Booted on to LL Lite!

If you have to pick, raw veggies are ok as long as they are in the list! That's what helped keep me sane when I was doing the lite!
Hi Ladies,
Could i ask your advice please?

I'm a stone and a half off my target weight on Total and I've started going a bit mad :)

I'd love to switch to Lite and felt really hopeful when I saw you'd all switched.

But it looks like you're finding it hard?

On Total, we're meant to lose 3lbs a week. How much are you expected to lose on Lite?

And can I ask if you would you advise against switching to Lite?

Thanks very much!!
A xxxxxxxxxxx
Hi Alice. I'm very close to my goal which may be partly why I'm finding it harder, but I do think i found the absolute clarity of Total more straightforward. Having said that though I've had a good couple of days and am looking forward to my proper meal tonight! I was forced onto Lite because my BMI went under 25. In any case, my LLC had a point when she said I would have to start eating food again sometime! Difficult decision for you, and I can only go by my own experience, but I would say stay on Total until you have to switch, unless you think you will be able to cope with the blurred boundaries of Lite without bingeing.

Good luck, whatever you decide!!
I found it quite easy to begin with, it's only since being a could of pounds off goal I have struggled. I lost around 3lb per week when i was 100%
I found LLL impossibly hard but when I did it I wasn't in a very good place with my life and introducing food into this knocked me out for six.
Im back on full abstinence but tbh I'm struggling. I'm getting bored with the packs and crave a change.
You can't win can you lol

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There is no Magic way to get to the end of this. At times it seems easy, at times it's tough. At those times I find it useful to look
back and see how far I've come and how I felt about myself before LL and the things that have changed. Maybe write it down , maybe discuss with your LLC.
The closer you are to goal the harder it is because you are slim, you can wear nice clothes, you can be more physically active, people you know say you don't need to lose any more.
That may be true, but now comes the hard part - not slipping slowly back into your old habits.
Losing the weight by abstinence is the easy bit- keeping it off is the hardest.
Mags, congratulate yourself. You have done so well. Stick with it hun. IT WILL BE SO WORTH IT. xxxx
Thank you SB. You're a star! Just getting ready to go and see my LLC. Maybe she can talk some sense into me. X

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Hi Ladies,
How are you all doing? I feel like a bit of a stalker but I'm so interested in how you're all finding the move to Lite after Total.

Spangly, how are you feeling now? Any better?

