Hi. Sorry but it's not true about drinking whole milk while breast feeding, (I'm not directing this at you, Cuddlepaws, just at the wrong info the midwife has given out) - it makes no difference at all. Humans can exist quite happily with out any dairy products at all and drinking milk does not correspond in any way shape or form to making milk whether it be full fat, semi skimmed or skimmed. Even full fat milk is less than 5% fat... If you want more info about this, I would speak to a more reliable source than a midwife who is giving out of date info... try la leche league, (
www.lalecheleague.com) or perhaps the NCT who can put you in touch with a breast feeding counsellor.
I know this is probs not a big issue for you and I know I'm going off on one but I soooo hate it when medics give out bad, wrong information.
Just eat well and do loads of exercise - don't eat too many fatty or sugary foods and no harm will come to you or your baby AT ALL, you will have a plentiful milk supply, (so long as your baby is not denied any feeds and you don't supplement) and you should be able to BF until both you and your baby are ready to give it up!!!
I shall go away now and splash my face with cold water - I hope you're not offended by this post, it's not meant to make anyone reading feel uncomfortable!!!
Lots of love and respect.