breath of a thousand dogs!!

Don't you mean 'breath of a thousand DEAD dogs' lol!! I know, what can we do? I've been drinking loads .... does this help?
Loool that made me really laugh I just asked oh 4 a kiss and he said he would rather kiss a dead dog lol..I find the strips only last for a few seconds :( don't think there's much we can do
Plenty of water n brush your teeth. I brush mine about 5-6 times a day sometimes. Listerine mouth wash is good as well.
i just dont talk to hate to knock sumone out by simply saying good morning lol
Love me love my breath!!!!
I am on week 4 and the breath is not as bad. I use listerine twice a day and have the strips. Brush your tongue as well as teeth and gums. Hopefully goes away soon? X
have u ever forgot to wash ur shaker out i have one in work and one at home forgot to wash the one at work one day when i opened it the next and it nearly knocked me it thats why r breath stinks lol x worth it in the end though
Our pharmacy sells breath drops (75p each) Lipotrim friendly lol. very good and you only put one drop on your tongue. i once had breath so bad i squirted it in.....big mistake and made my eyes water lolol.

as i see it if my breath is bad its working (good sign of ketosis)lol
ha ha ha this is funny. Every time I talk to OH or my eldest they back away from me. So now any time they annoy me I threaten to breathe on them lol.
My poor baby cant escape though - poor child no wonder he wont give me a kiss :)
ha ha ha this is funny. Every time I talk to OH or my eldest they back away from me. So now any time they annoy me I threaten to breathe on them lol.
My poor baby cant escape though - poor child no wonder he wont give me a kiss :)

hahahaha this tickled me..... same here... xx
So here we are, breath stinking like a thousand dead dogs and peeing like pensioners!!! Whoever said this was easy ..... oh, I remember NO-ONE!! Oh well, at least I've got Sunday weigh in to look forward to (I hope!)
I was talking to a lady and I forgot about my death breath and was rather close to her and without her realising she held her nostrils lol how embarrassing