Blergh! - FatFairNForty(ish) - my diary

Well, bosses have come up trumps and given me the rest of the week from 10am tomorrow off as a kind of compassionate leave so I don't need to worry about losing money.. I am really touched by that... and it's time now to dash to post office then home and spend some time with my lovely friend D. Hope she won't mind me baking whilst we chat... I must get the biscuits done if nothing else... although I have a feeling another very early morning may be the way tomorrow too... lots to do... packing, bike club accounts and stock check need finalising and sending tonight, and work accounts need reconciling and I realised this morning that I haven't sent out any invitations to a major service that's on Sept 3rd! Whoops!! Oh Well, will do those first thing tomorrow and get in post so that WILL be done. Pretty much got everything else almost up to date in the office.. and at home too... although my bedroom looks like a disaster zone.. but I don't care, I can get into bed ok and that's all I need right now...

Will miss my Hattie medicine and hope to get another "dose" of it next week!
Got home from work (via post office) and had time to bake the ginger biscuits for mum before my friend D arrived. We spent the following couple of hours catching up and it was lovely... we forged our friendship way back in 1987 and have been firm friends ever since... we have had babies, divorces, deaths and marriages in the years since.. and I really MUST make the effort to see her more often...

Went and saw the nurse and my blood pressure is good.. we discussed mum and what may or may not happen tomorrow.. she is such a lovely person my nurse.. when things get into a routine again we are going to start going to Zumba together...

Then it was off to my weigh in.. last one was 5 days ago... and I have lost 4lbs!! Which, incredibly, makes a total now of 4st 12lbs in 15 weeks...and.. it pushes me through the next "stone" albeit 'x' stone 13lbs... it's still down there... and that will motivate me to stick with it until I get closer to the half stone mark on it and then down and down hopefully....

Have to do the bike club accounts and stock tonight and get those sent off and then it's just a matter of packing my bag and getting all my stuff together for the morning... and then load the car up with it all and head off to work...

Not much to do by 7am tomorrow then!!
Just a quick post to say well done on losing 4lds and I'll be thinking of you tomorrow xx
Brilliant news on the 4lbs off, Jennie.

Will be thinking of you tomorrow.

Pam xxx
Well, it has arrived... today...
Up and at 'em at stupidly early o'clock and who gets up too??? Yep.. Mr Misery... he followed me around as I got ready for my stay at mums... it drives me nuts! In the end I sat down at the table to have my first pack of the day and he made himself some cereal and sat in the living room in silence.. I hate it! I just wish he would leave me alone to get on with it in my own way!

For the first time though he hasn't said "I am here for you"... but the standard "take care please when you're driving" was uttered... being a tad stressed (as can be proven by the scoffing of 4, yes 4!! fairy cakes and at least the same in home baked ginger biscuits late last night!!!).

No more though - have all my food packs in the car and will NOT be breaking it ... the worst I shall do is have extra packs... I MUST control at least 1 part of my life!

If you looked in the boot of my car you would think I was going away for a month, lol, bag heaving with clothes and toiletries (well, as boss said, if needed I could have Mon & Tues too I thought I might pack in case), spare shoes, waterproof jacket, sleeping bag (in case sis changes her mind and I end up on sofa, which is fine with me as it's a recliner anyway)., laptop, all my chargers and camera, phone, satnav, bottles of Dr Pepper Zero, enough Cambridge diet to last me a over a week, toiletries, umbrellas, fleece, and Uncle Tom Cobbly and all!

I am prepared!! Dib dib and all that...

Had a hilarious text from mum last night to say she had "been" again and she signed off with "Love from Mummy 2 poos" ... lol lol Methinks I may remember that for a long time to come.. lol

I'm not going to pretend that things are ok, but they're manageable at the moment... car is full of fuel ... and I am almost up to date with work stuff so wont be worrying about that whilst away... bike club stock check figures were due but I had to do the accounts last night and I was shattered when I finally crawled into bed , so, energy and emotions permitting I shall try and decipher all my scraps of paper this evening at mums - or tomorrow - or whatever...

Have decided to let sis drive today if she wants to... letting her do what suits her best is probably the best way to be for a while... if I have any major problems with her plans I will stand firm though - a bit like my staying from now... I just TOLD her it was a done deal... end of... IF she wants to stay at mums too then that's fine with me too... have sleeping bag and ear plugs and jimmy palmers so will be fine!

TOTM due next week so I need to watch anger levels... and emotions...

I have a list scribbled down and will be typing that up and taking it with me... I may just make a copy and hand it over to the consultant and ask him to write down the answers for me... or answer them and I will write down the answers... either way will work for me!

You never know, it may not be as bad as I think... ah feck it... who am I trying to kid... it will be what it will be... and... whatever it is... we (mum, sis and me) will deal with it... each in our own ways no doubt... but in some ways we will be united I am sure... lots of happy memories to hang on to and with the sun shining through the clouds, hopefully won't be totally miserable ... if you know what I mean...

Cannot imagine how my mother is feeling... I feel nervous, anxious, excited in a way (not in a jolly way, and it's weird to say that but it is a form of excitement... iykwim)

I also have a huge feeling of disassociation - as if its happening to someone else's mum..

Right - 2 hours of trying to be productive here in the office and then I shall be on my way... the appointment is at 2pm today.

ALL prayers welcome. Specifically for peace of mind and acceptance and understanding, tolerance and clarity of thought. Love and kindness.

Many many thanks to you all for letting me waffle on like this and get it all "out there"... it really helps.

I hope Mr Misery talks to someone and gets the comfort he needs right now... because I cannot give it to him... mine is reserved for my family...

Will update later when I can. Don't worry if not for a long while - it will just mean the opportunity hasn't arisen... if need be I will text one of you and ask you to update on here for me...

Love you all loads... thanks again... am turning to our darling friend Sarah for help today too... she would have been a rock for me here on earth and she still is up there in heaven... and Lucy.. who I am positive is holding my hand through this too...

Later my friends... later xx
Prayer said for peace of mind and acceptance and understanding, tolerance and clarity of thought. Love and kindness.

(well I would do as told wouldn't I! LOL)

Seriously though - prayer said, thinking of you all and whatever will be.

My thoughts and prayers are with you, your mum and your sis too today. I'm certain that whatever the outcome those very special angels will be by your side and will support you every step of the way.

Well, there's no denying it now... It's confirmed. Mum has cancer in her upper & lower spine & hip. The tumour in her hip is a secondary from either previous breast cancer or from an unidentifiable new source. She has now been referred as an emergency to an Oncologist and told that she needs urgent radiation treatment on the tumour, possibly the option of chemotherapy, however, this is dependent upon how responsive to treatment the tumour is. Her morphine has been increased & the priority now is pain management. It is called metastatic carcinoma to bones. She will also be put on a tamoxifen - type drug to hopefully help slow down too. It is inoperable. Untik seen by the Oncologist & treatment begins we have no idea of timescales. The way it will go now is; pain management, emergency referral, specialist diagnosis, treatment, full prognosis. It could be weeks, months or years. They could not say for certain at this point, but mum's not optimistic> :(

There weren't any real surprises for me to be honest, and I asked to speak to the Dr alone and I asked him outright about time... he said it could be 5 months or 5 years... it may be weeks... until she sees an expert in her kind of cancer there is no way of knowing yet.. so... I told them,. it was unacceptable to wait another fortnight and I wanted them to arrange an appointment THIS week whilst I was with her.. and you know what... they faxed over an urgent referral to the oncologist who treated her for breast cancer 9 years ago... they are going to call us in the morning with, hopefully, an appointment for Friday,.

I had a list of questions which I presented to the Dr and they did their best but we still came away not a whole lot wiser....
Oh Jen, I am so sorry to hear this honey. Let's hope you get a quick appointment and diagnosis/prognosis, and that they can start the necessary treatment as soon as possible.

Hope you can manage some sleep tonight x x x