BigBums to LittleBums Diary

Well I am going to face my next mini challenge tonight, I am going to the cinema for the first time since starting and I am a super big fan of popcorn, the smell is going to kill me!! However, think I am going to go and see the new Clive Owen film so I'm sure he can make up for the lacking munchies!
I went swimming again last night and did 20 lengths, may not sound that much but its better than nothing, I then sat in the jacuzzi and the steam room for a bit of me-time. It was great. The best thing about it tho was my cossie was not digging in across my back and it actually fits quite comfy :).
I'm now over 5 weeks into Go Lower and it is still going well. I'm going to have sausage casserole for tea tonight with some mashed celeriac. I need to try and be a bit more adventurous with my veg, I just keep eating celeriac all the time and broccoli! Might try having some fried cabbage with pancetta tomorrow. Xx
Wow, didn't realise I hadn't posted here for so long. I've been away with work since Friday, good old team building exercise - loosely translated as a bit of a knees up involving cocktails, bad karaoke and some dancing around the handbags. Got to love it!

Weigh in this week shows another 2lbs down, quite good considering the cocktails that got drunk.

I'm going to have a really really good week and hopefully it will show. Going to have eggs for breakfast every second day. I have a prawn salad in for my lunch today as well for a bit of a change. Xx
This is turning into a diary like I used to start in the new year when I was a teenager and I would write religiously for the first week and never write again!
I've not managed to get myself weighed today as I am away from home, back tomorrow night so will have to weigh on Thursday instead, sure it will be ok though, I have been pretty good-ish.
The thing that I love the most about Go Lower compared to other diets is it is easy to stick to plan even when you are not home and no-one could even really guess you are following a diet because you can still have full meals just hold the potatoes and the bread to start.
One of my friends has been following a shake diet for the last 4 weeks and although she has lost a lot of weight her social life is pretty much over, she can come out and watch us eating and have a pile of water. I have a lot of respect for her for sticking to it, I found it so difficult! Xx