I've never made home-made soup of any kind! I'm quite a lazy cook. But I do have a tin of Baxters Beef Consomme in the cupboard and that is very low carb (just checked - 1.7g per half can) so I have that as a back-up if my throat gets much worse.

Argh, I'm DEAD nervous about my WI tomorrow... I am terrified that I may STS after giving it my all - I've really got nothing else to give. I'm actually thinking about giving it a miss and weighing in next week instead. I don't think I could take it if there was nothing to show. Even a 0.5lb loss would be very disheartening I think... :(
I know how you feel love, tell me are your clothes any looser?
Woke up feeling so lousy that I completely forgot to weigh in! I only remembered after breakfast, and I don't want my WI to include my brekkie. So I'll have to leave it until tomorrow now. Argh, another day of churning nervousness...

Still cycled in this morning as weirdly it somehow seems less effort than getting the bus or train.

b - bacon & eggs
l - tuna salad
d - 2 pork chops, broc & cabbage
sn - cheese & ham oopsie, pepperami
3.5 litres water, 1 large tea & 3 decaf coffees with cream

2 x 25 min cycling
1 x 50 min walk
I know how you feel love, tell me are your clothes any looser?

They're all pretty loose as I've been hovering between sizes for ages now, never quite getting down to a 14 so I'm still wearing all my 16s (and 18s!) and some are looser than others. However, I measured myself on Tues and haven't shifted a cm since June!

The scales will tell, if only I can remember to get on them...
Ah well, we'll have to wait and see love, it can be hard during a stall I know.

I could cry. I know, a loss is a loss etc etc, but I really gave it my all this week apart from the last couple of days when I felt too ill, and this is so disheartening.

I also feel really rotten as this cold has really set in and gone to my chest and so I'm just feeling really sorry for myself.

I don't know what else I can do. I'm toying with the idea of going on Cambridge or something, as I don't think I can take another 6 months of this it's so tortuous. I hate my stupid fat body so much.
Love, 1.2 lbs is good, why are you agonizing so much? you are doing well.
I know it seems a bit whingey, Jim, but I don't feel it's good *enough* given the amount of effort I put in. I have lost the same amount in the past in weeks when I've eaten loads of cheese and boozed it up at the weekends. I wanted to increase my rate of loss because I don't think I can stick at this another SIX months. It is frustrating because it just shows that the rate of weight loss doesn't seem to be in my control, so I feel really frustrated and powerless.

It didn't help that I've been bedridden with a heavy cold the last couple of days and while the OH (who also had it) has got over his with Lemsips and lozenges, I've had to suffer through it and couldn't take any meds or have comfort foods to make me feel better.

I am seriously being tempted over to The Dark Side by Tesco diets. Their Low Fat plan appears to be 1400-1500 cals per day and they sort out your whole weekly menu, shopping list and even have one-click ordering. My OH has even said he'll go on the diet with me (modified for his Man's Appetite of course!) so it will mean only having to cook one meal per night instead of two - bliss! It's bound to be easier to stick to when away from home, too. I've still got about 6 weeks worth of Xenical left in the back of the cupboard, so once the Atkins fat is out of my system I could combine it with the 1400 cals per day and plenty of exercise and that can't fail to work, surely.

Gonna think on it for another week.
slow loss is good loss in my view love. But you have to do whatever you need to do LM.
I can completely understand. I was on Atkins and lost a lot of weight on it but after a while there would be weeks of no loss even though I had been good. I did try a couple of other diets but the loss was the same and I become demotivated. After a several months of weight creeping back on I decided to do CD which is where I am now. It is a bit hard to stick to but once you get in the swing of things and you can see the weight dropping off you seem to keep going. I did have a break from it during my summer hols and a couple of weddings, probably a period of 8 weeks and put 7 pounds back on but went back on it 2 weeks ago and have managed to lose 10 pound the first week. If you can stick with it the weightloss is fast. Think long and hard though, there would be no exercising as your energy levels will be low. Once I have lost a couple of stone on CD I will be returning to Atkins although I have been looking at the JUDDDers and am waiting to see how they get on with there losses as I may go over to that when the time comes.

Good luck with it x
Sorry you are disapointed but you are doing really well as Jim says. Good luck whichever you decide!!
I can completely understand. I was on Atkins and lost a lot of weight on it but after a while there would be weeks of no loss even though I had been good. I did try a couple of other diets but the loss was the same and I become demotivated. After a several months of weight creeping back on I decided to do CD which is where I am now. It is a bit hard to stick to but once you get in the swing of things and you can see the weight dropping off you seem to keep going. I did have a break from it during my summer hols and a couple of weddings, probably a period of 8 weeks and put 7 pounds back on but went back on it 2 weeks ago and have managed to lose 10 pound the first week. If you can stick with it the weightloss is fast. Think long and hard though, there would be no exercising as your energy levels will be low. Once I have lost a couple of stone on CD I will be returning to Atkins although I have been looking at the JUDDDers and am waiting to see how they get on with there losses as I may go over to that when the time comes.

Good luck with it x

Thanks sahalley!

I think it is quite a common experience for people who have been on one type of diet for a long time, to find that it just 'stops working'. I think that's why the formula of calories in<calories expended=weight loss is quite attractive to me right now - as long as I stick to it, it HAS to work, surely?

I'm not sure CD is for me though as I have quite an active lifestyle, I use my bike to get around and would be lost without it. I'm not after a quick fix, all I really want is 2lbs loss a week! I just want it to be more reliable and something I can control.

Good luck with your own chosen path.
Big hugs LM, so sorry you've been feeling so crappy. I haven't lost anything really over the last 3/4 weeks and I was really being good, what made it worse is the OH eats exactly the same as me only he picks at cheese all the time, drinks coffee all day & alcohol every evening but was still loosing and I wasn't! .

Oof, how frustrating! I would be in a permanent sulk if I were you. MEN!!!

This week I've had a 3lb wooshie when I was least expecting it so sometimes I do wonder if we can really control our losses and I think sometimes we have to stick out the STS & little loss weeks... good things come to those who wait!

That said, if you decide to change the diet I wish you all the best and make sure you keep us up to date with your progress.

You are right all I really need is a bit of patience, Atkins is obviously still working for me but has slowed down is all. It does seem like a grind sometimes, especially when you are ill and can't take any medicines, and if I'm honest the thought of a change of diet is quite seductive. Low fat obviously has its own restrictions and I would have to put up with some hunger pangs, but the thought of cooking one dinner for both me and the OH is quite nice - as is the thought of the odd sandwich, and not cooking for breakfast every blummin day! My downfall with calorie counting has always been laziness but with Tesco doing all the counting for me, it just seems an easier way to get guaranteed results. 3 months instead of 6 until I get to target... tempting.

I'm still going to give it some thought though, as the thought of leaving the safety blanket of Atkins is quite scary...
ah well, I'll keep out of this then, but Men are good. :)

LM, why are you so impatient, it is working for you love, just slowly.
Hi, LM, I've been going through your posts. You started off so positive and i'm sorry you feel so disheartened. feeling poorly doesn't help.

You've been exercising so hard your muscle mass may be responsible for a slow loss. I also heard somewhere that it takes at least 3 weeks for your body to recognise any changes you've made, be it diet or exercise.

You need to do what you think is best - i can see why other plans would be easier - although I'm not sure why your OH can't eat the same as you? mine does (but thats cos he doesnt get a choice!)

We'll miss you if you disappear so be sure and poke your head in now and again. Good luck with whatever you choose. X
My OH is very picky, Jar, and not really a big meat eater.

I'm just a bit fed up Jim, like Claire I'm tired of dieting and can't see the light at the end of the tunnel, it feels like I will never get to goal. Probably just feeling sorry for myself because I'm poorly.

I'm not going anywhere just yet though, you don't get rid of me that easily!
Hang in there darling, and I'm sorry to hear you're not feeling well.
Awww LM, sorry to hear you've been ill. I'm the same in terms of weight loss, I've gone weeks with none dropping off, although people I see irregularly have said it has. I know mine is the evil drink, and I have a real big problem sticking to one or two. If you do decide to do the Tesco thingy, and it didn't work, there is nothing to stop you going back on Atkins. Ketosis only takes a few days. Good luck deciding x
AM, I am just the same with the demon drink! I've come to realise lately that if I want my weight loss to continue, whichever diet I do, I'm going to have to knock it on the head for a bit.

The good thing about Tesco diets is they have lots of different plans and if I don't get on with the low fat one, there is a low carb one too (or I might be tempted by low GI) and I can switch between them anytime. So it won't be money down the drain - not that it's really 'money' anyway as I bought 6 months worth with my reward vouchers, so it's kinda free. Yep, I took the plunge last night although it could be up to 2 weeks before I can sign up - and I have to use up all my fatty Atkins stuff first.

I'm looking forward to the change, lately I seem to have completely lost my taste for meat and especially eggs, and I'm excited to find out if the old calorie formula does work so well, and if I can stick to it. But I'm also a bit anxious that my switchover might set me back hugely, or that I will go completely off the rails if the hunger pangs get too bad.

Finally seem to be getting over my cold though so hurrah for that. :)
Hi LM, you'll have to keep us posted on your progress if you do switch love.