Blergh! - FatFairNForty(ish) - my diary

Well, it's almost 2am and I've not been in long... what a day!

Worked late in the end, then wandered into town to return a pair of jeans to Select (they didn't fit)... just HOW embarassing can it get! lol They remembered me because of the crying in the cubicle situation... and then told me that the jeans weren't from them! lol I had already picked up a lovely red jumper to exchange... lol so.. I bought the jumper and wondered where the heck I'd got the jeans from!!! lol I soon discovered... it was QS! lol So... exhanged them for 2 tops and a padded waistcoaty thing... (gilet? sp!)

Then it was off to Wellingborough to see if I could find a gel seat cover for my thoughtful cycling friend... well, he was spot on.. I went into Wilkinsons and there they were!! So.. I got one.. and at the same time got some nasty fake teeth for Halloween...

(will explain more... another time). Anyway... came home via Tesco (took my CD book in and did some shopping for the coming week - I really am loving 1000k!)

Everything in car and I finally got home around 5pm ish... so... quorn and veg stir fry served with wholewheat pasta (first pasta in almost a year!) and I couldn't eat it all!! It was so nice! Zoe has said that if I cook she will eat whatever I have! :D

Tomorrow it's mexican chicken with roasted veggies and pasta... 40g dry weight of pasta makes a very very generous portion!

JUST had time to get ready for pub after major bloaty feelings from dinner (and a soup)... then off I went! It was karaoke.. lol... me and my mate Trudy did the best ever slaughtering of Rick Astley's "Never gonna give you up"... lol... she had a few pints of guiness to help... lol.. I was on the diet coke ;)

More sponsorship came my way and I am constantly touched by peoples' generosity ... the evening passed way too quickly but was so good and we had such a giggle!

Glad to be home and heading for bed (having had my 2nd CD pack and some strawberries with balsamic vinegar (still had to eat my fruit allowance and a pack you see....) So now I've eaten those I will b*gger off to bed - no alarms set... going to have a lay in (animals permitting!)

Seeing ex at 6pm... Zoe wants to come too... so I said ok. Really not sure whether or not this is the right thing for me to do, but it seems it right now!

Murder thing cancelled so may well spend a quiet evening at home for a change.. :) we shall see what (if any) offers are forthcoming... lol ;)
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A quiet evening at home??? What's that in Jennie land?? I'm sure there will be plans forthcoming! Wish I was closer and we could have gone out dancing!

Will be thinking about you later with meeting the ex. The look on mine's face when he saw me at the wedding was priceless (like the advert), especially as I was so beautiful (helped by a gorgeous dress and a good hairdresser!). It was a proper up yours!!

CD1000 seems to be going down really well. What a star you are!
Felicity Kendall eat your heart out!

A quiet evening at home??? What's that in Jennie land?? I'm sure there will be plans forthcoming! Wish I was closer and we could have gone out dancing!

Will be thinking about you later with meeting the ex. The look on mine's face when he saw me at the wedding was priceless (like the advert), especially as I was so beautiful (helped by a gorgeous dress and a good hairdresser!). It was a proper up yours!!

CD1000 seems to be going down really well. What a star you are!

Good morning :D

Well... yesterday was a day and a half!! Initially woke at 6am to the smell of chips!! (Zoe had been out all night and was home - avec fella - and was cooking!!) Got up, used the facilities, yelled a cranky, growling, 'What-the-hell-are-you-playing-at-cooking-at-this-hour-you-woke-me-up' kind of grumble, told her the kitchen had better be immaculate when I got up 'or else'!. (No idea wha the heck the 'or else' could've been!!! Not like I can ground her or take away any privileges....) And stomped back to bed and promptly went back to sleep until 10!!! Flippin 10am!!!! lol

Then that was it, I had a list (not timed on this occassion)... and I was determined to do it... had my scummdidlyumptious shredded wheat and a couple of pints of water, put on some jeans (charity shop = £3) and a polo shirt ('bike club old stock £5) and bodywarmer (£6 from Asda!!)... lol.. and me wellies and OMG!!

I can wear wellies with my jeans tucked in AND they don't crinkle up or cut off my circulation!!!!!!!

OMG OMG OMG!!!! Felicity Kendall eat your heart out!!! lol I got me wellies on!!! (you do realise this means I will HAVE to get some funky floral ones now!!!!!) hee hee hee

Anyhoo... I set to it...

Job 1 - de-poo the garden Loathe this job but, necessary evil prior to mowing else not too fragrant and not particularly hygenic!

Job 2 - take down tent that's been up since, um, August 18th (without leaving any of the pegs in to muller the mower!)

Job 3 - Cut the grass (my mower handle falls off every now and again so this isn't as straightforward as one might imagine - plus... if you got it that the tent has been there since August... not cut grass since..... :eek:

Job 4 - start sorting out my now totally overgrown pond. I can't even see the water for pondweed, and pond grasses and the bush thing that grows out of the bank of earth that seems to be getting bigger each year!! Plus of course the pump needs cleaning so that's not on at the moment.. .what water I can see is nice and clear though - my pond has its very own way of sustaining itself... thank goodness... lots of fish and some very special newts in it

Job 5 - clear away weeds from beside patio and see just how much my old Buddlea (sp) has come back after being massacred by the numpty gardner last year!!

Job 6 - cut the grass at the front (both sides - imagine - house is a face - these are the sidburns... (useless and messy if not kept nice and short but soften the overall effect)... plus clear the weeds off gravel drive and make the trough planter (only about 2 ft long) actually look like a living place for plant life as opposed to a dead and neglected graveyard for marigolds and similar bedding plants!

There were other jobs listed but these were the 'biggies'....
.... as I was saying before I was so rudely cut off in full flow... lol

I got stuck in - worked my way through the list and also managed to nip in and out of house and do 2 loads of washing, unload and reload dishwasher, remove dead (and I do think it is totally dead now) car battery from Zoe's car and put it on charge, chatted with neighbours (another £5 for NCH in the bag! - I didn't ask, she offered!)... taxi'd Zoe to her mates, did 2 trips to the shops (ran out of gas then leccy!)... nipped into the Co-op and got some violas and something else (I forget the name) to plant in newly prepped trough, AND stopped for a text exchange with my cycling friend, AND had a conversation whilst clearing pond, sweeping pation, tying up 'poo' bag.. with a dear friend!!! Multi-tasking - pah! Piece of cake!! (mmmm, could've murdered that later!)

Confirmed plans for today (Sunday) a la cycling around reservoir again :D

I did make a radical decision though - whilst mowing the front left sideburn! I tried (most unsuccessfully) to plant a hedge along there to stop people from making the strip into mud when they don't stick to the drive way andend up ploughing it up! (to be honest I got the right arse about it and planted the thing out of frustration and narkiness and downright 'gerroff my land' kind of mentality! ) Petty bint! lol But, despite it being rather pathetic.. it has worked!

Well, I decided that I couldn't be bothered to stand out there trying to snip around the bottom of the dozen 'sticks' of hedging so that was it, mowed 'em down! lol So now, unbalanced sideburns... left is clear, right is punctuated with its own dozen or so leafy sticks! lol
(what's occurring here! I can't edit my posts... and it kicks me off when I post a reply.... very odd...)

p'raps I need to be more succint... :rotflmao:

SO.... did all on list but when dragging pond weed out I noticed titchy baby newts so no more weed pulling now... clearly this must be their birthing time... so will leave well alone... must get pump sorted though... maybe later when back from my cycle ride.

Had to go and get petrol too - resplendent in me scabby jeans, wellies etc etc... hair dragged up into a ponytail... felt very rural.. LOL Zoe said I looked like I was a farmer... I tell you what.. I felt like one! (hmmm, there's a thought... could browse the local farms for some ooh-arrr talent!!) lol

I'd forgotten how good it feels to spend a day working in the garden... all that fresh air and later standing in the kitchen admiring my efforts.. still lots to do mind you, and I have a pile of the results of my pruning / chopping/mowing, dragging carnage to somehow get rid of!

But I am pleased - still have to plant up the trough (might do that in a moment - time before heading off out at 9.15) and clean that pump and filter (must do this afternoon!! or tomorrow.... ;) )

Went to the CoOp and wondered why it didn't smell too clever in there... it was me!! I had some of Brandys expelled digestive machinations firmly worked into the sole of my right welly!!!

Wasn't long in the queue!!! lol

After gardening exploits I had to get ready to meet the ex... threw on those size 10 jeans and a very fitted red jumper, brushed hair, grabbed envelope of rally pics and went.. Zoe didn't come with me in the end, she was round her mates by this time (courtesy of mum's taxis)....

I got there 15 minutes early and went to go inside and saw him pull up so I detoured into the Travelodge foyer... shook like a leaf in a rainstorm!!! The receptionist was lovely, I told her what was occurring and she said to take as long as I liked...
eek... look at time... must dash... got to get ready for my cycle ride! Back later... (dunno when!)... after ride maybe and then out tonight as PQm 'knocking for me' at 8.30pm.. lol Big kids ain't we! Oh... remind me to tell you what my lush mate Trudy said in the pub on Friday night re PQM!! T'ra for now xx
Lol, sorry Kate, no time... just got in from bike ride... well, bike ride (15 miles!!!!!), then back to his place (1pm) smashing lunch there (all allowed foods!) , then nattering til gone 6... old photos, stories of past loves, schooldays.. that kind of thing... time flaming flew by! I only left when I did because he noticed the time and it was getting dark, lol, and I didn't want to outstay my welcome. Home now, fed, watered, about to eat fruit allowance (strawberries and raspberries - yum!), knackered (and boy do I look it! lol) and PQm is knocking for me in 25 minutes!!! (Wonder if I can shower etc in that time! - yeah! easy peasy! lol). Will have to continue tomorrow after work... appt with nurse at 2, then weigh in at 4 then quiet evening in... sleep I think, possibly cleaning pond pump too (depends how cold it is outside!)... Tuesday... going to have a fairly busy afternoon but no plans for the evening so another early night perhaps... Weds is bike club quiz night... no plans thus far for Thursday... another early night??? (Can I really do early nights? - - last night was supposed to be one but I didn't shut my eyes til 12.30am!!)... lol Think tomorrow really WILL be early as I am totally whacked and am certain my thighs are going to be complaining in a massive way about the bike ride today! Hopefully stayed same weight this week - have had only a little extra protein today in the shape of some extra chicken but think the ride may have used that up ok...

Will post again tomorrow... but it did go ok. :) Dreamt about him (ex hubby) last night which was weird... right.. HAVE to go... 22 mins!! ARGH!!!!
Over 12 stone off!!!

Congratulations Jenny on your Fantastic weight loss!!!

It is awesome:eek:


Well done!

Love Mini xxx
Just a little bit of news.... lol... I'm now a CDC!! I just got off the phone from the lovely peeps at Cambridge and I passed! :D :D :D Reasonable score too so well chuffed and just waiting now to get necessary bits and bobs and sort out advertising and that's it! ALL SYSTEMS GO!!