BijouxDolly's diary


Full Member
Thought I'd join in and see if I can maintain this diary as I failed after day 2 writing it down in my little book!

Currently weighing in at 192lbs from a starting weight of 203lbs. It's nice to be in the 100s and the other day I dropped into the 13s in stones :D

I've just started week 4 of DD, 3rd week of Cruise after a 5 day Attack. I'm doing 1/1 rhythm as attack nearly killed me, there's no way I could do 5/5 and go 5 days PP in a row :eek: Knowing I can have veg tomorrow gets me through PP days.

I'm not gonna lie I've not been doing DD to the book. I work in a coffee shop and start at 5am, so really can't stomach food when I get up at 4 but when I get to work I end up craving something from the fridge and normally end up having a raspberry and almond bake :eek: I do 9 hour shifts on my feet though so must burn those calories off in that time, and it doesn't seem to have affected my weight loss, I do still see the scales either STS (TOTM) or going down, only 1lb went up when I had a McD's in London last week as I couldn't find anything remotely Dukan friendly or even healthy nearby! Scoffed asparagus later that night as it was PV day and the scales had dropped 2lb in the morning so it's all good.

Today I've actually been good (day off work lol :rolleyes:) and had:

Breakfast: Oat bran porridge with a tiny bit of sweetener, not even a spoonful cos I think it's too sweet. :confused:

Lunch: I was snacking on chicken roll and rustled up some random veg soup which I had a mug of an hour or so later.

Dinner: Dukan chicken 'risotto' which turned out to be just a chicken and veg mess... have used cauliflower as a rice substitute before with a chilli con carne and it was good. My 'risotto' was just a mass of 'rice', carrots, chicken and brocolli... :p It did look nice though, it was pretty and colourful!

I'm hungry again so plan on making a dippy egg with asparagus as I read someone on here liked eating! :D

I will try to update this daily but I bet I forget... :eek:
Had my asparagus last night and had a 2lb GAIN this morning! :mad: had lost 2lb when I weighed in the other day after eating asparagus.

Been naughty today :( Got up at 4 for work and had my oat bran porridge, didn't get my break til 10 but was starving around 8ish so had a raspberry slice again :( and the kitchen had ran out of eggs (we get a meal from the kitchen at work) so I ended up with bacon and mushrooms... I thought I can cheat with mushrooms cos they're full of protein (I know they're not allowed) but I didn't realise just HOW many carbs are in them. Daren't weigh myself today but I feel crap. It's supposed to be PP today. Can't burn the calories off either cos it's currently 27 degrees outside and I'm sweating just sitting at the PC!

Don't think I'm gonna last much longer on DD, work hours etc restricts it/messes it up so I just feel like I'm doing it for nothing. :(
If you've lost 11lbs by your 4th week, I'd say you're doing really well - it'd be a shame to give up on that, wouldn't it? Can you not have something in a little tub in the work fridge that you could snack on instead of the pastries? I'm only on day 2 and I know I wouldn't get very far if I didn't plan my meals ahead and shop/prepare accordingly.