Bigfatmess to um slighlythinnermess.

Well done on getting through a toughie, gosh picnics and eating with friends are so hard.
Ok so I hope I've dome this right today, I had a bar for breakfast -lemon, found it quite sickly not a massive fan but it did mean I didn't scoff it down quickly and made it last. Chicken soup for lunch, really nice, really liked that, chilli con carne for tea with 100g of chicken and lettuce, rocket and spring onions, filled a big plate and has left me feeling very full. That's day 2 done!
Good luck on your s& s journey it's def the best vlcd I ve ever tried and well done for getting thro the picnic :) x
So I wake up today ready for day 3 and my husband has made the little one toast. God it smells lush. So I jump on the scales to hopefully get a bit of willpower and see they are showing 4lbs less than they did when I started this! Ok so it's first thing in the morning and I've just had a wee but I'm taking it!
Well done hun ur doing amazing!! yes that is right!! The very best time to WI is first thing after a wee lol people can lose nearly a stone in the first week eeeek!! But it may stall for a few days then drop another few lbs at the end of the week, so dont be dissheartened if it does, cos u would of already got an amazing loss :D xxx
Good for you resisting the toast and 4lb already is a great start.
Keep strong and that will be doubled by weigh-in day.
Get glugging the water x x
I had the milk chocolate and praline bar this morning, very nice, have already drunk a litre of water, definitely seems to be going down a lot easier today. I'm not hungry but I can't stop thinking about food.
Luckily whilst its hot like this it makes the water a bit easier, good luck for today, and 4lb so far is brilliant well done x
I'm struggling a bit today. I'm not hungry but I want to eat. Carbs. Load of em.
oh dear its so hard isnt it, just think this time next week you will be in ketosis if you resist, and will have more lbs off, thats whats keping me going in the evenings my worst time, get the water bottle out, if that fails scoff some salad.
Well I've rEsisted so far, Could I be in ketosis now? I'm not hungry at all and have a vile taste in my mouth (though that could be the additional smoking to keep my mind off the carbs. One vice at a time...) anyway I had the mac and cheese with my customary boatload of chilli powder and black pepper. I'm starting to notice that. All the meals have a similar small/taste to them, not unappetising but something I reckon I could get sick of...
Most likely you are.

Tastes change on plan, alter your foods as you go. I loved meals at the start but now I mostly have shakes and soup

Now your over the hunger should be plain sailing

Well I've just ordered a full 28 days worth. So I have to stick to it for that long. Otherwise my husband will lynch me ;)
Ooh just as an aside, is chewing gum allowed? Due to the aforementioned vile taste (and occasional fag) can I use it whilst at work?
Hiya, im just starting with s&s this week too, on day 7 of shakes though, just finished my vile cambridge ones! You're doing great so far, the taste is gross isnt it, i just cant be rid of it, i drink more than enough water too! I cant put the cover over my head and snuggle into it cos the breath fumes make my eyes water!

Im yet to try anything but shakes, but the chocolate shake, and the caramel vanilla flavoured ones were nice, im a bit scared to try the meals in case they are awful!

Thats a good way to boost you're commitment though to buy a lot, keep going, 2/3rds of the way through today
always have sugar free gum or polls on hand for when hungry or my death breath lol, sounds like you are in you lucky thing I am still waiting,
I can see myself becoming a scales obsessive. I've lost a pound between this morning and now. I know my bodyweight will fluctuate naturally throughout the day anyway but it's still nice to see. I do need to step away from the scales though...
Tomato chilli, chicken and salad for tea. Tomato chilli nice enough but quite saucy. Glad I had something else to have with it, it wouldn't be my first choice. That's day 3 done!
I'm up and I've been on the scales, they're showing an incredible 7lb loss. If I can sustain that this week than I'll be over the moon - I'm only half way through, although a little bit of me would like that to go down another 1lb so I can be in the 14's by the end of my first week which would be awesome. Anyway things go a bit sqew whiff this end for me today as I'm on night shift all weekend so I have no idea how I'm going to space my packs out?
Ohhh you'll b in the 14's for sure on weigh-in don't worry BFM (not calling you by user name)

I don't know how you'll work round being on nights.
Alternate between drinking water/tea/coffee/coke before you succumb to a shake.
Good luck for the weekend and weigh-in. Can't wait to hear all about it x x