Bit upset today!

They say good friends are hard to come by , but in life you will notice people come and go , only the good ones stay around , i think if she comes back you will have to walk away as shes not a true friend . her boyfriend see's you as a threat , so he wants you out of the way , which he out his way . Well i can see her being lonely cos she does not have her own mind , i'm glad your feeling strong to carry on , you will always meet new people !

I think your bang on the money with that one, true friend would say stuff that im going with me friend, she obviously isnt a true friend so! Glad iv realised that now its only onwards and up wards for me, i have a lot of friends who care about me and 1 in patulicar who always stand by me no matter what i do, so its time to ditch the fren-amies and move on!

Thanks for that x
Hahaha such a shame xx
hi ladylipo,
perhaps (as much as i agree with the other posts) you could do a bit of everything.
this happened to a friend of mine and she made herself ill worrying about her friend, not sleeping etc. and then after all that, when the friend was just about sorted on her own she went back to her bloke.....argh!!
my friend had a chat with this other friend and said that they could still be friends but that she couldn't cope with the relationship with the bloke so now they still do stuff together and chat about everything else but the bloke is out-of-bounds.
so, i know she is saying that she doesn't want to be friends but if/when she wants to rekindle your friendship maybe at that point you could put some new ground rules down - you won't get so stressed and she won't have the mixed feelings about coming back to you!
maybe just an idea!
fran :)
p.s. good on ya for sticking strong to the diet.....when you are back eating you can look back on this time and say right i didn't need to binge at that stresspoint therefore i don't need to binge now!! :)
Im going out in dublin for my 21st this summer theres a good few of us going up, i cant wait we're making a weekend outta it!
Im only about an hour from dub but never when out up there in my life!
I think we've all had something like this done , but life moves on and so do we , we soon forget about them , but at the time we never thought it would happen that way or it would never happen . So people huh
I don't think her boyfriend is a good person , he will have everyone out of the way if he feels threated . Next will be her mum and dad , you see
You can always count on Fran..great advice hun xx
Hi hun....lots of good advice from the guys on here. Here's me sending lots of hugs to you!! xx
lol tracy - cheers me dears!
you've just had a blush and now i am lol!
got to put my update up on here..... will get round to it before the end of the day....there's so much to read which is fab!!
fran :)
That happened before he tried to stop her going training or anything like that, so next it'll be the parents outta the way till eventually she has nobody its quite sad really, to feel you have to settle for that! Not in a million years would i ever put up with a control freak like him NEVER
Look forward to your post Fran xx
Shes trying to please him, but in the end she will become unhappy .
But for you , life is your own ! and slimming all the way !
Woo hoooo it sure is :D
Thanks for your great advice i feel tonnes better now x
It may sound harsh but it sounds like she has really hurt you badly and for that,I think it would be wise to stay clear,she probably will come crawling back at some stage but I would be wary to get involved again.As for your flat,have you any acquaintances or colleagues that needs a place? why dont you pass the word around and prepare incase you need another flatmate?
I am VERY hurt, and feel soo used its unbeievable :(
But im moving on now not gonna dwell on it its happened and by god it'll make me stronger
Good girl,its very difficult especially when you live in the same flat,keep yer chin up,we're here for you x
Hi Lady

Like every1 says on here, you have 2 options open to you because its guaranteed that she will come right back when they fall out again.
Only you can decide, but i would think that you could do without fair-weather friends like her.

Hope you manage to find someone to help out with the rent though x
:hug99:XXX Dont worry pet you have us x
Awh tanx guys yer all soo good ta me ;)
Im feeling much better today, yesterday in work my boss noticed i wasnt myself, she came over and told me i looked pale, then an hour later she goes your very quite today wats up?
I wouldnt tell her tho shes bit of a motormouth plus she was nly being nosey lol