Blergh! - FatFairNForty(ish) - my diary

Night, night - sleep tight :hug99:
Night night.... I'm sure you'll have a great, peaceful nights sleep in your own lovely bed....the room full of fragrant air (and no stinky sandals... lol) xxx
Good morning - lovely sunshiny morning !

Stayed up too late and dog ensured I woke up early sperly but want to go back to sleep!

Another day closer to weigh in ... Roll on the weekend as I hope to get out on Hattie lots and lots.

Was thinking HWSNBN might have someone else waiting in the wings,,, I was asked on Sunday if he did as someone said he was with a woman at one of the biking events they were at...and, at the rally another couple said they had seen him with someone too ...
could all be nothing though, lol lol lol but makes no difference anyway except might make things easier for him now!

Will try to get a bit more kip now - laters folks! X x.
morning hun

Sorry to hear your news but by the sounds off it it needed to happen life throws allsorts at us at times.

It reminds me so much of how my relationship use to be we got back together though and have been married 8 yrs nearly but it took me telling him to move out for him to buck his ideas up and after 6mths we were back together 8yrs down the line and sometimes i think he hasnt changed at all who knows what the next few months will bring for me lol but well done hun its never easy to let go on what you had dispite knowing its for the best :)

Keep up the good work and enjoy the less stressful life, if he has someone else then so be it dont stress over it it just proves you were right in how you were feeling if that makes sense lol enjoy your day xx
well, it hasn't been a particularly productive morning but I suppose that's sort of to be expected as my mind is all over the place - off home soon and a list already written out so will be busy again 'til bed time! Better this way as my house and garden will benefit, so will my bike club "customers" as I shall send off the latest batch of orders, and I get to go and see a couple of biking mates this afternoon too.

Am still trying to figure out where all the club stuff is going to go in my room and will probably have to shift it around a few times until it all fits - in fact, may have to leave some of it on the landing.. but that doesn't matter.

Hope this good weather lasts - have washing to hang out, gardening to do and a lush bike to ride!

Is it Thursday yet? (weigh-in day...)

I have lots of great stuff recorded on my V-box (not a euphemism!) so if weather gets nasty or I run out of puff, then I can always snuggle up on sofa with the dog and watch some Catherine Cookson... lol Pure escapism - nowt wrong with it every now and again!

Hope all are having a good day! xx
:eek:Have you got anyone who can take you to the out of hours GP?
Sorry about your leg ... I hope you are alright. I just wanted to say I have been reading over your blog and really appreciate your writing style and attention to the little things. Your attitude on life is just awesome, I would like to emulate it! Thanks for sharing.
Oh, this is Soooo not funny right now... Just took me 8 minutes to get upstairs! If I can get comfy I'm going to try to sleep but oh brother this is a whole new experience! Lol. Don't know whether to laugh or cry or just yelp! Am sure if anyone could hear me they'ld think I was in the throes of passion with all the grunts and yelps! Lol

For goodness sake! This is sooo silly! Stupid left leg!! Lol seems to me that the source of the problem is in the groin area-hmm, how unusual! Pain caused by things in the groin area ,.. Lol
Lordy be, think I'm getting hysterical now! Lol

Ohhh mama!! By the way, that reminds me - you MUST remind me to tell you about my snotty sister!!!

Right, have been fidgeting to try and get comfy but am failing miserably so will sign off and wish you all sweet dreams and refreshing slumber!

Yowchie!! X x
Oh, this is Soooo not funny right now... Just took me 8 minutes to get upstairs! If I can get comfy I'm going to try to sleep but oh brother this is a whole new experience! Lol. Don't know whether to laugh or cry or just yelp! Am sure if anyone could hear me they'ld think I was in the throes of passion with all the grunts and yelps! Lol

For goodness sake! This is sooo silly! Stupid left leg!! Lol seems to me that the source of the problem is in the groin area-hmm, how unusual! Pain caused by things in the groin area ,.. Lol
Lordy be, think I'm getting hysterical now! Lol

Ohhh mama!! By the way, that reminds me - you MUST remind me to tell you about my snotty sister!!!

Right, have been fidgeting to try and get comfy but am failing miserably so will sign off and wish you all sweet dreams and refreshing slumber!

Yowchie!! X x

At least you still have your sense of humor. I hope your leg gets better soon.:D
How's the leg today Jennie?
Good morning... leg was a nightmare all night - am sooo tired this morning it's horrible... blah!

Leg is ok as long as I don't move... which is difficult when I had to get up and sort the dog out, dress, drive and work... lol still... a gal's gotta do what a gal's gotta do!

Had a whole list of things planned for today but all that will have to go on hold now as there's no way with leg as bad as it is... if it doesn't improve I will have to see a Dr. Rotten flaming timing! Still, could be worse! At least I got the stuff moved, the washing done AND the grass cut all before it happened!

Looks like it may be a Catherine Cookson afternoon for me! Although - having said that, I have had 2 employment agencies ring me asking if I want to apply for some jobs on their books! I was stunned! They got my CV from Jobsite and called me! Feels good - but has to be a very very well-paid job to tempt me away from my current one...

Still, makes me feel like there is a light and if HWSNBN does choose to move out I shall be ok financially as I can get a job that pays more...

Thanks for asking about leg, Helen, I am so cheesed off with it.. painkillers seem to be doing their job though and I think a siesta this afternoon may be in order (dog and leg permitting!)..

Am so glad it's weigh in day tomorrow - was hugely tempted yesterday to eat the bar of chocolate I know is lurking in the fridge... lol.. sniffed it and put it back... lol thank GOD for a great sense of smell that convinces my taste buds that I have eaten it! lol

Much love xxx
You are sounding so positive today, I know all about the trapped nerve thing i get sciatica, not had it for ages, but its a proper pain in the ass for me (literally)
Glad you didnt give in to the demon chocolate, im hoping when i lose as much as you have i wont get tempted either, hope you wake up totally pain free in the mornin.
Leg seems to be improving but oh boy what a pain! Have taken some painkillers and it seems to be easing up... been told (by friends) to rest it and try and sleep as they think I've probably pulled a muscle and something inflamed is pushing onto the nerve which is resulting in the pains... it's possible as I have done so much lifting and carrying and furniture shunting around of late... plus the camping... but I still think it harks back to that night in bed when I twisted away from HWSNBN...

Speaking of which - he has texted a couple of times since Monday.. seems to be ok so that's good...

I'm spending the afternoon watching Catherine Cookson films and planning on jobs to be done over the coming weeks which will distract me from eating! It's a massive long list!!! Just need to prioritise it now! lol

Already had 2 of my 3 packs today so will be drinking some veggie stock stuff later I reckon to stave off the urge to eat! Might throw the choccie bar away ... I can resist it if it's not here... lol
Sorry to hear about your leg hope it gets better quickly for you :)

oooo i wish i had the bottle to throw chocolate away lol, your doing great rest up and your leg will be on the mend in no time xx
Almost time for my weekly "Sugar" fix! I LOVE "The Apprentice"... lol Can't stand the main man but love Nick and Karen and the numpties who may well be entrepeneurs but haven't an ounce of common sense between them! lol

OOooh... it's starting!

Leg is being a nightmare so Dr tomorrow if I can get in to see him... can't go to bed early as the dog doesn't understand the whole idea of "early to bed early to rise"!

Had my 3 packs by 6pm tonight so am guzzling Dr Pepper Zero big time!

Weigh in tomorrow! Yay!!! Hoping for a good result to keep me spurred on...

Chocolate is still calling me but I'm ignoring it!
Dog appears to be pretty settled but I bet if I go to bed now he will moan! I am desperate for sleep... loved the Apprentice tonight... may well pootle around downstairs for a while in the hope that I won't have to come down and let the mutt out again once I've struggled upstairs!

Will update again after the weigh-in tomorrow lunchtime!
Sorry you are suffering, Jennie.

I had something similar about three months ago and it was very painful. I did massage the area which helped a bit and it gradually lessened. My dear Mother immediately said "Oh, it's your hip. The pain is in the groin. You will need a hip replacement". Grrr!!!

Good luck with weigh in tomorrow.

Pam xxx