Blue's last chance with exante.

I can get pretty attached to some of the animals, yeah. So when they leave it can be upsetting...but only a little bit! The longer an animal stays here the worse it gets but its lovely seeing them go off to new homes. I have pretty strict rehoming criteria so they only go to top A* homes!
Having the facebook page is great because people send me updates when they've adopted an animal :)
Sooooooooo its day 10 already :D
And what a crappy day it is. It's raining here and freezing cold.

I need to start doing some exercise but I don't know how....I mean I know how to exercise (I'm not stupid!) but with my anxiety problems getting outside/to a gym is not really an option right now.
I have a really odd shaped living room too so cant even do an exercise dvd.
Any suggestions?
I live in a flat so no stairs to run up and down.
Maybe an exercise bike would be good?
Can I suggest a Powerhoop. You don't need a video to just spin it round your middle and it is very good exercise.
Mere x
Aye, a power hoop might be good for you, as you dont have to have alot of space:)
If my living room was square-ish rather than a long thin rectangle I would have more space!
I have a decent sized hallway that is kinda square so I may get an exercise bike to put in there, it wouldn't be in the way out there.

I'm feeling a little....drained right now.
don't really know why. Maybe my brain finally catching up with everything that's been going on the last few months.

I have an over-night stay in hospital on sunday which I am not looking forward to :(
Hope you are ok Blue.
Mere x
I am still about!
Just been really really busy the last week.
Still going 100% with exante. Although I have been having some apple squash in my water, it's got no citric acid in! I know it's naughty but I'm still losing weight (I can feel it!) and if it helps me stick to plan then I'm going to carry on. It's better than falling off the wagon and stuffing my face with food :D
I agree with you Blue B everyone has their own adaptations better a few extra calories than a real blow out. Well done for staying 100% without the support of this forum.
Mere x
Hi Blue,

I've just read through your entire diary and just wanted to say hi, because we are roughly the same size!

I also wanted to say that I'm so sorry to hear about everything that life has thrown at you, and I'm so glad to see that you're still going strong. I am currently on day 2, and if I even lose half of what you lost in your first week I will be very happy!

Please don't think that the miscarriage had anything to do with your weight hun, I have 2 kids, and I was 22/23 stone with both, my DD is 5 and my DS will be 1 next month. It's easy for Drs to just blame weight on everything, I even had one Dr tell me that the reason I was in so much pain was just because I was fat! Turns out I had gall stones!

I conceived first month of trying both times, had brilliant healthy pregnancies and pushed them both out it can be done.

Of course, it will be much safer, healthier and less exhausting to be a healthy weight when you conceive, but I just wanted to let you know my story.

So looking forward to hearing the results of your next weigh-in! You sound so positive and strong :)
Thanks both for your lovely replies :)

Good luck with your first week latinainglesa, you'll do great I'm sure.

I have a sodding chest infection :(
I forgot to mention that last time. My chest rattles every time I breathe!
I'm glad it's now though because I'm off on holiday in 6 weeks and would have hated to be ill while I was away.

But yeah, I'm going on holiday in 6 weeks :D :D :D I cant wait.
It's only to the seaside (Great Yarmouth) but I LOVE the seaside and it will be nice to get away for a little bit.
Cant believe it's only 6 weeks away, we booked this last year!

Also...........I don't know what time it is right now!!!!
The clocks went forward didn't they but I don't have any clocks in my home, just my laptop clock and I don't know if it changed itself or what.
So I have no idea what the time is!
lol the time as I'm typing is 11.29am. Computers usually reset themselves but what I did to double check this morning was google "what's the time in London" and it comes up with the correct time :)

Oooh 6 weeks, that's awesome. Hope you get decent weather for it too.
Coming up for 4 weeks on exante now (on Thursday)
Got another goodness knows how many months to go though!

I am still not leaving my home when I'm on my own :(
I feel like an idiot.
When I'm with my brother I'm ok (ish) but I cant even leave my front door to go and collect the post from my post box in the hallway (I live in a flat so I go out my front door, down a little corridor, out another door and the post boxes are on the wall by the main front door)
I've tried to go out, I really do try all the time but I start having a panic attack and just slam the door and then refuse to go anywhere.
This is not good.
I used to love going on long walks around the village on my own. I'd walk to my mums which is about a mile up the road. I'd take my cousins to the park. I'd be dropped off at aqua aerobics I cant even get out my own front door and it just makes me so sad :( Pathetic really.

And some pictures to add to my depressing thread to cheer me (and everyone else) up :D

My 2 house bunnies Angel and Sydnee, they are 10 and 9 years old now so they're getting on a bit but they are great.
Follow me about and take up more space in my bed at night than I do!

And my little roborovski hamster Jeffrey who is 10 months old. He's awesome but a little scatty!
Coming up for 4 weeks on exante now (on Thursday)
Got another goodness knows how many months to go though!

I am still not leaving my home when I'm on my own :(
I feel like an idiot.
When I'm with my brother I'm ok (ish) but I cant even leave my front door to go and collect the post from my post box in the hallway (I live in a flat so I go out my front door, down a little corridor, out another door and the post boxes are on the wall by the main front door)
I've tried to go out, I really do try all the time but I start having a panic attack and just slam the door and then refuse to go anywhere.
This is not good.
I used to love going on long walks around the village on my own. I'd walk to my mums which is about a mile up the road. I'd take my cousins to the park. I'd be dropped off at aqua aerobics I cant even get out my own front door and it just makes me so sad :( Pathetic really.
I have every sympathy with you I suffered from agrophobia after the birth of my daughter. I had to go out some of the time but I suffered agonies just going outside to hang out my washing. I ended up going to the doctor who gave me tablets to help relax me. Eventually the feelings subsided.
I wish you the best of luck on your recovery, maybe you will get a bit better as the weight drops off and you gain in confidence. I hope so.
Mere x
Oh hon *hugs*. I really do think you need to get some counselling, even if it's just to talk things through with someone. And as Mere says, you can get medication to help with the anxiety. Now that you've made your statement that's out of the way, it's time to start getting on with your life. You've taken the first step with this diet, now you need to deal with this anxiety. Can you get a home visit from your doctors if you explain the issues? Or find if there's a victim support group near you that might be able to help in some way? Take advantage of any help you're offered too, even if you dont think you should. And in the meantime we're all here if you want to vent.

and OMG your little ones are adorable. My daughter would love them, she's already asked for a hamster but we dont have space, even for a little one. I told her if we eve win the lottery and get a bigger house then she can have a whole bunch of pets.
My doctor is very unsympathetic about mental health/anxiety issues. Just tells me to get out more, fresh air will do me good etc.....I would go out if I could, she just doesn't listen!
I was put in contact with victim support and it's getting a bit annoying because they have said they are not allowed to meet me at my house (no idea why) and that I have to go into town (an hour away) If I cant get out my front door I will not be able to travel an hour away.
I think I might make a doctors appointment next week as I was supposed to have done that weeks ago and I keep putting it off.
I might write everything down for her to read when I get there because if I start talking I babble and don't get out what I need to get out, so maybe writing it down in advance will help.

Ah thanks Jael, my animals are what keep me going :)
I have a mixture of pets and rescue animals here atm as I run a little rescue.
Right now I have my 2 bunnies, 6 hamsters, 2 mice, 2 rats and some gerbils waiting to come in next weekend.
If I didn't have my animals I sometimes wonder if I would be here at all, they need me though so I'm staying!

Sorry to be all depressing today :(
I have days like this.
Having this diary helps quite a lot because I don't keep everything bottled up.
Hi Blue
I have just read all through your diary, and first of all well done for staying 100% The first weeks results were brilliant, so when you do weigh yourself it will be really encouraging.
Keep going even through all the tough times, you will be so glad for it when that holiday comes around

Hi blue

I've just read your post, why don't you give MIND a ring, they will be able to signpost you to much better local support services. I also used to go on a forum called 'no more panic' where you can chat with people suffering with similar probs- warning sometimes I got anxious reading about other people's anxieties lol I kid you not! And don't go on the health anxiety forum... You ll convince yourself that your about to pop your

keep going I believe in you.x
Hi blue :)
I hope you're well today :)