great news on the clothes Gem NEVER go into Evans again!
Only to look and make myself feel good maybe hehehe
Hi everyone. I'm just popping in from formatting heaven. My friend has written a 50,000 word thesis and needs me to help her get it ready to submit. It's hard work but I'm a geek and I love it!!!

Sounds like it is a sunny day for all. Well done Gem - I'm a bit jealous but hopefully it will spur me on. I'm looking forward to the day when I can buy my first Next suit (although their Autumn Winter collection looks rubbish).

I'm currently a size 23 or something because all bar two pairs of work trousers fall down without a belt and generally look baggy in the wrong places and silly but if I try on 22s they seem to be too small. Maybe after another 1/2 stone that'll be enough.
hi guys. sounds like everyone is doing well :)

well i'm back in england and am trying to get used to using an english keyboard again. the () and the ' and the ? and the : which i use quite a lot are all in different places so i apologise if i miss a few, ha.

we are going out for thai tonight for OH's birthday with our friends here (so only about the fifth birthday dinner the boy has had!!) and then back on the regime tomorrow and i'm really looking forward to it... i have felt out of control for too long living in somebody else's house and not having control of what the food shopping was etc... still. i have dressed up in the outfit i bought before i went away and i still look damn fine in it. tomorrow's weigh in isn't going to go well after all the food and alcohol tonight so i'll have another one on tuesday morning and use that as my proper post fortnight binge weigh in so watch this space :) ( or ?_ which is what i did instead by accident )

enjoy the rest of your sunday guys. i need to go and dry my hair.

a xx
Hi Abz and :welcome: back to merry old England.

Claire - I never get bothered in Next if nothing fits cos I rarely see anything I like. I think I was a size 23 for ages, now I'm about a 20/21 - a couple of lb should make the 20 just that little bit more comfortable :cool:

I have just come back from a lovely riverside walk. We were walking for about 2 hours on a path following the river. It was a wooded are and the leaves were just beginning to fall from the trees.

There were lots of people walking dogs who delighted in jumping into the water, coming out and shaking over poor unsuspecting passers by - great to see them having fun. :chores016: Lots of families were walking too, proving you can still entertain kids cheaply :bliss:

I don't know how far we walked but we were walking solidly for the whole 2 hours. I feel quite refreshed :innocent0002: x
Yes they are - I really enjoyed it x