Biggest achievement


Silver Member
What's been the moment that you've really surprised yourself with? A day you previously couldn't have imagined surviving without food? Pressure from a well meaning friend or relative that you stood up to? A positive thought or feeling that you weren't expecting?

We focus on the physical effects and the numbers on the scales, so I reckon we should take a bit of time to feel proud of ourselves, appreciate what we've done, acknowledge and celebrate changes in our thinking, and giving ourselves a big metaphorical pat on the back!

For me, it's just been facing up to my weight gain and doing something about it. Denial has always been my downfall, and I stuck two fingers up at her when I started this with determination and a plan.

What's been yours?
My biggest achievement was last year.
I managed to keep quiet about my 4 and a half stone weight loss, and surprise friends that I hadn't seen in 9 months.
They really didn't recognise me. I loved it !!
That must've felt amazing! :D
On this diet mine has been staying TS on a cooking day (we made some gorgeous food that everyone sat down and shared), and resisting everything on a gorgeous buffet yesterday. There's no way in the world I would have thought I could do that but when your mind's in the zone you can!
It's incredible what you can do when you put your mind to it! Weirdly, if I was on WW I'd find it harder to resist, then feel despondent and lose it completely and eat anything that stayed still.

Resisting definitely feels better. Empowering and all that.