Blergh! - FatFairNForty(ish) - my diary

Hiya - just a quick update as I'm off to bed in a mo...

Thanks for your comments Irene ((((((hugs)))))) Zoe's boyfriend is very quiet at the moment and I am doing as she has asked, and not mentioning it and just carrying on as normal. Funeral is on Thursday, Zoe is going with him but is dreading it.. she told me that hearing his mum sobbing brought back all her feelings of when her dad died and she is struggling with that.. I think the funeral will be a tough day for all..

Sarah is home (hurrah)... wish I could have taken a pic of her face when she saw me! lol She was so shocked , it was classic.. she just kept squealing "look at you, look at you, you look amazing! I can't believe it" lol I just hugged her and cried... it feels so good to have her home :D

Ailsa came and weighed me, not a massive loss, but a loss nonetheless... I lost 2.4lbs this week.. which makes it a knats doo-dahs short of 4 stone!! (I think..) might need me calculator.. lol

Still.. I'm happy enough, both my girls are home and life is pretty darn good :D

Off to bed now as very tired. Will get diary up to date tomorrow.. (joined gym today..oh, loads to tell ! lol)...

night night all xxxx
Wednesday 20th December..

Ok, I know, it's already gone 11am and I have been on the site for over 2 hours already and only now getting 'round to doing me diary.. lol

The Co-op had run out of olive branches (see comment re "Eric" ) and, as I still have not heard from him I have a feeling that the whole country is out of stock!... anyway..

I have done another 2 loads of washing though so that's good... lol (final load in now - until Sarah unpacks her case (she told me she has brought some washing home)...and releases all her stuff).

House is all quiet,.. Sarah is fast asleep in her room, the dog is curled up next to her, she has really missed him and I know he is going to love having her home, she plays with him all the time (doesn't walk him or feed him, lol, just plays, lol) and she lets him on her bed (I banned him from my room as soon as we got him!) lol Zoe and her fella are fast asleep in her room and all I can hear is the sound of the washing machine, tumble dryer and the radio in here.. there's a hard frost outside so the garden looks attractive.. I love frosty mornings (when tucked up warm indoors!).. lol

So.. anyway.. it's Wednesday and I need to backtrack a bit..

Sunday morning... I woke up at 9.15am and decided to dash down to Luton to meet up with my sister and take Christmas presents to my mum's with her. I got to meet my sisters latest fella (sorry, but I am a real cynic when it comes to men!).. he seems ok, not my kind of man, but then, I'm not her so it's ok! We chatted all the way to mums and when we got there she was SO shocked to see me! She loved it! Her face was a picture! We had a lovely time with her and my stepdad, bless him, he is such a darling. He has alzheimers so every time there was a silence he asked the same question "how's life me darling"... or "where is it you're living these days"? It is a horrible illness... he has virtually no short term memory now and for one who is so intelligent, multi-lingual, well travelled, well read... could discuss all matters, trivial and intellectual alike.. sometimes I catch a glimpse of the old Edward, it is so hard to equate this man who sat before me, with the vibrant man who swept my mum off her feet and who has been such a fabulous grandfather to my daughters and the best dad ever to me for the last 20 years too... he is such a lovely lovely man... I hope he doesn't realise how he is (bladder control problems., major temper issues, no memory, unable to converse or follow a tv programme or even read a book.. he just sits all day...) as I know he would be appalled. I love seeing him but hate leaving him.. anyway, enough or I shall start crying!

So... mum and I had a really good chat and I told her about the new sparkly top and I put it on to show her... she just stood open-mouthed and told me I was a stunner.. LOL.. yeah, ok mum.. lol... but she really, for the first time in oh so many years, was happy and proud of me.. and she told me so too! It was a very special moment.

Sis said it was a lovely top and mumbled that she needs to lose some weight.. her man didn't make a comment,. I know he likes her as she is.. but I also know that she won't like it if I ever get smaller than her! (I would LOVE it though! - is that bad! Well, if it is so what.. lol.. I mean it... I would LOVE to be in a smaller size of clothes than my sis.. she has always been smaller than me, despite being older, not by much, but still... lol).

We headed back to Luton with our presents and having said goodbye to mum and Edward... I'm so glad I went, it was worth the mad dash just to see them both :D

Back in Luton and we headed for Asda.. not sure why exactly, but glad we did as I bought some new pillows (2 for £2.97)!! I was well chuffed! lol, then I went to my wonderful friend Daryl's house. I was stunned to find her son Ben there - he is 23 and in the army (having served in iraq , twice, and Poland, and Afghanistan) and is stationed in Germany , I haven't seen him for a couple of years and last time I did he was terribly damaged by his experiences.. this time he is a confident and calm young man. He is a lovely person and we had a fantastic chat.. I've known him since he was 3 years old.. so we are old friends.. when he was a youngster he used to come across the road and tell me his worries... sound off about his parents.. (I know my girls did the same with his mum, lol)... and as he grew up I feel more like an auntie than a friend of his mums... know what I mean? I've always loved him, and his brothers.. and it was So good to see this fine young man he has become. His younger brother was home too.. I am always amazed at how grown up he is! His voice is as deep as the ocean!! lol I remember the night he was born... so you can see... visiting my friend brought back lots of great memories.

We all sat and talked and talked.. the older lad, when I sat down on the sofa to chat with him, told me I looked fantastic :D and his brother said he couldn't believe how different I looked now... lol Bless the pair of 'em! They have seen me yoyo with my weight for years!

Daryl and I went off to chat in her kitchen.. we did the dishes while we talked and she cooked a spaghetti bolognese.. it smelt scrummy and looked delicious! She offered me fruit juice and said she couldn't understand why I couldn't even have fruit juice.. and just how healthy was this diet? lol I explained it to her as best as I could and she seemed happy enough.. lol When I told her I still had over 9 stone to lose she shook her head and said no way... you will have to stop before then! LOL... I forgot to say... my sister sat at the table at my mums and looked at me and said.. "I'll tell you when you have to stop losing this weight!" LMAO... yeah right.. like she has ANY power over me! lololololololol

Anyway.,, Daryl and I talked and talked (I know what you're thinking...not like me at ALL eh? lol ;) ) and then realised we had to start getting ready so I began to straighten my hair whilst she went to have a shower... well, an hour later and we were off! We went to her church carol service first... it was lovely. A beautiful service and candle-lit carol singing.. wonderful sermon and such warm and friendly people.. it was quite emotional at one point and we both exchanged glances.. it was so uplifting and moving.. been a long time since I have experienced that at church..

Carols sung, candles out and it was a mad dash to the car and off to the folk club.. she assured me she knew where it was, lol, well... we agreed when we got to Hitchin and parked the car that no, actually, neither of us had a bloomin' clue where we were going! LOL Thankfully there was one person in the car park and he DID know.. lol so off we trotted through the pitch black car park and found our way to The Sun, in Hitchin.

We joined the queue and looked around us... we were (at 43 and 46) by far the youngest in the queue!! Lots of lovely silver-haired folkies champing at the bit to get in.. I bumped into someone I knew from going to the Bedford music venue I love and we all had a nice little chinwag about the evening.. we couldn't recall who was performing nor what.. lol how bad is that! lol Once in we sat down and waited.. well.. it was a magical evening! There was a group called Voices At the Door who were performing... they were from Yorkshire and sang acappello.. (sp) (unaccompanied).. and wow., we sat there, jaws in laps... it was the most amazing and moving sound... they sang very old traditional Christmas songs and carols..told stories... gave us some history... but the sounds.. oh my goodness... beautiful, absolutely stunning... I was were the rest of the audience... it was an incredible experience. It was also lovely that one of the male singers was very attractive and kept looking my way.. LOL (probably trying to avoid the glare of the stagelights.. ) hee hee.. but was nice anyhow ;)

The evening flew by and I got home around 1am.. absolutely shattered but so happy. I'm definitely going to go again, the venue was great (but a bit drafty.. damn this diet makes me chilly.. lol) and I know the couple who run the club so it was extra bonus to see them again so close to Christmas!

Monday arrived far too quickly.. and, as you all know... I was looking forward to my daughter Sarah coming home from Uni.. all was set.. then I got a call from my sister asking me to call Sarah urgently, which I did.. and.. as I said before.. she missed her coach so we got it sorted out for her.. I was fuming but when I heard how distressed she was I calmed down.. then that elderly lady called in and gave me the "about time you did something about your weight" talk.. cheeky mare asked how my love life was and when I said I don't have a love life, she sort of snorted and said.. "ah well, that'll be why you are losing the weight then!".. so I put her straight and said NO it isn't! grrrrrr... I was NOT impressed.. but I have known her for ages.. and I know her ways... it doesn't excuse her rudeness..but it makes it understandable.. I got home and made a start on the tree and decorations.. and other housework... I rang my nana (which I already mentioned).. in the course of our chat I dropped into the conversation that I had lost about 4 stone now.. she was very shocked (my mother had clearly not mentioned it to her - which did surprise me - ) and I have to say, surprisingly complimentary... she told me that she was so pleased as the last time she had seen me (September '06) she had been very worried about me as I was so big (I had actually lost a little already by then... not of the 4 stones I lost with Cambridge...) and that she was very glad to hear such good news! I was stunned... this is my nana.. she is normally a right fiesty old yorkshire woman with a mouth that has about as much control as an IBS sufferer eating battered sausage and chips!!!!

I was very surprised... you know.. for years all I have heard (and I'm NOT saying that it is all they have been saying!) is critcisim and condemnation from my family... always the constant nagging to "do something" about my weight.. they tried bribery, blackmail.. insults.. compliments... the lot.. but always, I had felt, there was an underlying judgement and condemnation going on... little snidey comments... digs at fat people (ironic when you consider we have ALL been grossly obese in our lives!)... and comments about what food I eat.. even in public.. big humiliation.. put downs... :( but now... now it is so VERY different.. and I'm a bit confused to be honest... it seems so alien to me.... (mum just rang me to say that she couldn't get over the difference in me).. see now.. THAT is bizarre! lol I'm not complaining... I'm just a bit dazed to be honest.. what on earth are they going to be like when I get to goal! lol

Anyway.. my nana is sounding very weary and to be honest I'm a bit worried about her... might have to drive up there soon to see her.... no idea when though! I've asked Zoe if she will come too and she said yes, but I just realised she can't - we have the dog! argh!

Where was I .. sorry.. phone call completely distracted me.. what else has happened.. oh yes! So, that was Monday night.. yesterday arrived and I wrote a teensy bit.. lol... what I forgot was that I went for my initial meeting with the guy at the gym!! I have my first proper session tomorrow!!!

He weighed me.. took all my medical info.. had a general chinwag and is going to draw up an exercise plan for me that will fit in with my aims and goals and my diet! He tried to tell me that I will need to take glucose tablets if I exercise!!! OR to have food in the mornings I will be going there! I have explained the diet to him!!!!! Not sure how this is going to work.. no way do I want to break the diet so I need to ask Ailsa about the glucose tablets... there's no way I'm breaking this diet!

I am looking forward to getting stuck in though - it seems like forever since I first asked my GP!! I will only be getting the one session in before they shut the gym for Christmas! Still I have my future sessions booked in my diary now and am looking forward to seeing and feeling the benefits of it all in due course. It is a 12 week plan... 2 sessions a week for those 12 weeks.. so hopefully it will help me get kick-started on the exercise route... I used to exercise years ago.. loved the feeling I got... did box-aerobics and circuits.. and exercise classes.. gave up for years... rejoined the gym last year and stopped going when I met Colin.. and piled on the weight.. not his fault, my choice absolutely! Made a pathetic attempt to rejoin early in the year and paid, went once and gave up! So... you see... whilst I am keen I need to grab at this chance and get on with it!

So that was yesterday.. you already know the rest of my evening.. lol.. oh, except that I sat and watche Memoirs of a Geisha with Sarah until some awfully early time of the morning!! lol

Today - Wednesday 20th December...

Woke up feeling dog rough... rang my boss so stayed home. Horrible feeling that all this rushing around is catching up with me.. due to go and be waxed and polished this afternoon but thinking of cancelling... not like me at all!! Hmm...

Done ALL the washing now, cleared up kitchen (Zoe made breakfast for the 3 of them).. debating with myself whether to keep 2pm appointment or not... also not sure about wearing dress NYE now.. I put it on in front of Ailsa last night and to be honest.. think she's right.. I would have to wear a corset to deal with my belly.. :( disappointed but at least it will still be there (the dress) when the belly has reduced/toned up! Will have to rethink the New years Eve outfit now... hmmmm....

Very tired and lethargic today.. perhaps now Sarah's home my body is having a bit of a kick at me.. lol. We shall see..

A MASSIVE surprise arrived today!!! A box with some fabby clothes in!! 2 lush pairs of jeans, 2 tops and a pair of trousers! YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE!! THANK YOU, THANK YOU , THANK YOU!! I'll be trying them all on later :D

Right, off to get ready for waxing.. it will perk me up.. will be back later to see how you all are doing! (Sorry it's been such a long waffly post!)...:rolleyes:

Well, I thought long and hard about this and have sent Eric a "Dear Eric" email... not nasty.. pretty nice actually... so that's that.. one of us had to be the adult in all this.. to just ignore me for 4 days is very petty and someone had to make the first move. No surprises that it was me. lol

So.. onward and upward. I'm sending his presents on to him. No good for anyone else and I can't use them! lol So.. there we have it. Week before Christmas and I finally get me head round what a waste of space Eric has been in my life.

My note said.. hope he's ok and that he and his family have a lovely Christmas and New Year, that 2007 is positive and life changing and that he will take care of himself. Told him he is a good man and I wish him only good things and much happiness.

So... feel odd... but relieved.. job done. Another clearance from my life.. will send his presents tomorrow maybe.. gets them out of the way.

Off to be waxed now.. not in the mood though.. ho hum.. laters folks!
You've taken the best approach there is: taking the upper hand and appearing indifferent to him. Good for you. New year, new you, new start. Look ahead not backward.

Well done on your weight loss this week!
good for you, its hard being alone but you are worth so much more than you were getting from him


She's worth exponentially more than what he's giving her. He needs to treat her like the princess that she is, like the LUCK MAN he is! Anything less just won't do IMHO!

ATB cc xxx

P.S - waxing :eek: :eek: is for sado-masochists! :D
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Thursday Dec 21st 2006

So Christmas is coming way too fast now... still got to get my Zoe a few stocking filler type gifts... might nip to the chemists and see if they have any eye-liner pencil sharpeners as that seems to be top of her list!

Have talked to my boss and got today and tomorrow off. Feeling a bit low to be honest.. reflective perhaps.. it's the time of year... makes me think of those who aren't here any more.. and about past Christmasses.. we've had some fantastic times, me and the girls... this year will be different again from previous years.. Zoe has her fella, Sarah doesn't really live here any more and is so grown up, and I'm on my own again.. but you know, I think it will be a nice time for all of us. We have things planned to do and I know they are going to love their presents and be surprised at some of them too..

Feeling sad about the whole Eric business, got an email back from him last night saying how wonderful I am and that I deserve far more attention than he can give me. *sigh Oh well.. at least it's sorted now and I can move on.. nothing to move on to at the moment, and maybe that's as well.

I'm off to the gym in an hour for my first session! I've got mixed feelings about it.. nervous, excited, wearing a dodgy old bra so I can move more freely... might nip to boutique and ask about sports bras in the new year... bet I can't get one in my size.. lol. Tried on my dress last night in front of my Sarah and she said it looked lovely and to wear in on New Years Eve.. I'll try it on again on NYE and decide then.. lol.. it's 10 days away and I'll have lost a teensy bit more by then so we shall see.

I tried on the jeans that arrived yesterday and was stunned! They are both a size 22.. one pair fits lovely, the other do up but are very tight... so.. gonna wear the ones that fit me tonight when I'm out carol singing around the local pubs (quiz night man will be in one of them :D).. also thinking about getting my coat taken in, I love my coat but it really is very very big on me now... and I want to wear it loads more.

Got waxed yesterday and had a mini pedicure and manicure too... waxing is ok CC... lol... the results are worth a few moments of discomfort and it isn't anywhere near as painful as I thought it would be when I first started getting it done..

Off to the hairdressers this afternoon at 2.. got to go to gym, rush back here, shower, dress, then off to hairdressers! Cut and dye... should get me through to end of Jan (I hope!).. before it needs doing again, but my hair grows like a weed!! lol My roots are terrible at the moment!! So... I have an entire afternoon (it takes them about 4 hours) of sitting in the hairdressers... taking my book with me this time! lol

I hope Zoe and her young man are ok this afternoon... I think that's partly why I feel the way I do today too... sad memories.. poor love, she is dreading it... the last funeral she went to, I went with her, to her friend's grandads funeral, and that was hard for her too... with it being her fella's grandad and his grief being so raw, well... I hope they are ok the pair of them. He is such a lovely lad. They adore each other, it's lovely to see. Well.. I'll be thinking of them at 3.

Right.. I ought to get on with things.. couple of things to wrap then off to the gym! Wish me luck! Not done any real exercise in , well, over 6 months now.. am taking my 2 litre bottle of water with me! lol and have to have a muffin now for energy, he wanted me to have my soup too but that will mean I will only have one pack left for the rest of the day!!!

Will do as he says and see how I feel later, if I don't like how I feel I will just have the one thing before going next time and see how that goes... but I think that having 2 of the 3 before 11.30 in the morning is NOT a good thing for me!!

Right.. presents calling, wrapping too.. Zoe cooked apple strudel last night and I can't tell you how many times I opened that oven door and was so terribly tempted to shovel it down me neck!! I didn't though... I drank a bliddy pint of water instead!! Oh I can't wait to be in control of food and maintaining at goal... I know it won't mean I can gorge on apple strudel but it will mean that I will be able to have the occassional slice!!!

Ho hum.. if it's worth doing, it's worth doing right!! (I can hear me nana in her broad yorkshire accent.. lol)

Catch up later xxx
hiya honey... just dropping by to say i'm thinking of ya and ur girls and hope xmas is lovely for you... another eric will come along who deserves you and gives you all the love and time you deserve!!! Don't (and i know you won't :D :D ) settle for anything less!!!


Gen xx
hey jennie

I think u are def better off without Eric (without knowing the history), gen put it right... he doesn't deserve u....

As for sports bras, i did a lot of running pre diet.. and i have erm a its safe to say large chest... I use Sportjock bras, u can get them from all good running shops and probably the high street sports shops too.... they are available upto XL and it tells u what inches and cups that covers on the packet.. they are designed to be tight.. my last one gave me no "bounce" but i practically dislocated my shoulder everytime i took it off lol!!!! I def recommend them.. I mean i was in danger of getting two black eyes... but these bras have prevented that...

Off to go clear my cds out of my lovely but filthy car!!!
Mr Quiz man fancies Lucy..

Well.. I am even more cheesed off than ever now... went to carol sing with everyone and did the pubs and restaurants and ended up in the pub where we go to the quiz... Mr Quiz man was there.. and at the end of the singing Mr Quiz man asked my mate Lucy if he could buy her a drink. So.. my feelings of being the fat ugly mate when we go out have all come rushing back to the surface.. what on earth made me think he would even give me a second look..??? I must need my head examined. I knew it was her he liked.. I saw him looking at her whilst we were singing... it was very obvious.

She declined because we were all supposed to be going back to someone's house for supper, but I came home.. feeling like a total lard arse now. How could I have been SO stupid!! Now I'm absolutely dreading Christmas eve at the pub quiz... he will be drooling over her all night... I will be playing mrs fat lonely gooseberry... it's $hit. I wish I hadn't told her I liked him , the thing is, I can see why he is keen on her, she is 35, very slim, blonde and a lovely person. ALL men are attracted to her., whether she likes them or not. So.. I'm in for a fun night Christmas eve now eh! Whoopdedooo... can't freakin wait.

Felt excited at the prospect of seeing him again and now,.. well... don't even want to go there again and watch him make his play for her.. am seriously thinking of making up an excuse so not to go there Christmas Eve but she will know what I am thinking.. so.. I'll just have to go anyway.. but I feel totally crap now. TOTALLY.

The girls are having a takeaway in the living room, the others are having supper and drinks.. and I am sitting here crying into a pint of damn water and making a muffin..

I wish I hadn't gone tonight now. Well, I guess now I know there is no hope I should just carry on regardless.. but my heart feels extraordinarily heavy. :(
Sweetheart, you do look fantastic. We've all seen the photos that prove it.

I know things are difficult where fellas are concerned, but please don't stay in on Christmas eve.

Go out, try and put it to the back of your mind and have fun.

Love Kitty xxx
Oh sweetie

Women are like apples on trees. The best ones are at the top of the tree.

Most men don't want to reach for the good ones because they are afraid of falling and getting hurt. Instead, they sometimes take the apples from the ground that are not as good, but easy. (not saying your friend is easy or anything:eek:)

The apples at the top think something is wrong with them, when in reality, they're amazing, they just have to wait for the right man to come along, the one who is brave enough to climb all the way to the top of the tree.

Now, Men: men are like a fine wine. They begin as grapes, and it's up to women to stomp the sh!t out of them until they turn into something acceptable to have dinner with.
Bo***cks to him Jennie! If a man is only interested in thin blond women then 1) he's shallow, 2) he's not looking for a relationship just a quickie and 3) he probably has a small dick .... I'm not sure if that last point has been scientifically proved but i'm sure it's true! Oh ... and you do realise that next year the sexiest thin blonde woman in the pub will be you don't you (unless i come to visit, in which case we'll fight off the men together!)
You have done SO well and don't let anyone spoil that for you ... Chin up girl!
xxxx Ju xxx
oh no I'm sure you must feel dreadful, but everyone here has said such good things to try to help you feel better. I can't think of anything better to say.

I wasted far too long sitting at home alone because I felt like that it's not worth it. He's not worth it. You should go out and have fun and just ignore him, Mr right might be thre an if you don't go you might never meet. so get yourself out there! make sure you have a good time
Can't believe I am up.. it's only 6.15am and I've been awake since 5... what I didn't say last night was that I went to the hairdressers in the afternoon and I hate my hair now.. no longer blonde.. it's back to my natural colour and I absolutely hate it.. I liked being blonde and now I'm not.. when they took the foils off and dried it I was really shocked.. my girls say its lovely, as did my friends last night, but I don't like it..and that hasn't helped how I feel now either..

thanks for your comments ladies... the thing is she really is SUCH a lovely person, it isn't her fault and you know, if he likes her more than me then I shouldn't be so upset, but I am.. I sent her a text last night as I went to bed saying I knew it was her he liked and who can blame him. Because, that's the bottom line..she sent me the following.. " ur a beautiful an caring person and need a man that is equally beautiful and caring. am sure there will be one in future. take care. Lucy x"

See.. she's lovely! I just know how I feel though and I will feel horrible on Christmas Eve and New Years Eve.. if she starts seeing him I will feel even worse, but she thinks he's a lovely man too, I know coz we discussed him before.. so.. odds are she will. I can't blame her either.. he's smashing, fab personality and good looking too!

As for me... I want to say how I feel but will end up in tears... and I hate being so down...I SO wish I hadn't gone last night... but I guess, better to find out last night than on Christmas Eve and feel this way then eh?

Wish I could go to sleep and wake up slim.. not that it will make him want me anyway, that's one thing I have learned over the years.. doesn't matter if you like someone, you can't make them like you back if they don't want you.. doesn't stop it hurting though.. should never have even thought he would be interested in me. Jury's still out on Christmas Eve quiz night.. really don't want to play gooseberry... REALLY DON'T!!! but at the same time, if I can get over it perhaps it will be ok.. but if it's too bad I'll just not go there any more.

Might go back to hairdressers and tell them I want my hair how it was again - I kept telling them when they were doing it that I really liked it the way it was., just hated the roots... and now I hate it all! Will talk to the girls later on and see what they think.. but I know inside I feel less attractive now too.. (and that was before the quiz man incident).. so it is even more intense now.. bliddy emotions... hate them..sorry.. God my diary is getting SO bad... all I do is whinge and whine and babble on about how fed up I am!! Grrrr... might ring up my best friend Zoe and see what she's up to.. she's also blonde, slim and very beautiful.. lol... always feel heaps better about stuff when we have had a chat.. ... might head back to bed now.. it's half 6 ... and read my book for a while.. loads of food in the house ... bought the girls some petit pain yesterday.. and I know there are some French Fancies too... *sigh

Oh well... taking my pint of water up with me.. I want to eat all this lovely food but I don't want to feel like this anymore so if I can just get through these next few months... *sigh..

I think if I feel this bad later I'll not do me diary.. makes for very depressing reading and that's not how I want to be!!! Will try and do something fun today with the girls.. laughter is definitely the best medicine! Thanks for listening(reading).. sorry to be such a moaning minnie... old insecurities and crappy emotions have resurfaced with a vengeance..
Hiya FFF

Sorry to read that you havn't woken up in better mood this morning_ life is s*** somethimes...

Dy'a know - keeping a diary is not just writing about all the good things, and it being rosy in the garden - tis about everything warts n' all. In a few months you'll look back on this bit, and see how far you've come....

Vlcd sure are an emotional journey, there isn't that crutch food to anethatize (sp) are feelings. It's like a rollercoaster ride, some highs some lows - at the moment you're on a low, but soon you'll be back a high :)

Well done to you for resisting that apple strudle, it won't change whats happening at the moment. give yourself some tlc, and be nice to yourself.

Here how about this? what if I or someone else had posted exactly what you have - what would you say to them/me, maybe the bit about being the fat friend - why would he be interested in me etc..... You wouldnt talk to anyone else the way you speak to yourself - we're soo bad at being critical of ourselves, but we can lean to be nicer to US :p

Chin up girlie, hope you do decide to go to the quiz night, and have managed to go back to bed and get some sleep :D

Take care of YOU
Jenny - I'm so sorry you've had this hurtful exerience.

I'm in a mad dash but I just had to say quickly that this precise thing has happened to me so many times, it was almost normal.

I started to expect a man I fancied to turn up with someone else - and it always did. The best one was when a man I was deeply in love with (and who said he loved me too and wanted to marry me but then his father died and he said he needed time to grieve) announced his engagement at our workplace, so I was humiliated in front of 2000 kids and 150 staff. Nice.

You've already been given excellent advice, hun - all I can say is maybe this has happened so that something better will occur. Karma and all that.

Lick your wounds, hun - I know how much it hurts - truly I do. But this too will pass.

how well do you know "quiz man"?
you could have found out you're totally not compatable, but now you won't have to go thru the process of finding out & then getting hurt, more than you are now.
you are SO not fat n ugly, you are a beautiful woman
sending loads of hugs xx:D